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Chapter 199: Lord Tingwei has an order

In the net stronghold.

Zhao Gao and three sword slaves pushed open the gate of this stronghold in embarrassment.

The demon's face was scarred, bloodstained, and in a miserable state, but he was leading the way with two swords in hand.

The Luowang assassin who pretended to be a store owner had already pressed his sword in his hand when he pushed in the door, but when he saw the demonic swords, he immediately changed his sword to cupped fists and saluted.

"I've met Lord Sprite in my humble position." The killer knelt down on one knee, bowed, and said to Sprite.

The other Luowang killers who were drinking in the wine shop also knelt down on one knee and saluted.

They may not recognize the monster, but they will definitely remember the murderous weapon.

More importantly, their immediate superiors have already knelt down.

So they all put down their weapons and saluted.

The demon did not accept their worship, but took a few steps toward the door and got out of the way.

The visitor had a sinister face, wearing the red robe of a Qin eunuch, an official hat on his head, his short blood-colored hair slightly messy, his hands behind his back, and he looked like a master. He walked slowly into the door, stepping on the few lights in the room with every step.

Among them, he also stepped on the hearts of the assassins in the net, walked from the light of the outside world into the shadow of corruption, and accepted the worship of demons and demons.

But if you are a person with advanced skills, you will definitely be able to detect that there is some uncontrollable chaos in your inner breath.

But on the surface, he is still as stable as Mount Tai, with extraordinary bearing. He is the popular man in front of King Qin, the official of Zhongche Mansion, Zhao Gao.

No matter how serious his injuries were, he would not expose his weak side to others.

He was ambushed and his important subordinate Luan Shen was captured. It was estimated that the situation was already in danger.

Zhao Gao felt resentment, anger, and hatred in his heart at this moment, but he did not lose his mind. On the contrary, he was unusually calm at this moment.

Even if seriously injured.

He has profound cultivation and extraordinary martial arts, but his most terrifying thing is not his martial arts.

It's about his identity and the power that this identity brings him.

and the vassals and foundations of power.

and countless relationships.

It won't be long before he can replace the dead Tianzihao killer.

Duan Shui's successor has been selected, but it is still being trained and inspected, and has not yet been appointed. Moreover, its strength is far less powerful than the previous Duan Shui.

Thinking of Duanshui who died in Yan State, Zhao Gao couldn't help but feel a faint pain in his heart.

What a great weapon? Especially with the breath-holding skills, and in conjunction with the other five sword slaves, even a master of Wan Zhang's level would have at least a 50% to 60% chance of winning.

And it was Duanshui who gave Six Sword Slave this weapon that threatened the ability of a master of Wan Zhang's level.

Now, the vacancy caused by Duanshui's death has not been completely filled, and Chaos God has been brought in again.

A feeling of frustration lingered in Zhao Gao's heart for a long time.

Turning Soul and Destroying Soul stood behind Zhao Gao, both of them were also injured.

The group of people were exhausted and in a very embarrassed state.

"My lords, please come upstairs." Naturally, the killer of that local name did not dare to neglect, and still knelt down on one knee, lowering his head and said to Zhao Gao and others.

Then, he stood up and respectfully led the way.

Looking at this scene, Zhao Gao followed the killer towards the second floor, thinking silently in his heart.

"Wan Zhang." Zhao Gao secretly resented it and murmured Wan Zhang's name in his heart.

"You made a big mistake, that is, you didn't kill me today.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late in ten years. Although I am not a gentleman, I can wait for you for ten years, twenty years, or even longer!

One day, when I ascend to a high position, I will use the power of the Qin State to trap and kill your Confucian disciples and burn all your Confucian books to vent my hatred!" Zhao Gao walked step by step on the way to the second floor, secretly hating in his heart.


Although he was defeated for a while, he was still the master of the net and had overwhelming power!

Also, isn't he looking for Wei Yan?

Humph, how could he not find it?

Of course, he can still distinguish between the farmer's fat and revenge.

Although he was angry, he did not lose his mind.

But soon, the news from Xianyang made his face turn pale again.

Half an hour later.

Zhao Gao was sitting in a private room on the second floor of the restaurant, sitting cross-legged and meditating, nursing his previous injuries.

The two sword slaves, Zhuan Po and Mie Hun, were outside the room, either standing or working, each nursing their injuries and on guard.

The demon was on the roof of the wine shop, watching the surroundings.

In the room, Zhao Gao sat cross-legged.

A stream of cold sweat fell from Zhao Gao's forehead, and veins popped up on the back of his hands.

Suddenly, a demon's voice sounded outside the door, which was supposed to be on guard outside: "Sir, there is a message from Xianyang."

"Speak." Outside the door, the demon kneeled respectfully on one knee, lowered his head, facing the doorway, and Zhao Gao's feminine voice came from inside the door.

Although the sprite's aura is still a little disordered, it is no longer a serious problem.

However, his clenched fists highlighted his inner unrest.

"Lord Tingwei has something to say: Luo Wang's plan to destroy Confucianism is of great importance. Lord Zhao Gao is requested to return to Xianyang quickly and make long-term plans." The demon conveyed the news he had just received.

Lord Zhao Gao was not in Luowen, and the news spread to the surrounding Luowen strongholds along with the carrier pigeons.

Inside the door, Zhao Gao looked surprised, while outside the door, Zhuan Po and Mie Hun looked at each other, at a loss.

"Destroy Confucianism?" Zhao Gao murmured to himself. Everyone in the room was dumbfounded. He couldn't help but stop healing and start thinking.

Even though he was the master of the net, he could not combine himself with the destruction of Confucianism for a moment.

He had just been beaten by Wan Zhang and fled. Although he now has the idea of ​​​​revenge on Confucianism, he is just thinking about it at this stage.

There are still ten thousand chapters in the Confucian Little Sage Village, and Xunzi is in charge. These scholars, in Zhao Gao's eyes, are more threatening because of their ability to use swords.

Moreover, Tingwei Li Si was also from Xiaoshengxianzhuang and had inextricable ties with Confucianism.

"Do you know what Mr. Ting Wei means during the interrogation?" Zhao Gao's somewhat doubtful voice came from inside the door.

"Tell me, Sir, this matter..." The sprite came one by one according to the information that had just been transmitted.

Three days ago.


The bright moon is in the sky, and the stars are shining brightly. There are a few clouds hanging in the sky, but they do not cover the bright moon or the stars.

It was a very good night.

It seems that every star willing to shine can find its own position in this vast night sky and emit the light it should emit.

Illuminating every living being, whether they want to look up at the stars or not.

It also illuminates myself.

Even if it is still in the boundless darkness.

Is this really a good night? Or is it just some people's illusion, or is it a good night for some people?

Maybe not everyone likes to look up at the stars, and not everyone likes this night.

But the night when the light of those burning stars can shine on the earth without reservation is really beautiful.

The beauty is tragic, the beauty is magnificent...

Tingwei Mansion.

Li Si was currently sitting in front of a piece of paper in the room, reviewing official documents and handling state affairs.

Although he holds a high position, he has been treading on thin ice for many years.

How can it be easy for a person who can win Ying Zheng's trust!

How can it be simple for those who hold high positions in this world and never fall?

Tingwei Mansion is not too gorgeous.

Li Si is currently in the study room of Tingwei Mansion.

This chapter has been completed!
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