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Chapter 248 I want to go, no one can keep me. (2)


Yingchuan County.

Tian Yan was riding on the horse, holding the hilt of the sword lightly with his jade hand, and slowly inserted the sword into the scabbard.

Her fingers are slender and slender, and the movement of sheathing the sword, even her frown, smile, and gestures all have an inexplicable and thrilling beauty.

This beauty not only comes from clothing and appearance, but also from something inside.

Not all competitions need to be vicious. Many times, elegance can bring more pressure to the other party.

"In terms of swordsmanship, there are indeed few people in this world who can surpass Guigu Zongheng." Tian Yan smiled and said, the wind blew by, causing her black hair to flutter slightly.

There was both humility and confidence in that smile.

The more things Tian Yan comes into contact with, the more he is able to understand many of Ge Nie's behaviors.

Even though he is the best swordsman in the world, he is not too arrogant. Whenever he faces an enemy, he will always say that he is not sure of victory, even if the opponent he faces is far weaker than himself.

If you talk too much, it will be difficult to end it easily. Think twice before you act, and leave yourself room to move forward and retreat freely.

And she really admired Gai Nie's understanding of the way of swordsmanship.

But these humble words made Changping Jun and the old man in black feel even more stressed.

The old man in black was holding the Chu Sword, and his hand that was already holding the hilt of the sword became harder and harder. Although his facial expression remained almost unchanged, the veins on his hand still revealed something about his heart.

Finally, the old hand holding the hilt of the Chu sword let go of the hilt.

He suddenly let go, as if he had made a decision.

The murderous aura was also withdrawn. Of course, rather than being withdrawn, the way his aura dropped was more like a collapse.

He just turned over and dismounted and walked towards the big flag that was cut off by Tian Yan. The sergeants around him automatically made way for him. He firmly carried the big flag that fell to the ground and was stained with some dust and proudly carried it.

on the shoulders.

The flag is a little shorter than before, but it still stands under the blue sky.

This old man in black was once a famous swordsman in the Chu land. He later entered the Qin Dynasty with a sword and guarded many relatives of the Chu family. Until a few decades ago, when Lord Changping became the prime minister of Qin, he followed Lord Changping and guarded his side.

, until today.

He has met many young people. He was once a genius, surpassing his peers. Later, as time passed, he became more and more experienced.

Before coming here with Lord Changping, he had dismissed the famous and scary Mr. Wei Yan.

Even though the other party was praised as a god by Wan Zhang, a Confucian leader in the world, he did not take Wei Yan too seriously.

Most of the time in this world, talent is not as good as sophistication.

Swordsmen are all arrogant, even if he has to admit that he is old, so old that half of his body is buried in the ground. Even with rich experience, he may not be as strong as he was when he was young.

But he is still arrogant.

It's just that Tian Yan's sword blow just now brought a huge shock to his heart.

Unlike Changping Jun, although Changping Jun is good at martial arts, he is still different from him who is used to seeing life and death. He has an extremely keen sense of the sharpness of a "sword".

For an expert to know the rules, with his eyesight, it is not difficult to see through this sword that Tian Yan's strength is quite terrifying. Although his strength is not weak and he has been killing for a lifetime, at this moment, he is no match for this young man.

Tian Yan's modest and confident smile looked more like an unrivaled sharp sword in his eyes.

Walking with a sword in hand, standing alone in front of thousands of troops, chatting and laughing, this is exactly what he once wanted to be. But now, when he actually faces such a person, it feels like he is waking up from a big dream.

What else can make a swordsman feel more... mixed emotions than seeing his own era pass with his own eyes?

It's just that although he is old, he is not so old that he can't carry a flag.

The slightly broken Chu sword was still hanging on his waist.

Mr. Changping also felt considerable pressure.

Unlike the old man in black, what made him feel stressed was not Tian Yan's strength, but Tian Yan's attitude when talking about Gai Nie.

Winning or losing is something that many people care about, even if they think they don't care.

Understanding the word "win or lose" and acting only to maximize one's own interests is something that many people think about and think they are doing, but actually cannot do.

Let’s give an inappropriate negative example.

Wei Zhuang later cooperated with the Gongshu family and the forces of the Qin Empire to break through the Mohist government city. Although he had various calculations in his mind, in the end, the most important thing was the victory or defeat between him and Gai Nie.

Even Wei Zhuang, the leader of quicksand who is unrivaled in the world, cannot completely understand the word "win or lose".

There are many such examples.

There are many people who are full of passion, high-spirited, and eager to win. In order to make a name for themselves, they hold weapons and risk their lives. They fight just for the sake of victory or defeat. There are many people.

Let’s talk about Xinghun, who is known as a young genius, Xiaomeng, a Taoist Tianzong who is known as pure and inaction, and even the Moon God, the protector of the Onmyojia who seems to be mysterious but is secretly in tit-for-tat with his colleagues.

What frightened Lord Changping the most was that he didn't feel the power of Tian Yan, a teenage boy, such a peerless swordsman and young genius.

The kind of desire to win that belongs to both a young genius and a peerless swordsman.

Instead, there is a kind of gentleness and humility that should not appear at this age.

He had experienced this feeling of being strong without desire in two people. One person was an unnamed person, and he had been lucky enough to meet him once.

The other one was Gai Nie, the chief swordsmanship teacher around King Qin.

As a person who deals with the King of Qin all day long and is very scheming and strategic, it is impossible for him not to pay attention to the people around the King of Qin.

He was very impressed by this feeling, because when he felt this humility from Gai Nie that contained infinite indifference and lightness, he could no longer see through this Guigu disciple.

With such cultivation at such a young age, coupled with this kind of character, deep down in his heart, Lord Changping has secretly raised his threat level by several levels.

If he can't control someone like Wei Yan, then joining forces with Wei Yan may turn into a fool's errand that creates problems that he can't solve.

"Let's try again to see if his anti-Qin heart is firm enough." Lord Changping said secretly in his heart.

"After all, he is the blood of Lord Xinling." Lord Changping stood on his horse, with the flag flying behind him, stroking his hands and smiling, and then said as if with emotion: "He is indeed the son of Wei Wuji."

"Mr. Wei Yan, there are more than a thousand cavalry behind me. You see, they are arrayed in order. At such a close distance, no one can block their attack by oneself.

As long as I give the order, they can smash you to pieces in an instant!"

This chapter has been completed!
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