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Chapter 279 Continue to run business and strive for financial freedom (7)


Lieshan Hall.

In the building where everyone is discussing.

Several people in the hall had different expressions. Tian Yan calmly lowered his head and looked at the wine glass without a drop of wine. Tian Hu's face was livid, but he seemed to be worried about what was going on and held back. Tian Mi was enchanting and charming, smiling and smiling, Tian Zhongyi

His face was covered in cold sweat, his face turned earth-colored, and he lowered his head and looked at the table.

Opposite the Tian family, Situ Wanli and Liu Ji were also sitting on the same spot. Liu Ji had a bit of a smile on his face, but it didn't feel flattering, but rather a bit bold, while Situ Wanli

His face was expressionless. At this moment, this old gambler was a little more unpredictable than others.

"Everyone, I have called you here today because I have an allusion and a treasure that I want to appreciate with you all." Tian Yan once again raised the wine bottle without a drop of wine in his hand and said to everyone.

"I heard that the eldest lady once studied in Confucianism, and now that she has returned from studying, she is very knowledgeable and can be regarded as a great sage in the world.

The treasure that the eldest lady wants to appreciate with us must be very... very precious." After hearing this, Tian Zhong quickly stood up and clasped his fists at Tian Yan in agreement.

As long as I can save my life today, I can do anything.

"Yes, Miss, the Second Master and I are looking forward to it." Tian Mi's voice was so sweet that it could kill people. She sat on the spot and adjusted her posture so that she could fully display her enchanting charm.


More importantly, she had to set boundaries with Tian Zhong.

As a woman who is good at playing both sides, although her methods are not very clever and her strength is the weakest, she is still keenly aware that something is wrong in the atmosphere.

"Ayan's business is making a lot of money every day, and everyone in the farm family has received some favors. I think this treasure must be extremely precious." Tian Hu said carelessly, he didn't care about allusions or not.

Liu Ji had a look of curiosity on his face, but also a bit of natural caution.

Situ Wanli remained calm and sat on the same spot.

It took a long time for everyone to finish saying what they wanted to say.

"It seems that today's allusion to Master Tian Yan must be extraordinary. I just don't know which sage it is?" Situ Wanli sat in his seat, poured himself a glass of wine, and took a sip.

A truly smart gambler knows the outcome of the gamble before it starts.

Therefore, some people win for a long time and make a lot of money every day, while some people gamble for a long time and lose everything.

He bet that nothing would happen to him today.

"If this person is a sage, he is indeed a great sage in this world." Tian Yan responded to Situ Wanli with a smile, and then waved.

Several warriors understood the situation and moved a large box in the corner of the room to the lobby. Then they each stepped back and returned to their positions.

"Do you know what this is?" Tian Yan waved his hand, and an invisible force opened the wooden box in the hall, revealing the true appearance of the treasure inside.

"This, such beauty, this, this..." Situ Wanli, who had just looked calm just glanced at the treasures in the box, his expression suddenly changed, he stood up suddenly, and said in disbelief.

Situ Wanli stared intently at the contents of the box, and everyone in the hall was dazzled by the dazzling brilliance of the "treasure." For a moment, there was silence.

"This is... Liuli?" After a while, Tian Mi said with a bit of uncertainty in her tone.

As for Liu Ji, he didn't recognize what it was at all, he just thought it looked very good-looking.

Tian Hu and Tian Zhong were silent, but one was pretending to understand and the other was deliberately lowering his sense of existence.

But Tian Hu, with his years of vision, knew that this thing should be worth a lot of money.

Tian Hu had a little money and some power, but it was not enough for him to live a luxurious life.

He had heard of the treasure Sapphire Dragon Bottle, but he had never thought of buying a set.

He likes to drink, but he only drinks once in a while. So a set of six Longyan bottles and a set of cups costs two hundred gold.

What kind of cup cannot be used for drinking? What fool can use a two hundred gold cup for drinking?

"Is this, is this a Longyan bottle?" Situ Wanli looked at the treasures in the box for a while, then looked at Tian Yan with some uncertainty.

"Yes, the glazed dragon rock bottle." Tian Yan smiled calmly and named the treasure.

Situ Wanli's eyes were bloodshot and full of red bloodshot eyes. For the first time, he realized that this situation was beyond his control, but he couldn't care less.

Because he is a gambler. Even if he is a gambler, he is still a gambler.

Inside the box, six dragon rock bottles made of colored glaze were divided into two rows, with three in each row, and were neatly placed inside the box.

Under the illumination of a few rays of sunlight, the almost completely transparent Longyan bottle seems to be shining with dazzling light.

He has been in the auction business for so many years, but he has never seen real treasures, glass products, but this is the first time he has seen such crystal clear colors and such exquisite workmanship.

According to his eyesight, this is the only set of such exquisite glazed products in the world.

Priceless treasure, priceless treasure.

It can be used to pass down the family, it can be used to preserve the family heritage, it can be used to advance one's career, it can win the favor of the princes, and the worst is to put it up for auction. As long as it is speculated properly, the profit will not only be thousands of gold and silver?!

After all, things are rare and valuable, not to mention that there may only be one of them in the world.

"Miss, oh no, Hall Master Tian Yan, where did you get this thing? Can this thing be sold?" Situ Wanli quickly walked to the lobby, near the box, and then cupped his fists and saluted Tian Yan.

"I'm not the hall master, I'm just taking over my father's responsibilities temporarily. Please don't call me by mistake." Tian Yan waved his hand.

When Tian Hu heard this, his expression changed slightly.

Tian Hu felt a little guilty at the moment, for no other reason than that he had not thought of "big brother" for a long time. He and his eldest brother had supported each other for decades...

Ayan is such a good boy...

Situ Wanli understood and understood that he had made a mistake, so he retreated to his original position in embarrassment.

He originally thought that Tian Yan couldn't bring out any treasures, after all, there was no news at all.

Can this treasure be transformed out of thin air?

"Seniors and brothers, do you know the story behind this Longyan bottle?

Speaking of which, this story has something to do with our peasant disciples!" Tian Yan asked the crowd calmly.

As for whether the love-hate story between Han Feizi and Jade Tiger is considered an allusion...

Although this story is not very old, it should not be passed down through the ages, but who made it fit for the occasion, and...who made Tian Yan have such a big fist now.

When there are hundreds of soldiers around you looking at you and asking you kindly if you are touched, a normal person will definitely be moved to tears.

This chapter has been completed!
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