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Chapter 103: The Truth of the Murder Case (7)

"When I heard the name Lu Shutao, I felt a little strange. Especially after learning his identity, I felt that this person's appearance was very unusual. Because when Section Chief Nakano and I were on the ship, we did not This person. In other words, Lu Shutao did not board the ship in Nanjing, but boarded the ship in Yangzhou. Otherwise, if such a person appeared on the Jianglong, it would be impossible for Section Chief Nakano and I not to know about it, and Li Yuewang would not dare not to know about it. Report to Section Chief Nakano.

Later, after interrogation, I learned that my judgment was correct. Lu Shutao had indeed boarded the ship after Section Chief Nakano and I left the Jianglong.

This is strange. Lu Shutao has been active in Nanjing. Why did he leave by boat instead of taking a train? If he wanted to take a boat, why not take it at the starting point instead of rushing to Yangzhou?

So I thought about the six people we left on the boat - was Lu Shutao's real purpose to be detrimental to them?

When we consider that he concealed the simple tea set in his luggage and brought a piece of carnalite with him that was of no significance to his trip, the answer is self-evident."

Lin Chuang took a sip of tea and continued: "In order to prove my speculation, I searched the Jianglong control room and asked Vice Captain Chen to search the Qin and Lu families."

Lin Chuang opened the folder and took out several messages from it: "This is a message found from the control room of the Jianglong. It is the manuscript of Li Yuewang's request for instructions and the original text of Qin Jiangchun's reply. Please look at this one, 'Safe arrival in Ning, The God of Plague disembarked. 'The Chinese all know that the word 'God of Plague' is not a good word and is full of hostility. So who is the God of Plague? Me or Section Chief Nakano? Or Hua Yichang and Liu Deshan?"

At this point, Lin Chuang paid attention to Nakano Yunzi, and when he saw the latter's brows furrowed, he thought to himself: "Okay, let's add some more fire."

"Look at this one again, 'There was a gunfight on the shore, but the plague god got nothing.' Haha, this is obviously a report to Qin Jiangchun, and we got nothing. Look at this one again, 'The ship arrived in the west of Yangzhou, the plague god was robbed by soldiers, and his whereabouts are unknown. I The ship has lost salt and plans to replenish it in Yangzhou.'

Not to mention anything else, Section Chief Nakano, there is no doubt that Li Yuewang regards you as the God of Plague."

Seeing that Nakano Yunzi's face turned yellow with anger, Lin Chuang smiled and said: "Be content, you are still a god after all. It's a good thing that I don't treat you as a little devil."

"Humph! Li Yuewang deserves to die." Yunzi Nakano said bitterly.

"Don't worry, there's more below." Lin Chuang sneered and said: "Here is another copy, 'The God of Plague has returned to Ninghua, and Liu will follow my ship back to Shanghai.'"

"Has Qin Jiangchun never called back?" Nakano Yunzi asked.

"Yes, all the requests for instructions were answered. The replies to the previous requests for instructions all had the word 'Zhichou', and the last one said: 'I know of the previous call. Lu Shutao wants to take a boat back to Shanghai, and hopes that it will be settled properly. and provide every convenience.'

Vice Captain Chen also searched for the manuscript of this reply at Qin Jiangchun's home. At the same time, he also found a telegram sent by Lu Shutao from the Yangzhou Post and Telecommunications Bureau to Qin Jiangchun. , my younger brother wants to return to Shanghai on the Jianglong, I hope you will take care of me.'"

After reading the telegram, Lin Chuang smiled and said: "Let me explain this telegram. The thin horse is not a horse, which refers to the thin horse in Yangzhou, which is actually synonymous with a prostitute. The thin horse is cute, which means that the prostitute is cute and can be taken with her brother. It's understandable, but where are the thin horses? There are no thin horses or fat horses on the ship, so what does he mean by saying this? Thinking of Li Xiangxiang in Yanchun Tower, people can't help but think about it. In addition, 'Brother I want to take the Jianglong to return to Shanghai, and I hope you will take care of me.' This is also nonsense. The two of them have the friendship of giving prostitutes, and they must have been familiar with Li Yuewang for a long time. Why do you need to send a telegram in advance to request a smooth sailing? Also, Qin Jiangchun My tough behavior after taking over the case also felt very strange.

In my opinion, this is "there is no three hundred taels of silver here, and Wang Er next door has never stolen it."

Therefore, my conclusion is that Lu Shutao is undoubtedly an agent of the military command, and he was the one who poisoned the six people on the ship, while Qin Jiangchun was not only an accomplice but also an accomplice."

Having said this, Lin Chuang looked at Takaya Aoki: "Aoki-san, the reason why I informed you of the case without getting a confession from the two of them is because of the strict order of the agency director that the case must be concluded before tonight.

It is simply an impossible task to obtain confessions from two people in such a short period of time.

Therefore, I will inform you of the conclusion first, so that you can report to all parties. As for the oral confession, I can only let Captain Wu make up for it later."

"Director Lin's reasoning is very consistent. I think the conclusion is correct. It doesn't matter whether you confess or not. It doesn't matter if you can get the best or not. Those people in the military command are very tough. Captain Wu gave me a good beating."

, it’s okay to beat him to death! In addition, this bastard Li Yuewang must not let him get out alive, do you understand?" Nakano Yunzi hated Li Yuewang, and while cooperating with Lin Chuang, he did not forget to issue a killing order for him.


Wu Sibao stood at attention and responded.

After the meeting, Nakano Yunzi and Fairy Shigong left. Wu Sibao picked up his notebook and Ning Xiaobo, and Chen Changshan went to the torture room excitedly. Only Aoki Takaya remained in the conference room.

"Lin Sang, how do I explain this to Tokawa Shizuji and Maehara Seira?" Aoki Takaya asked.

"Qingmu-kun, you are such an honest person." Lin Chuang sighed.

"How to say?"

"There is an old saying in China that goes, 'Man perishes for money, and birds perish for food.' Tokawa Shizuji and Maehara Seiro asked you to intercede, but it was just a word of love. In this world, there is no such thing as too much love.

Go, not to mention that the two of them didn’t know about Lu Shutao’s status as military commander beforehand?”

"Lin Sang, I still don't quite understand."

Lin Chuang smiled, walked up to Takaya Aoki, put his arm around his shoulders, and asked in a low voice: "Aoki-kun, do you know why I want to point out the agency chief?"

"Ah? Why?"

"You taste it, you taste it carefully. I can't say much else. Don't worry, as long as you reveal a little bit about the content of today's meeting to Maehara Xingluo, he will only be happy and will never complain about you. In addition,

I think Seira Maehara must be willing to shed some blood at Shizuji Tokawa's place, including yours. If one of you dies, everyone is happy. This is a great favor. Don't you think so?"

After hearing this, Aoki Takaya's eyes lit up and he said: "Yo Xi, Lin Sang, I understand, farewell!"

"Wait a minute, Mr. Qingmu, why are you in such a hurry?" Lin Chuang stopped him.

"Lin Sang, what else can you do?"

"I heard that Lu Shutao's wife is very beautiful. Even though she has given birth to two sons, she is still charming."

"Hahaha... Lin Sang, it's such a pleasure to deal with you, wonderful, wonderful."

This chapter has been completed!
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