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Chapter 186: Capture Tian Guang, Kill Tian Meng (6)

The next day, noon.

The sun is unusually bright today. There were still dark clouds before noon, but after noon, the clouds cleared up.

Just like Tian Yan's mood.

A dark cloud that had been weighing on her heart for a long time was about to dissipate.

Daze Mountain.

Tian Yan is still wearing the extremely slim-fitting Luowen assassin outfit, holding a Jingli sword and wearing a mask with sword marks on his face.

She stands on a cliff.

That was the cliff where Zhao Gao stood yesterday.

There are many trees and lush grass.

The scenery is breathtaking.

There are several cliffs like this in Daze Mountain.

A thin tattoo of a spider was left on her back.

That's a symbol.

A symbol of the snare.

It is also a symbol of her being a chess piece.


A little bit indeed.

But what matters now is not the humiliation, but how to get rid of Tian Meng first, then take control of the farmhouse Lieshan Hall, and then spy on the entire farmhouse.

As a chess piece being manipulated, you should make good use of your identity as a chess piece, strive to develop yourself, strive to get rid of the identity of a chess piece, and even become a chess player.

Not every chess player is born a chess player.

Similarly, this tattoo is also evidence that she is indeed the snare killer.

As for the future?

One hundred thousand disciples of a farmer's family, if they are trained, given enough equipment, and prepared with enough food and fodder, then...

Then manage it well and wait for the world to change.

Of course, these are all too far away.

It was so far away that her outline of this goal was still very vague, and she was so vague that she was not sure whether she should do it.

But it knows exactly what to do now.

Tian Meng! Tian Meng!!!

Every time she thinks about that scene, she still feels a surge of extreme hatred in her heart.

It's just that now, she can no longer help showing her hatred on her face.

As for why, whether it was right or wrong, she no longer cared.

From the moment he took action, it was destined that only one person could live between her and her "adoptive father".

Maybe by keeping him, he could create a bigger and more perfect game. Zhao Gao wouldn't say anything and would be happier, but she couldn't bear it anymore.

Moreover, Tian Meng is ambitious and seeks refuge in the trap. How can such a person stay?

In fact, many people don't understand why Tian Yan in the original work not only works for Luo Wen, but also secretly opposes Luo Wen many times.

Because her position is not the trap, but herself.

From the dense forest behind her, a man in black and a bamboo hat walked out quickly, walked behind Tian Yan, bowed his hands to Tian Yan and said: "Master Jing Salamander, we have led out the assassin according to the plan.

Tian Meng."

This is also a font killer.

Tian Yan's plan was very simple. In the name of Luo Wang Jing Salamander, he invited Tian Meng to come out alone to discuss matters, and then directly hacked him to death with swords.

The person she sent held the nine-star pearl grass that symbolized Tian Guang's identity. She asked the person to tell Tian Meng that Tian Guang had been eliminated in the net. Master Zhao Gao sent Jingshao to help him capture the farmhouse. This time, he wanted to

He came out to discuss the next step.

After all, he is most familiar with the situation of farmers.

Tian Meng never expected that Frightened Salamander was here to kill him. After all, in his eyes, he was of great use to Zhao Gao.

"Well done. If there are any tasks that are difficult to complete, come to me and I won't just sit back and ignore them.

If the news of what happened today leaks out, you must be familiar with the methods of Master Zhao Gao of the CRRC Mansion." Tian Yan's gloomy voice came from behind the mask.

"I understand your humble position!" The assassin quickly knelt down on one knee and said to the Jing Salamander in front of him.

His face under the bamboo hat couldn't help but reveal a bit of joy.

This is a great thing for him, because it means that Lord Jing Salamander remembers him.

Can he take the opportunity to become Lord Jing Salaman's confidant?

Jing Salamander is one of the first-class people in Luowang and has a high position of authority. If he can become this person's confidant and have Lord Jing Salamander as his backer, there will naturally be many benefits.

At the very least, the few killer names that were on the same level as him before will all have to look at his face from now on.

The warm wind blows slowly.

When the assassin raised his head, Tian Yan's graceful figure had disappeared.

A forest somewhere in Daze Mountain.

A trickling stream flows through the forest, and there are dense woods. There are birds resting on the branches in the forest, but they are soon frightened away by the sound of footsteps.

The sun's rays fall from the sky and hit the ground, forming brilliant spots of light.

There were only two people coming, one was wearing black clothes with a spider web pattern embroidered on his body, a bamboo hat on his head, his face was covered by a black veil, and he was holding an unsheathed sword.

The other person, although it was summer, was still wearing a scarf and dark and earth-toned clothes. He was also holding a sharp sword. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was calm and domineering.

"When will we arrive?" the man walking behind urged with a somewhat impatient tone.

That person was none other than Tian Meng.

And the person leading the way in front of him was just a Luowang-level killer, and he had many small characters of this level under his command.

"Tell me, sir, we'll be here soon." Naturally, the earth-level killer didn't dare to disobey Tian Meng, and just told him that he was almost there.

The earth-level killer did not dare to look back at Tian Meng's face, and naturally he did not see the mocking smile on Tian Meng's face.

Naturally, Tian Meng was not really impatient, but was preparing to give another blow to the new colleagues he was about to meet.

After shaking the Nine Star Pearl Grass in his hand, he was very surprised that Luo Wang actually captured Tian Guang.

That's Tian Guang's Nine Star Pearl Grass. He won't admit it, even if it turns into ashes, he won't admit it!

After Tian Guang died, it was time to take complete control of the farmhouse.

Of the six farm halls in the farmhouse, three have surrendered to him, including his Lieshan Hall.

The position of knight leader is already in his pocket, it just depends on when he will take it out.

At this time, Zhao Gao brought the Frightened Salamander to Daze Mountain. What did Mr. Zhao Gao want to do?

Are you here to help?

In fact? It’s not about decentralization!

But even if he knew that the Jing Salamander was here to restrain him, it was difficult for him to say anything.

Because the person Zhao Gao wanted was indeed lost.

He himself felt strange that his wife was missing, because only he and the people in the trap knew the details.

Naturally, he would not abandon his wife for nothing, so who mysteriously took his wife away?

The incident happened in such a hurry. Now that I think about it, could it be that Zhao Gao directed and acted in order to reasonably place the Frightened Salamander in Daze Mountain?

In his mind, the only people with this ability are Luo Shen.

No matter what, I will meet Mr. Jing Salamander later and let’s see what he says!

In this Daze Mountain, the farmers have the final say!

It is true that Tian Zhong, Tian Mi and others also secretly took refuge in Luo Sheng, but when the time comes, they still have two opinions on how to choose between him and Zhao Gao!

Tian Hu is the only one who follows his lead. Tian Mi framed Chen Sheng before, and Wu Kuang has the handle in his hands. As for Tian Zhong, he has to think carefully. If he falls, who will stop the Zhu family's anger for him!

From the moment he changed his surname, the old man of the Zhu family already hated him to the core!

This chapter has been completed!
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