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Chapter 217: Cultivation

Daze Mountain, Tomb of the Six Immortals of Emperor Yan.

The six elders are sitting upright, divided into six positions, either meditating with their eyes closed, or making seals with their hands. Each of them is dressed in simple peasant clothes and even a mask. Each of them has a deep aura, like an outsider.

There are many moss and vines in the Tomb of the Six Sages of Emperor Yan. The statue of Patriarch Shen Nong is carved on the cliff, standing behind the six elders.

The six of them were once sheltered by farmers under the towering statue of the founder of Shennong. When they were young, they all dreamed of becoming heroes like the masters of the six major halls and the heroes.

Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and the moon fly by. Now, it is their turn to protect the statue of Patriarch Shennong.

Tian Yan is dressed in a star-blue fur coat, wearing a turban on her head, a jade dragon on her waist, and a jade pendant. She has a delicate and handsome face and a slender figure. She has an aloof and otherworldly temperament and stands in the middle of a hexagon surrounded by six elders.

She looked at the statue of Patriarch Shennong calmly, and then lowered her head.

"You're here." King Yao closed his eyes and said in an indifferent tone, enigmatically.

The deep and resonant voice, supported by the deep inner strength, seemed like the gods and demons spoke and the earth shook.

His unfathomable skills are vividly displayed in just a few words.

"I have met all the elders." Tian Yan spoke calmly, speaking neither humble nor arrogantly to the six people in front of him.

"Then do you know why you are called here?" Gu Shen was located behind Tian Yan, with an iron mask on his face and a wisp of beard on his left hand, and said in a deep voice.

Around it, several leaves floated by its side without any wind. Under the influence of an inexplicable attitude, they quickly changed from reddish to deep red, then to green, and then gradually withered, yellowed, and decayed until they were broken.

"I don't know." Tian Yan replied.

"I waited in the grave and ignored worldly affairs for many years. I didn't know anything about the outside world. How do I feel now?

When I kill Bai Qi, will the six countries breathe a sigh of relief?" Master Li closed his eyes and asked Tian Yandao with emotion or curiosity.

He was sitting on the spot, making seals with his hands, and running his skills, like a hermit in the mountains. From the aura that spread out from his body, you can glimpse the leopard, and you can still vaguely catch a glimpse of his majesty in his youth.

The Zhao people were unyielding and these prisoners could not be released. Qin was in short supply of food and grass. In desperation, Bai Qi gave the order.

Changping was slaughtered and surrendered, and all living beings were bleeding.

He is the hero of Qin, but he is his enemy and his enemy.

Four hundred thousand people.

After a thousand years, it may be just a cold number...

What was the most touching moment in this life for Master Li?

It was when the leader of the heroes took out the Shennong Order and the six of them were ordered to hone the twenty-four formations of Di Ze. The six people who had always been at odds put aside their grudges and shared the same hatred.

It was the calmness on Bai Qi's face when the six of them joined forces to besiege Bai Qi, and the relief when he died.

It was at this moment that, facing a junior who was extremely gifted and could almost be said to be an unborn genius, on a whim, when he recalled the past, he discovered that the grievances of his half-life, which were once so unforgettable, have now been lost in short memories.


There are only a few left worth remembering.

That's all.

After the calamity wave has passed, the brothers are still there, and when they meet, they smile and forget their grudges...


They may not really know anything about the outside world, or really know nothing about it, so what?

They just want to hear what the young people in front of them have to say.

They are strong enough, but they are all old after all.

"Returning to the elders, Qin has already destroyed Han and Wei.

The King of Qin sent his general Wang Jian to conquer Handan and capture the King of Zhao. The remaining forces of the Zhao State supported Zhao Jia as king in Dai.

Not long ago, Wang Jian defeated Yan again and allied forces defeated Ji, the capital of Yan.

King Qin Ying Zhengfen left the sixth generation, and the Qin State was united and united, becoming the top of the vassal states. Under his command were the great talents Li Si, Feng Jie, etc. as his wings, the military strategists of the Wang family, and the Meng family as their minions.

Nie is his fencing teacher.

At the same time, the Yin Yang family, Luo Sheng family, Gongshu family, etc. are their servants, and the unification trend has become unstoppable.

Changes that have not happened in hundreds of years are coming soon." Tian Yan glanced at the six people in front of him and said slowly.

"Yes, an era that has never appeared before is about to begin." Elder Xian Zong said with emotion.

"The dawn is coming for some people, and the long night I have been waiting for is coming. Farmers, where is the way out?

Do you have any insights?" Gushen turned to Tian Yan and spoke with endless worry.

It seems to be asking, but also seems to be talking to oneself.

Before Tian Yan could speak, he heard the soldier waving his hands again: "That's it, that's all, don't embarrass this junior."

That voice was so vicissitudes of life.

"You're here, you're finally here, someone worthy of our change." Master Li opened his eyes, the sharp and domineering aura dissipated from his body, he stood up slowly, and stood up straight, a somewhat old man.


Tian Yan: Σ⊙▃⊙川?

"Do you aspire to become a strong man?" Master Li said to Tian Yan, his voice more serious and cold than ever before.

This is his last question.

After all, he is a descendant of Lieshan Hall.

"Desire." Tian Yan replied calmly after hearing this.

"Why?" Master Li asked again. He could feel Tian Yan's persistence.

