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Chapter 215 Discussion (3)


Lieshan Hall.

Inside the meeting hall.

The cold light from the bronze iron windows seemed to be a bit sharper.

"Why don't you let Ah Ci take over the position of the master of Lieshan Hall in the farmhouse temporarily?" Tian Yan looked at Tian Hu, Tian Zhong and Tian Mi in front of him and said, she almost wanted to laugh.

She will get what she wants in a beautiful way that leaves no one with any problems afterwards.

Looking at the various forms of living beings in front of her, she suddenly discovered that human desire is a very scary thing.

Zhao Gao and Tian Hu are the same kind of people.

They are all people who only know how to obtain power and use power, but do not know what power is.

The difference lies in the size of the pattern and the sophistication of the means.

Caught deep in the whirlpool, few people can escape the trap.

Desire is a very strange thing, that is, it can make you continue to go crazy without knowing what you want.

You can't see clearly even the road leading down.

Now she already has enough power, and has the golden finger of the Wanjie Trading Platform, as well as the understanding and perception of future history in her mind. Moreover, she has grasped enough power. As time goes by, she only

He will become stronger and stronger, and the power in his hands will only become greater and greater.

Is it time to properly plan your future?

Now that she is no longer the weak Tian Yan, one word can determine the future of thousands of people. She has both power and responsibility. How should she go next...

It's time to make an idea.

Sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat. In this troubled world, there is only life and death, victory and defeat, how can you be alone?

"This..." Tian Zhong looked at Tian Yan with a troubled expression, but couldn't explain why.

She found a perfect reason to push away the position of the leader of the farmer's Lieshan Hall that fell on her head from the sky.

Ordinarily, taking over as the head of Lieshan Hall would be a good thing for Tian Yan?

Why push three and block four?

Tian Ci succeeds as the head of Lieshan Hall?

Is this realistic?!

Tian Hu knew very well that Tian Ci was born weak. It was said that he had just learned to speak not long ago. Not to mention that he was so weak, not to mention that he was only a few years old!

Even his eldest brother himself doesn't have much hope for him.

Would Xia Kui agree to hand over 16,000 people into the hands of such a weak child, let alone them?

But that cannot be said. After all, no one is sure where Tian Meng is now.

Even though Tian Hu was as big-hearted as Tian Meng, he had a vague premonition about Tian Meng.

"I wonder, has my sister-in-law come back?" Tian Hu thought for a long time, looked at Tian Yan and asked.

Upon hearing this, Tian Yan changed his expression to a worried one and shook his head.

Tian Hu and Tian Zhong would not be able to handle Tian Yan's amazing operation.

"The eldest lady has the heart of a younger brother behind the curtain. But the master of Lieshan Hall not only represents power, but also represents the life and death of the sixteen thousand people in Lieshan Hall. This is not a trivial matter. For the sake of the overall situation, I also ask the eldest lady to succeed the peasant family Lieutenant."

Lord of Shantang.

We are all a family. As long as our surname is Tian, ​​who is the leader of the hall will be different?

I think the boss will be very pleased if he finds out." Tian Mi opened her mouth and said to Tian Yan.

At this moment, Tian Zhong and Tian Hu were still in a daze.

"Well, what I said is absolutely true, Ayan, listen to my second uncle this time.

With us elders taking care of us, nothing will go wrong. From now on, everything can be the same as before. If the eldest brother is not here, it’s time for me to take on the responsibilities of the eldest brother!" After Tian Hu heard this, he reacted and spoke to Tian Yan.

"It all depends on the second master and the eldest lady." Tian Zhong agreed.

"Everyone's words make sense. Before my father comes back, I will temporarily take over as the master of Lieshan Hall in the farmhouse.

He must do his best to make the farm more prosperous.

Tian Yan is young and inexperienced, and he has a long time to come. I hope his second uncle and the elders will take care of him in the future." Tian Yan said to several people meaningfully.

Her delicate face was full of perseverance.

"Okay, okay, okay! Ayan, until the big brother comes back, you will work hard with your second uncle. Once you take down that old man from the Zhu family, the farm will be our Tian family's world." Tian Hu held the Tiger Soul Sword in one hand, his eyes

Staring slightly, he said loudly.

An hour and a half later.

Tian Hu, Tian Mi, and Tian Zhong walked out of Lieshan Hall together.

Tian Yan also allowed them to have a meal, after all, it wouldn't be a good idea to just send them all away, wouldn't it?

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the banquet, in which both host and guest had their own agendas, also ended in this cheerful atmosphere.

The group of them came in great numbers and left in great numbers.

"Tian Mi, why didn't I realize that you have such a good eloquence before?" Looking at the surrounding trees and luxuriant grass, Tian Hu felt relaxed and happy. He didn't look back, he just stopped and asked domineeringly.


He is in a very good mood now. Now he can take the place of his elder brother and command the four houses of the farm family Tian. How can such a great happy event not make people happy?

If you look for it early, it will be like a dragon. Don’t wander around in the rivers and lakes.

It should be noted that under the scented bait, the contact point is a hook.

But for a simple person like Tian Hu, the fat that comes to your mouth must be eaten first!

What happens next? Never mind!

Anyway, in my eyes they are all scum!

Tian Mi performed particularly well today, much better than Tian Zhong.

"Second Master, I'm very jealous of you. The eldest lady has no ambition for power, but she respects her elders. She also has the ability to successfully challenge the six elders with the twenty-four formations of the Earth.

It is most beneficial to you that she succeeds as the leader of Lieshan Hall." Tian Mi was originally following Tian Hu far behind, but she quickly walked to Tian Hu's side and said sweetly.

She had a sweet voice, a perfect body, and a good appearance. She subconsciously swayed her plump figure, making all the disciples following her swallow their saliva.

"Yes, the second boss.

We are all members of the Tian family. If anything happens, the eldest lady will of course be on your side. With the strength and talent of the eldest lady, coupled with your peerless martial arts as the second master, together with the strength of the four members of the farm,

Who is that old man from the Zhu family?" At this time, Tian Zhong also stepped forward and echoed Tian Hu.

"Well said! Don't worry, I won't treat you badly when I become the next hero!" Tian Hu proudly promised everyone.

As for whether he offended Xia Kui? He didn't care.

How could he not be a hero?

Can Tian Guang sit in that position forever?

Tian Zhong, what Tian Mi said makes sense.

Tian Yan is just a teenage girl who has left the farm in the past few years and has just returned. Not to mention that she is not keen on power at all. Even if she wants to compete, can she win over him, who has been the leader of Chiyou Hall for many years?

Counting the 100,000 people in the farm family, besides Tian Hu, who else is worthy of being the next hero?

This chapter has been completed!
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