Turn off the lights
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Chapter 999 The truth of the murder case (3)

"That's a good question."

Lin Chuang praised it.

If it is compared to cross talk, this question is the key point that is praised; if it is compared to a composition, this question is the key point of succession and transition.

"Where does hydrogen chloride come from?" Lin Chuang asked and answered: "Please take a look."

Lin Chuang picked up the light bulb: "This light bulb turned out to be on the roof of the cabin. If it didn't stay well, why did it fall on the salt bag? And it also fell on the open salt bag?"

Seeing that everyone was confused, Lin Chuang's vanity was satisfied and he solved the mystery.

"The reason is very simple. Someone deliberately placed the light bulb on the salt bag. The purpose is to use it to heat the salt and make it produce hydrogen chloride gas. Hydrogen chloride has a suffocating smell, which is highly irritating to the upper respiratory tract and is harmful to the upper respiratory tract.

It has a strong corrosive effect on eyes, skin, and mucous membranes. Inhaling large amounts will make it difficult to breathe and even cause suffocation."

After listening to Lin Chuang's explanation, everyone showed expressions of realization. Only the young man from Xilinling still had questions: "Sir, can a light bulb be placed on salt to produce hydrogen chloride?"

Lin Chuang replied: "It is clearly written in chemistry books that salt will decompose into hydrogen chloride at high temperatures. At the same time, other impurities in the salt will produce other gases, most of which are toxic."

"Sir, what is the power of the light bulb?" Xilinling asked again.

"200 degrees."

"The 200 degrees of the light bulb refers to its power, not its temperature. At the same time, the tungsten filament that makes it glow and heat is separated by a layer of glass and is not exposed. Will it generate high temperatures?" Xilinling asked.

Lin Chuang thought to himself: "The troubled young man who is a forensic doctor has the potential to be a scientist, so he got an idea. Fortunately, I did the test last night, otherwise, he would really be confused today."

"Yes." Lin Chuang replied firmly: "Last night, I did an experiment and used a 200-degree light bulb on salt. In less than 20 minutes, Vice Captain Ning was so smoked that he couldn't stand it. Yes.

No, Vice Captain Ning?"

"Yes, my humble position can prove that what Chief Lin said is true." Ning Xiaobo stood up and replied.

"Oh, that's no problem." Xilinling sat down.

"Well, this explanation is reasonable and consistent with the circumstances of the murder scene." Yunzi Nakano nodded, confirming Lin Chuang's explanation.

Lin Chuang glanced at Takaya Aoki.

Aoki Takaya said: "Lin Sang, don't look at me, and don't ask for my opinion. I only listen, not speak."

Lin Chuang thought: "You still understand things."

Then he said: "Since everyone has no objections, I will continue."

Everyone nodded, and Nakano Yunzi said: "Speak quickly, I am eager to know the final answer to the mystery."

"Okay. The source of the poisonous gas has been found, and the murderer's method of killing has been found. Although the crime process is speculation, it is completely logical. Let us temporarily conclude that this speculation is correct. So, who is the murderer?"

"From the perspective of the method of making drugs, the murderer must meet three conditions. First, he must understand the principle that salt will decompose into hydrogen chloride in a high-temperature environment, that is to say, he must have certain knowledge of chemistry; second, this person must be on board

.Just like me, although I also understand this principle, I am not on the ship and am always with Section Chief Nakano, so I cannot kill people. Unless I have the legendary skill of killing people thousands of miles away. Then I will be powerful."

"Hehehe..." After Lin Chuang finished speaking, the people below burst into laughter.

"Third, this person had contact with Liu Deshan. Liu Deshan may not know that salt has anti-inflammatory effects. Even if he knew, he would not go to the bottom tank after the bottom tank was full of hydrogen chloride. Therefore, the murderer must have met Liu Deshan."

"After I saw the murder scene, I had this idea in my mind. However, as far as I know, the ship was full of boatmen, and few of them could read. They only knew about salt, salt, acetic acid, and how could they understand chemistry? So?

, I am confused.

It wasn't until I interrogated Lu Shutao that I suddenly understood.

Lu Shutao graduated from the Chemistry Department of Waseda University in Japan, and he also carried chemistry books with him in his luggage. In other words, he met the first and second conditions.

However, in his confession, he only said that he had contact with Hua Yichang and Michelle Ye, but had no contact with Liu Deshan, or even talked to him.

Later I wondered if he was hiding it intentionally?

Just after returning from the Jianglong, I interrogated the boatmen again. One boatman named Chen Amao confessed that on the night of the accident, he went out to urinate and saw Lu Shutao quietly climbing to the third floor. Chen Amao felt strange.

Why did Mr. Lu go to the third floor in the middle of the night? He didn't have to climb high to urinate, right? He wouldn't go to the top floor to see the scenery in the middle of the night. In order to satisfy his curiosity, Chen Amao hid aside to observe Lu Shutao's whereabouts and saw him knocking on the door.

I walked into the cabin door of No. 3 cabin. I went in and said a few words and then came out. What I said was unclear.

I asked Chen Amao, what time was it at night when I saw Lu Shutao?

Chen Amao couldn't explain clearly. He only said that he had already slept, and it must have been midnight. The specific time was not clear.

The concept of midnight is very broad, and it is difficult to determine the specific time. According to traditional Chinese saying, from 11 o'clock to 1 o'clock in the middle of the night, it is called Zi hour. Everything within this interval can be called midnight. After this interval, we call it midnight


The autopsy results of Xilinling showed that Liu Deshan's death time was between twelve o'clock and twelve thirty at night. In other words, Liu Deshan probably didn't know about the anti-inflammatory effect of salt before twelve o'clock, and then went to the bottom of the body.


Chen Amao's confession just proves that Lu Shutao went to Liu Deshan's cabin during this time period. What did he go to do? Liu Deshan died soon after he went there. I don't need to explain what this means, right?

Furthermore, when I interrogated him about the fact that he had been to Liu Deshan's cabin, he didn't say anything about it and only said that he went to bed early. If he had no evil intentions, why would he cover it up?"

Nakano Yunzi and others all nodded in agreement.

Lin Chuang glanced at Wu Sibao and saw that Wu Sibao was taking notes with a pen. He couldn't help but nodded secretly: "A rough man has a careful heart. He knows that he can use the details I mentioned."

"Director Lin, how did the light bulb get on the salt bag? What evidence is there to prove that this was also done by Lu Shutao?" Fairy Shi Gong asked.

"Yes, yes, Miss Fairy asked about the idea." Lin Chuang picked up the light bulb and said: "This light bulb is installed on the top of the bilge. Because the bilge is full of salt bags, standing on the pile of salt bags,

It's easy to pull off by pulling it off with your hands.

Moreover, I asked Li Yuewang, and he said that it was for the convenience of carrying salt bags, and there were no valuables or key equipment in the bottom cabin, so the bottom hatch door was not locked or guarded, and anyone could enter or exit it.

Therefore, Lu Shutao has conditions for entry and exit.

But to be honest, I really have no evidence to prove that he went in."

This chapter has been completed!
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