It is almost like a demonic obstacle, and you can sacrifice your life for it.

A young person with such a talent, what happened to her to make her so persistent?

Of course, he did not doubt Tian Yan's character. Although he had only met Tian Yan twice, Tian Yan gave him excellent senses. What's more, in terms of character, the old monster Wan Zhang had already taken care of it for them.


"I have been traveling for several years.

I have seen pastoral scenery, with several houses near mountains and rivers, a hermit, a happy wife and children.

I have also seen gold and jade pavilions hundreds of feet high, beautiful dancing girls, and ministers holding whips.

There are also Confucian and knight-errants who ask poets about poems when they meet on the road, and sing when they are drunk. They are heroic and courageous.

There are also civil servants with feather fans and silk towels, who protect the country and the people while laughing and talking, and annex the army and merge the country.

There are also princes casting gold platforms, selecting talents and talents, and three-foot jade dragons looking at the rivers and mountains..." Tian Yan spoke eloquently, telling the old people in front of him one by one about his experiences along the way.

She has always been a very rational person, and there is nothing wrong with that, but she is still human after all, and as her experiences were told one by one, her emotions were aroused a bit.

The blood boils slightly.

The high platform she built in her heart to protect herself actually had a tiny to insignificant crack.

There are cracks in everything, that's where the light gets in.

"Hahaha, yes, how can such a beautiful scenery not make people nostalgic?" Master Li laughed and looked at the young man in front of him and said.

Listening to the young man talk, he seems to be much younger.

"Is this the reason why you became stronger? That's not bad." Mr. Li stroked his gray beard and looked at Tian Yan and said.

Princes, generals and prime ministers, would you rather have the seed?!

This is the courage and ambition that the younger generation of their farm family should have!

It's a pity that they can only sit in this grave and can no longer see the outside world.

"No." Tian Yan frowned slightly, but soon relaxed and uttered these two words calmly.

Master Li's face froze, and the other five elders also looked at the handsome "young man" in star-blue clothes in front of them in astonishment.


Master Li: Why is it different from what I imagined?

"Why?" the soldier asked subconsciously.

"Because the hermit's enemies came to the door, he himself died tragically by the sword, his wife and children were burned in the fire, and several houses were instantly swallowed up by the karmic flames ignited by the evil of human nature.

Forced by the powerful, the beautiful dancer had no choice but to leave her hometown with her beloved and has been homeless ever since.

Things in the world are unpredictable, and Confucians and heroes encounter misfortunes and are harmed by villains.

The civil servant devoted himself to reforming the country, but was not reused. In the end, he himself was captured by other countries and died in a foreign country.

The prince worked hard to govern, but he was controlled by a foolish king at the top and a sycophantic minister at the bottom. In the end, his head was chopped off by the people he protected and sent to the enemy country as a disgusting gift in order to please his opponent.

Some of them are famous, heroes of an era, and their names will go down in history. Some are just insignificant people, and no one will remember their names.


I've seen them all." Tian Yan said calmly, with no expression on her face. At no time, she was calmer than now.

There are no forks in my road because the future is already determined.

"If I am strong enough, I will use my three-foot green sword to protect the people around me from the flames of war. I just want to be safe in this troubled world.

If I can be strong enough to protect one person, I can build tens of thousands of mansions and protect the poor people all over the world with joy.

If God allows me ten years, I would like to use my whole life to gather a thunder and create a crack in the heaviest darkness before dawn.

If I could live forever..." Having said this, Tian Yan sobered up a bit and was no longer so high-spirited.

"I am no more than a commoner in Daze Mountain, what can the princes and generals do to me?

I know that it is difficult to compare with the ancestors of Yan and Huang, Yao, Shun and Yu Tang.

But I am willing to use my three-foot green sword to kill the traitors internally and restore the country, drive out the foreigners externally, and promote the name of China.

I will show what I have learned throughout my life and do my best so that the descendants of Yan and Huang and the people of Li will no longer suffer from hunger and cold." Tian Yan said passionately.

It would be too boring to work hard just to avoid becoming a tragedy, wouldn't it?

Fight hard so that there will no longer be so many unbearable tragedies in the world, even though a worm can shake a tree and a mantis can use its arms as a cart...

Think about Zhao Gao’s villainous face.

We still have to let those "big shots" know it and remember deeply the famous saying "Princes, generals and prime ministers would rather have their own kind."

How many years have passed since the era of "The days are mourning, and you will all perish."

As a weak person, I once witnessed the tragedy happening with my own eyes. Now that I have become stronger than I could have ever imagined, how can I be at peace if I don't have a heart-stirring fight?

Of course, now is not the time.

It may take a long time to prepare.

Master Li looked at the young man in front of him in shock.

The other five elders are similar to him.

At this moment, he finally understood why Wan Zhang was willing to go to the Sixth Tomb of Emperor Yan alone for her.

Master Li reached out and took off the Nine Star Bead Grass hanging on his body. With a wave of his hand, the Nine Star Bead Grass flew towards Tian Yan with a strong wind driven by his deep inner strength.

Tian Yan stretched out her hand and easily caught the Nine-Star Bead Grass. She opened her palms and found an intact Nine-Star Bead Grass lying peacefully in her palm.

"Young man, this road will be difficult."

"The road to light is doomed to be full of thorns."

This chapter has been completed!
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