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Chapter 1011 emotional offensive

Liang Yuqi and Li Yongcai were allies at the beginning, and they jointly eliminated Song Weili.

But as time passed, Liang Yuqi and Li Yongcai started to get into trouble, and the reason was the dispute over the director of the logistics department.

Li Yongcai took control of all external affairs in the Tax Police Bureau except the Internal Affairs Department, while Liang Yuqi was in charge of all internal affairs. Not all, the Logistics Department was taken over by Li Yongcai, and Director Song Weili was only in charge of the Secretariat.

Although both of them are spokespersons for the elder brother, it is obvious that Li Yongcai has the upper hand over Liang Yuqi.

Of course, this also matches the status of Xin Jiaguang and Du Liqiang.

For a unit like the Tax Police Bureau, all the departments that deal with the outside world are all staff, while the internal affairs department, except for the logistics department, is all Qingshui Yamen.

In Liang Yuqi's opinion, Li Yongcai's appearance is too ugly. You can't get all the fatties in your hands. You have to leave one for me, right?

Although he was dissatisfied, Liang Yuqi had a soft character, while Li Yongcai had a tough character. In addition, Li Yongcai had a good background, so he dared to get angry but did not dare to speak out.

After learning of Lin Chuang's appointment, Liang Yuqi immediately approached Du Liqiang for discussion.

"Li Qiang, I originally thought that Li Yong would become the chief of the government after Song Weili was sidelined, but we didn't expect that Lin Ming would get in first. What do you think of this?"

"Although Li Yongcai has the support of Dean Xin, if Lin Ming wants to fight, there will be no drama for Li Yongcai. You must know that the power behind Lin Ming is not small. Needless to say the Japanese, whether it is the director of the Inuyang Health Agency or Nakano Yun

The sub-section chiefs are all friends of Lin Ming. Even within the government, Vice President Zhu fully supports him."


After hearing this, Liang Yuqi muttered and said: "Li Yongcai has a dark heart and a strong personality. I'm afraid they won't be able to pee in the same pot."

"Lin Ming is also strong. If he doesn't move, he will be shocked. Has he forgotten about Sun Tianxin?"

"When two strong people come together, they will definitely fight. Liqiang, tell me, how should I handle myself?"

"No one can afford to offend, so let's make good friends and wait and see what happens."

"You mean to say, hold your troops on hold for the time being?"

"No, it's a good relationship between the two parties."

"It is not advisable to have a good relationship between the two parties." Liang Yuqi took on the posture of his brother-in-law and said self-righteously: "The result of a good relationship between the two parties is that neither party will get good things. I want to take a gamble."

"How to bet?"

"Li Yongcai told me that he would not work in the Tax Police Bureau for too long. Dean Xin wanted him to work for a while and serve on the Welfare Committee. In addition, he also said that Dean Xin did not like Lin Ming. As long as he had the opportunity,

, will definitely move him down. I think this news should be accurate, so I want to bet on Li Yongcai."

"Brother-in-law, I just reminded you that you forgot about Sun Tianxin? Is Lin Ming so easy to get along with?"

"I'm not Sun Tianxin, and you're not Pan Wuye. Would he touch me? Not to mention that Dean Xin is behind Li Yongcai."

"Hehehe..." Hearing this, Du Liqiang sneered: "Brother-in-law, you are wrong. Lin Ming is a smiling tiger. He will not be a little wife. If he hates him, he has many ways to kill Li Yongcai, and the reason will be fair and just.

, even if Dean Xin wants to stand up for him, I'm afraid he will be dumb and eat coptis."

"Really? Are you not following the official rules?" Liang Yuqi asked.

"Don't forget, he is also in charge of the police station and holds a post in the Secret Service. Yunzi Nakano of the Special High School is also in a relationship with him. He wants to give people the name of an underground party, and he can easily do it."

Upon hearing this, Liang Yuqi shuddered: "So cruel?"

"Both Sun Tianxin's father and son were killed, Long Sihai was killed on the spot, and none of the thirty people they brought with them escaped. If they are not ruthless, how can they eradicate the roots? If you think of Lin Ming using official rules, he is extremely stupid. Brother-in-law, you haven't

Look at me? Even though I am the director of the department and have a higher official position than him, as long as he writes a note asking for funds, I won’t dare to withhold any money." Du Liqiang said.


"So don't bet."

"Then, what if Lin Ming asks me to take sides?"

"You can be biased, but don't be too biased."

"Okay, Liqiang, I listen to you."

When Lin Chuang asked, "What is Deputy Director Li like?" Liang Yuqi secretly rejoiced.

Thanks to having discussed this question seriously with Du Liqiang, otherwise, I really don’t know how to answer it for a while.

"Deputy Director Li is very capable, and he is in charge of all key departments of the Tax Police. In addition, Deputy Director Li has a very strong personality, and he rarely listens to what Director Song says."

Liang Yuqi said what he had planned for a long time.

"Deputy Director Liang used two strong words. One means strong ability, and the other means strong personality. It seems that Deputy Director Li is not easy to get along with. Brother Lin, have you met your opponent this time? I really want to know.

, will he become Sun Tianxin’s second?" Pang Xinghan said with a cold face.

Yes, a person who is so tight-lipped as a secretary can actually say such words. You can tell who is close and distant at a glance. He is indeed a cheap brother-in-law who knows what he is talking about.

Lin Chuang waved his hand and said with a smile: "Brother Pang, you are talking as if I am a murderer. If Sun Tianxin didn't want to use dirty tricks to mess with me, I would be ruthless? Officialdom is like a sedan chair.

How can I see blood when everyone lifts me up? Besides, having a capable deputy can be considered a blessing to me. You all know that I am a lazy person and I am too lazy to take care of daily mundane affairs. Since Deputy Director Li

He is very capable, isn’t this just a bargain? Hahaha..."

When Liang Yuqi heard this, he glanced at his brother-in-law and thought to himself: "Oh no, have I done something stupid?"

Du Liqiang did not look at him, but said solemnly: "Director Lin's words make sense. Harmony is the most valuable thing. In the hands of Director Lin, the Tax Police Bureau will definitely eliminate disadvantages and prosper and prosper. To borrow a poem from Liu Yuxi, 'Sinking Boat

Thousands of sails are passing by, and thousands of trees are springing in front of the diseased trees. 'Ah, Director Lin, I'm optimistic about you."

What he said was profound, and he was much better than his brother-in-law.

The tax police station is a "sick tree". There is no need to think carefully about the disadvantages and advantages of this.

"Hahaha... Director Lin, you are so flattering to me. Should we go to the hotel?" Lin Chuang laughed.

"There's plenty of time to talk about business matters in the future, so let's just talk about feelings and not mundane matters." Du Liqiang said and stood up.

The family gathering at noon was a success. The atmosphere was friendly and lively, making everyone present feel closer to each other.

Of course, although Liang Yuqi kept smiling, he was not relaxed at all.

Will Li Yongcai know about today's gathering? What would he do if he found out? He is not a human being inside and out.

After the banquet was over, Lin Chuang, who was already quite drunk, went straight back to Orchid Garden.

He slept until about three o'clock in the afternoon, when Tian Biyu came in and woke him up: "No stay at home, stop having erotic dreams, your master's wife called."

"Master Tai? What are you doing?"

This chapter has been completed!
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