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Chapter 75 Breaking the City in a Day



"Hurry and take cover!"

Zhang Liao shouted at the top of his lungs, but his voice seemed so small amidst the roar of the boulders.

Zhang Liao originally planned to surprise the enemy troops attacking the city, so most of his soldiers and horses were ambushed on the city wall. This also gave them little time and space to escape when the boulder came.

In just the first wave of the offensive, before even seeing the enemy, the defenders had already suffered more than half their casualties.

In fact, if Zhang Liao calmed down, he would find that not many defenders were actually killed by huge rocks. Most of the soldiers died because of nervousness and trampling on each other.

But now that Zhang Liao has messed up his position, how can he care about this?


The trumpet sounded, and the enemy troops under the city began the first wave of siege.

"Archers, defend the enemy!"



Although Zhang Liao was fooled by Lin Zhe's sharp weapon, his military commander's instinct made him make the most correct decision as soon as he heard the sound of the horn.

But now the entire North City Gate is in chaos, and it has almost become a fantasy for archers to become a regular organization and use arrows to defend the enemy.

That was fine, but what was even worse was that the rain of arrows under the city wall reached the city wall before them.

With the help of the cover of the rain of arrows, the army led by Lin Zhe filled in the moat and built the trench bridge in only half a day, but the loss...

Almost nothing!

Without the obstruction of the moat, it became easier to attack the city. Teams of soldiers first climbed up, carrying ladders, and rushed towards Xiaopei with shields.

Fortunately, it was Zhang Liao who defended the northern city, and fortunately Zhang Liao was extremely brave. If not, Xiaopei would have already changed hands in just the first wave of siege.

However, Zhang Liao's current situation is not easy. It turns out that the North City defenders have lost nearly two thousand soldiers. Although one thousand soldiers and horses are auxiliary soldiers, the combat effectiveness of the auxiliary soldiers is also quite strong in the battle to defend the city.

But such a strong force was almost completely destroyed after just two attacks. As a last resort, he could only mobilize a thousand soldiers and horses from other gates to guard the north gate.

This battle was extremely fierce. Zhang Liao never thought that a city defense battle could be fought so passively.

As long as the enemy fails to climb the city wall or is beaten down by you, the opponent will definitely drop a wave of boulders to suppress it, and then the archers will open the way. When you are suppressed and can't lift your head, the opponent who ascends first will continue to attack the city.


Link by link, the whole process is quite closely connected.

For Zhang Liao, he must strictly control the rhythm of defense. If he raises his head too early, he will face either stones or arrows.

And if you raise your head too late, the enemy will most likely climb up the city wall. If they are allowed to gain a foothold, the city will be destroyed!

The most terrible thing is that the rhythm of this battle is completely out of his control. When to cease fire and when to attack is completely decided by the young man under the city wall.

This battle was really frustrating!



Under the city wall, when Guo Jia saw the catapult for the first time, his expression was almost the same as that of Zhang Liao.

Feeling the power of this thing, Guo Jia's eyes couldn't help but shine. He rubbed his hands from time to time and murmured in a low voice:

"Good stuff..."

“The truth is a good thing!”

Seeing Guo Jia's unexperienced look, Lin Zhe couldn't help but laugh secretly. If he took out the hot weapon, wouldn't this guy just pounce on him?

Although with his current ability, he might not even be able to produce gunpowder.

That thing required a lot of trial and error to find the most suitable ratio and packaging, and he didn't have the time or manpower to do it.

"Xianyun, does such a powerful thing have a name?!"

Guo Jia's sudden opening also broke Lin Zhe's thoughts. Looking at the huge boulder falling from the sky, Lin Zhe said calmly:

"When this object is thrown at a stone, it sounds like a thunderbolt and is as fast as lightning. When it falls, the ground shakes and the mountains shake. Its power is unstoppable."

"So, I call him a catapult."

