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Chapter 86 Tian Yan's Study Path (5)

Inside the inn.

"Not only that, we will make another arrangement in three days. I will serve Master Zhao Gao with this dish." Tian Yan said to Feishuang calmly.

Regardless of that era, it is always good to please your immediate boss who you cannot afford to offend now.

The net only talks about tasks, regardless of whether the friendship is indeed a fact, but no leader can turn a blind eye to the kindness of his subordinates.

Even if there is, it's not Zhao Gao!

Because this is part of the rights he pursues!

"Entertaining Master Zhao Gao at Haiyue Xiaozhu?" Feishuang asked, stunned.

Tian Yan smiled.

"We are entertaining Qin's CRRC Order in Haiyue Xiaozhu? Once we are recognized, how many lives do we have to die?

Won't you take the food away?" Tian Yan touched his forehead angrily and shouted with a headache.

"I understand, I will make arrangements now." Feishuang immediately said to Tian Yan.

"By the way, the Six Sword Slaves, no, the Five Swords Slaves will come with Lord Zhao Gao?" Tian Yan asked Feishuang.

"I don't know, Dilian has never mentioned it," Feishuang reported back.

Confucianism, Xiaoshengxian Village.

In the study room.

“First, the law is complete but the morality of the people who practice it is incomplete.

The second, and the most important point in my opinion, is the resentment of the people." The Master smiled and said to the three disciples.

Hearing this, Fu Nian's eyes suddenly lit up.

He knew what that little bit of aura was.

Looks like he caught it!

"Please also ask the teacher to teach me." Fu Nian asked the master.

Zhang Liang and Yan Lu also came to watch.

The teacher's explanation gave them a new world.

"Tell me first, what is the poison in the country?" the Master asked the three disciples with a smile.

For a moment, all three disciples were silent.

Fu Nian and Yan Lu have never heard of it. This is a high-end gadget that is only available in Qin.

Zhang Liang's expression changed drastically.

"The poison in the country breaks out in the Qin State every once in a while, in small and intensive attacks. The Qin people who have lost their land turn into bandits, break into houses and become thieves, and destroy the order.

Lord Shang called this phenomenon "poison in the country" and proposed a solution by launching a war against foreign countries.

But this can only alleviate it, but cannot eradicate it." Zhang Liang said.

As expected, he once followed Han Feizi and had a good understanding of Legalist theory.

"Well, Shang Jun only studies how to divide and oppress the common people by any means in his life;

Turn people into farmers who can only farm, or soldiers who command wars;

Or a person who is a childbearing machine without emotion, how can he eradicate the poison in the country?

He was just giving the desperate Qin people a way to trade their lives for the lives of their families!

But how is it possible to turn everyone into parts of a machine beast? The Mohist machine beasts can be damaged due to corrosion of parts, let alone humans?

We are human beings, princes, generals and ministers are human beings, and so are the common people.

The teacher (Mencius) said: "The people are more valuable than the king." But the Lord Shang didn't take it seriously. He even thought it was extremely ridiculous. In his eyes, the common people were just livestock to be raised.

The emperor fights for the world, the princes fight for the territory, the officials fight for power, the scholars fight for status, but the common people...the fight is just for a mouthful of food." The master said slowly, with some sadness.

Zhang Liang's eyes lit up at this moment and he asked: "The so-called poison in the country is the resentment of people after being oppressed by harsh government and desperate?"

"Of course, tyranny is fiercer than a tiger." The Master said with a smile.

Zhang Liang once followed Han Feizi, but later, they failed.

He knows very well that in this world, in many civilian households, even the desire to eat a mouthful of food and barely avoid starving to death cannot be realized.

For example, when they moved the Jade Tiger, how many people were killed and their sons and daughters were sold because of this big profiteer?

"So, although Mr. Shang has great talents, it is not surprising at all, and it is not a pity that he ended up with a broken car.

This is the fate that a person who deceives people with evil talk deserves.

Just like Shaozhengmao back then." Fu Nian said silently.

