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The 295th chapter raid Taiyi Mountain (3)

Inside the bamboo house.

The short, fat old man with white beard, white eyebrows and white hair sat on the same spot, unmoved despite the sudden change in the sky and howling wind.

I don’t know the rain and dew, I don’t know the wind and frost, I don’t envy the so-called rich and noble gods, but Mr. Shi is the only one who is high.

If there is no wind, no waves, sit and lie down in the mountains. After you sing in the stands, who will appear again? Just wait for the legendary names to disappear, the princes die, the heroes break their swords, and the new protagonists step on the stage of history.

But I am still standing in the mountain, motionless.

After a long time, the old man sighed deeply.


There are thousands of troubles in the world. A hidden word can eliminate 99% of them. Let you have wealth and power in the world. There are always places in this world that money and power cannot control.

But today's visitors from the mountains are obviously not among the 99% of worries that can be solved by the word "hidden".

There are some troubles that cannot be avoided even in the deep mountains...

"Nangong, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Deep and inexplicably magnetic voices came from all directions. There was no emotion in the voice. It was not a gift from God, nor was it pleasant. Of course, it was not unpleasant either. It could only be said to be ordinary, but that's it.

A sound contains an evil attraction, like a black hole, making people indulge in it unconsciously.

There is no obscure but graceful Chu Ci as an opening remark, just a greeting.

Just like...two old friends meeting each other after a long separation greet each other.

But the old man known as "Nangong" in the room did not feel any joy at meeting his old friend again, and had a bit of a wry smile on his face.

"Oh, my body and bones are not as good as yours. If this continues, you will fall apart sooner or later." Chu Nan Gong stroked his white beard and said with a bitter smile.

But he still didn't get up and just sat there.

"Nangong, are you kidding?" The mysterious voice sounded again.

Suddenly, a figure covered in black robe appeared in front of Chu Nan Gong out of thin air. But strangely, although he appeared instantly, it didn't feel abrupt, as if he had always been here.

, as if he should be here.

Chu Nan Gong slowly raised his head and looked at the figure wearing a luxurious black robe in front of him. He looked at this figure carefully for a while. Although his expression remained unchanged for a long time, the old man's eyes still flashed.

A hint of shock.

"I never thought that His Excellency Dong Huang was one step ahead of everyone else in the world." After a long time, Chu Nan Gong looked at the figure in front of him with some emotion and said.

Tai Chi Xuan Yi, Yin and Yang Qi, although the Yin and Yang family is regarded as unorthodox and heretical by Taoists and even the world, but Donghuang Taiyi is extremely talented...

Before that, among the many top masters of various sects in the world, Bei Mingzi of Taoism, Donghuang Taiyi of Yin-Yang School, Wan Zhang of Confucianism, and Guigu's predecessor Guiguzi were the closest to this realm. None of these people

It is not a person who has extraordinary talent and has found his own "Tao", but coupled with a long period of accumulation, his cultivation level has already been beyond imagination.

It's just that Chu Nan Gong didn't expect that someone could actually achieve this step, and the person who took this step first would be Donghuang Taiyi.

"There is nothing in life, only chance comes by chance." Donghuang Taiyi's deep voice came from under the black robe.

In this way, the two top masters of the world, one black and one white, stood at the opposite poles of yin and yang under the sky, separated by a piece of paper, forming an inexplicable opposition.

Human feelings are one good and one evil, one yin and one yang. They can stand in one place, but they are not inconsistent with each other.

"I wonder, Your Excellency Donghuang, why do you come here to see me?" Chu Nan Gong said slowly, his voice was very slow, even when facing the most powerful person in the world in front of him, there was no breath from the beginning to the end.

Change is like a dying old man.

It seems that he and Donghuang Taiyi have quite a connection. After all, he is also from the Yin Yang family.

"Please, please come with me to "Taiyi Mountain"." Donghuang Taiyi's voice sounded again.

His voice seemed to come from under the black robe, and it seemed as if it should exist between heaven and earth.

"Cough cough...cough cough cough cough..." After hearing the three words "Taiyi Mountain", Chu Nan Gong suddenly opened his mouth and coughed.

He coughed very badly. From an ordinary person's perspective, he looked like an old man who had run out of gas.

But Donghuang Taiyi, who was standing in front of his case, still stood there, motionless.

After a while, Chu Nan Gong finally calmed down.

"You can go, but let's agree first. I'm getting old, and my body and mind are no longer what they were before. I can't bear the tossing you and Bei Mingzi have to do." Chu Nan Gong said slowly, his white Emei covering his face.

At the end, he turned his attention to his feet. After groping for a long time, he found his crutches. He used the crutches to support himself and stood up shakily.

In the original work, he also said this to Xinghun, but this time it was different.

Dong Huang Taiyi and Bei Mingzi, when I think of these two people, Chu Nan Gong's head hurts...

Tian Yan and Xinghun... are on the road at the moment.

A large number of carriages and a large group of knight guards formed a convoy and headed towards Taiyi Mountain of Zhongnan Mountain.

Tian Yan was sitting in his own carriage, running his exercises and practicing hard.

Just these few people went to the Taoist base camp. Tian Yan felt that the more internal strength he had now, the more vitality he would have in the future.

There were a total of four carriages in the convoy, and her carriage was ranked second, followed by Da Siming's carriage, Xinghun's carriage was behind Tian Yan, and last was the current Young Commander's carriage.

Moreover, Tian Yan still doesn’t know who he is going to catch this time. It’s not going to catch Xiaomeng, right?

The Butterfly Effect?

When he thought that he could not help but go to the Taoist Tianzong and kidnap people, Tian Yan hated Zhao Gao and Luo Wen even more in his heart...

Zhao Gao: First of all, I didn’t offend you this time. Secondly...

Although it was impossible for her to escape from the trap for a while, Tian Yan felt that she had to make some preparations in advance for the decisive battle in the future, recruit some people, or trap one or two famous killers in the trap.

At this moment, the cute girl with white hair is still practicing hard in Taiyi Mountain.

Taoist disciples are still practicing in the mountains as usual.

The Taoists are still unaware of the coming danger.

Only a slim old man in the mountains, seemingly on a whim, waved his hand to disperse the goshawks and many birds that were parked on his shoulders...

Daze Mountain.


Tian Yan's departure made many people breathe a sigh of relief.

Farmers, Tian Yan's Dawn, Luo Wang and other forces secretly compete with each other, intertwined, but interdependent on each other.

Each little spider hides in every inaccessible and hard-to-find corner, weaving its own dark kingdom, and then waits for unlucky flying insects to fall into its trap.

But all in all, nothing too bizarre has happened in Daze Mountain recently.

Because Tian Yan is no longer here.

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