Hearing this answer, the smile on Guo Jia's lips froze for a moment. He regretted a little. He should not have asked this question if he had known earlier.

As if thinking of something again, Guo Jia sighed and said:

"It's a pity. Although this Thunderbolt chariot is good, it is too heavy and heavy. I'm afraid it can only be used for siege. If it can move quickly and use it to deal with cavalry, the princes will definitely fight for it!"

Lin Zhe remained silent. How could Guo Jia know that he actually had something better to deal with the cavalry?


Suddenly, an orderly soldier came to report on the battlefield ahead.

"Report to the general, General Zhao Wu took the lead in breaking through the west gate, and the enemy has already fled!"

"Ha ha ha ha......"

"Xian Yun really has a clever plan! The front of the Pili chariot has given them so much pressure, and the other gates must be empty for defense!"

"As expected..."

"If a city is destroyed in one day, it is better to attack it from the front. No one in the world can beat it!"

"Xian Yun's battle is enough to be recorded in history!"

Looking at Guo Jia, who was obsessed with catapults to the point of being incoherent, Lin Zhe shook his head.

He is really...a bumpkin!

"Let's go, follow Zhe into the city, we have to rush to Xiapi before this group of defeated troops go to spread the news!"

And when Guo Jia really stepped onto the city wall of Xiaopei, he believed that what he saw in front of him was not a dream, but really happened. Lin Zhe really captured Xiaopei in one day.

Looking at Lin Zhe who was calm and composed, Guo Jia looked a little unnatural and his expression was a little awkward.

"Go and see it if you want, it's not a secret!"

How could Lin Zhe not know what Guo Jia was planning? Just by looking at him, he knew what he wanted to do.

In fact, Guo Jia didn't need Lin Zhe's approval and could check the structure of the catapult at any time, but as a friend, he still had to give him this respect.

When Guo Jia came back after watching it, he was not as excited as he was at the beginning. Instead, he was a little lost. This abnormal scene also made Lin Zhe a little curious.

"What happened to Fengxiao?"

"Why did my face look so unnatural after watching the catapult? The catapult has such a simple structure, so it shouldn't be a problem for Fengxiao!"

Guo Jia glanced sideways at Lin Zhe, untied the wine naan from his waist, and took a long sip with a look of sadness on his face.

"I hope I can't understand..."

"It's just because I understand that I'm confused..."

"What's Fengxiao struggling with?"

“What do you mean you are struggling with??”

Guo Jia's eyes were red, and he rushed over, grabbing Lin Zhe's collar, and said angrily: "Why has no one thought of such a simple structure before you? It's just you who thought of it!"

"If it were another person, Jia wouldn't feel so guilty for plagiarizing..."

"Also, do you think I can't see your plan?"

After venting the anger in his heart, Guo Jia gradually calmed down.

"That's all..."

Guo Jia let go of Lin Zhe's hand and said dejectedly: "Tell me, what do you want me to do for you so that you can give this thunder car technology to your lord?"

"Hey hey hey..."

Seeing Guo Jia mention this, Lin Zhe rubbed his hands, smiled slyly, and then stretched out a finger.

"No more, no more, two conditions!"

"First, you help me attack Xiapi. If I capture Xiapi before Lu Bu returns to reinforce me, you will lead my troops to hunt him down!"

"On the contrary, if he responds in time, you will confront him in Xiapi for a month."

"Should I help you attack Xiapi? Then you have to go..."


Before Guo Jia could ask, Lin Zhe stretched out his second finger.

"I will leave with three thousand elite soldiers, you are not allowed to ask me where I went!"


Guo Jia clenched his fist, wishing he could punch the guy in front of him in the face.

This kid was probably planning this a month ago!

What quick fix? What secret weapon? It’s all fake!

A gentleman bullies others, this guy is... hateful!


A fist hit Lin Zhe in the face.

"You bastard..."

"Next time you dare to trick me, don't blame me for falling out!"

This chapter has been completed!
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