"It's hard to tell right from wrong in worldly matters. Mr. Shang is indeed a great talent, so you shouldn't evaluate him like this." The old master looked at Fu Nian and corrected him with a smile.

The theory that the Master disliked the most in his life was Legalism, and even the "Mo School" that Mencius criticized many times, but the Master could still accept it.

Because he resented oppressing the people with harsh government.

What is even more ironic is that when he was the head of Xiaoshengxian Village, Xiaoshengxian Village produced two great talents in Legalism.

Moreover, they were the two most dazzling Legalist talents of this era, Li Si and Han Fei.

"I don't hate Xun Kuang, nor do I hate Li Si and Han Fei.

But I find it difficult to accept Xun Kuang's "human nature is inherently evil" and the Legalist theory." The master stroked his beard with one hand and said to the three disciples in front of him.

"In the first chapter of "Shang Jun Shu", "Modern Laws", Shang Jun once said: If there is no way to govern the world, the country will not follow the ancient laws. This means that in order to strengthen the country, you can do whatever it takes.

In order to protect the interests of the monarch, the Legalists require people to avoid private fights at all, but yet show complete bravery in public battles. How contradictory is this?

Ask yourself, when faced with the humiliation of my family, would I not resist at all?

The sage Confucius once said: "The king's way is restored, and the king is respected and the barbarians are repelled. The revenge of ten generations can still be avenged!" As for the revenge of the parents, "Sleeping on a thatch and pillow, not being an official, you can't share the world with us."

What’s more, I’m waiting?

Shang Junshu said: "If you punish the cowardly people, they will become brave; if you reward the brave people, they will be willing to die."

Legalists regard the people as livestock. Under the rule of Legalists, the country is rich and the military is strong. The so-called five strategies to control the people, in addition to causing disaster, are to kill the goose and obtain the eggs.

But it happens that this kind of doctrine is loved by the monarchs of the world, but my Confucian "benevolence and righteousness" has been abandoned." The master said sadly.

"Teacher, is human nature good or evil?" Yan Lu suddenly asked at this moment.

Zhang Liang and Fu Nian became nervous instantly, and they both sat up straight unconsciously. After all, this question was too sharp, and they also wanted to know the master's answer.

"Man's nature is empty at first, and since his nature is good, emptiness is beneficial to others. Peter's goodness is beneficial to others. If everyone is like this, the world will be unified.

But even if no one has ever done it, I firmly believe that an unprecedented prosperous age will eventually come." The Master sighed.

"I'm proud of you. Zhang Liang is talented and intelligent, and it's easy to rise through the ranks;

The road of Yan is as gentle as jade, with the wind of returning to the holy face;

Fu Nian, although you are young, you have been able to create your own "Saint King's Sword Technique" from the Confucian classics, and you have achieved some success. The future of Confucianism depends on your "Saint King's Way".

The most important thing is that even if my disciple Wan Zhang cannot be remembered in history, he will never cause trouble for thousands of years!" Thinking of this, Wan Zhang said.

"Disciple, I understand." Fu Nian and three others said in unison.

At the same time, Wan Zhang thought about the young man he met this morning.

Although he is young, he has excellent concentration, profound skills, and brilliant literary talent. In terms of talent, he is still above the three people in front of him.

Especially in terms of skill, he was only thirteen or fourteen years old, but he was already above Fu Nian and Yan Lu today.

To have such skill at this age can be said to be an unparalleled genius.

He is an addicted teacher who teaches students.

How can you tolerate such a piece of rough jade being ruined by others?

The fire ignited in his eyes again, and the anger and depression just now were gone, as if he was dozens of years younger.

When asking about his purpose, with his excellent hearing, he could sense that the boy's heartbeat was steady, and it was definitely not a fake.

How could such a talented and hard-working young talent be left in Xun Kuang's hands?

"No, I will never let Xun Kuang mislead his disciples again. This genius must become my disciple." Wan Zhang said secretly in his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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