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Chapter 104 Perfectionism

Early the next morning, as soon as Lin Chuang went to work, he went to Duan Yide's office.

"Virgo, how is the situation?" Lin Chuang asked.

Lin Chuang was asking about the 21 agents Hou Ming'an had stationed in the Xiabai branch.

"You have done all the preliminary work. I only need to arrest people according to the order. How can I miss this? It's all solved, no one has slipped through the net!" Duan Yide waved his hand excitedly and said: "Lin Chuang, let's talk about it.

Thanks to your early warning and early arrangements, we not only successfully eliminated the Japanese spies hiding in the police force, but also let our police station get a share of the pie. The police department was very happy, and even the Ministry of Interior also expressed their gratitude in front of the committee.

I feel like I have a glow on my face. Lin Chuang, you’ve done a lot of work, everyone from top to bottom has been blessed with you.”

"I am working for the police station, so I have to do something for the police station, right? Besides, this matter was done so beautifully because of the leadership of the director. I don't dare to take credit." Lin Chuang said with a smile.

"Haha, that's a bit too modest. Don't worry, the first credit is yours and no one can take it away from you." Duan Yide said with a smile.

"Hey, there's one more thing. You should write a report on the cracking of the 'Xiao Lin Group' and the 'Fan Yitong Murder Case', and include the meritorious personnel. It's time to cite the merits." Duan Yide said.

"Yes, Virgo." Lin Chuang said.

Back in the office, Lin Chuang started writing a report.

My own contributions are obvious and I don’t need to mention them in detail. The contributions of Wu Liangce, Zhang Qiang, Chen Lu, Zhao Junjiang, Hu Caisan, Fangyuan, including Hu Cheng/Chen Zhen, are highlighted here.

Just after finishing it, the phone rang. It was Huang Fulin.

Huang Fulin asked Lin Chuang to come to his office on the phone.

Lin Chuang did not dare to neglect and quickly drove to the Secret Service.

Entering Huang Fulin's office, I found that Wen Xuesong and Hao Ligang were both there.

"Lin Chuang, last night, Shen Haisen confessed. He confessed that Yin Yimin's contact information with them was different from what Yin Yimin confessed. I saw in the interrogation record you wrote that Yin Yimin's instructions were the letters placed in the bank safe.

But Shen Haisen confessed that the content on the front of the letter was meaningless, and the real instructions were written secretly on the back. When you were interrogating Yin Yimin, did you hear about the secret letter section?" Huang Fulin met Lin Chuang and got straight to the point.


"Secret message? Yin Yimin didn't say this. The interrogation records are clearly written." Lin Chuang pretended to be surprised.

"Lin Chuang, you are a hero. You have successively cracked down on Japanese spy organizations. No one can take away this credit. However, I have two questions that I need you to explain clearly." Wen Xuesong took the words and said.

As soon as Lin Chuang heard what Xuesong said, he knew that Huang Fulin must have instigated him to ask him for questioning.

He and he are not on the same line. If he can find an opportunity to suppress himself, he will never let it go.

"Team leader, I will tell you everything I know. Please tell me." Lin Chuang straightened his body and said.

"First, why does Yin Yimin now deny what he has confessed? Second, since Yin Yimin has confessed and identified Hou Ming as his subordinate, wouldn't it be unnecessary for you to use safe No. 37 to give Hou Ming instructions?

?What is your real intention in doing this?" Wen Xuesong asked.

After Lin Chuang listened, he looked at Huang Fulin and Lin Chuang, and saw Huang Fulin sitting upright with cold eyes, obviously full of expectations for his answer.

Hao Ligang's eyes were full of worry.

Lin Chuang smiled at himself and said: "Team leader, I really can't figure out why Yin Yimin retracted his confession. Prisoners usually retract their confessions for two purposes. One is to reduce or even clear their guilt; the other is to

In order to fight against those who framed him. Judging from Yin Yimin's deliberate concealment of secretly written letters in his confession, his purpose of retracting his confession was undoubtedly the latter, which was to frame me."

"Why did he frame you?" Wen Xuesong asked.

"Maybe I tortured him too harshly, or maybe he has a natural hatred for all Chinese agents. I can only make such a guess on this issue." Lin Chuang spread his hands and said.

"This is possible. I heard that you let the interrogation room use continuous torture, saying that as long as you can't kill me, you can't stop for a second, right?" Huang Fulin asked.

"Yes. The only reason why I did this is, firstly, of course, to pry open his mouth as soon as possible to prevent Agent 26's assassination plan as soon as possible; secondly, Yin Yimin is too crazy, saying that he is not afraid of our punishment, and also said

I couldn't pry his mouth open, so we got into a fight," said Lin Chuang.

"Haha, no wonder, it turns out there is a healing element in it. You kid, you are twenty years old, and you are still acting like a child." Huang Fulin finally had a smile on his face, pointed at Lin Chuang, and said with the deputy chief

said in a reporter's tone.

"Team Leader Wen's second question is actually very simple. I am a perfectionist. In my opinion, although Yin Yimin's confession is basically consistent with my previous judgment, I always feel that there is no ironclad evidence to support it.

In addition, who knows whether Yin Yimin was talking nonsense under torture?" Lin Chuang explained his "unnecessary" behavior this way.

"Bold assumptions, careful verification, sharp thinking, rigorous reasoning, these are your strengths and strengths. But if you exceed it, it is a shortcoming. Especially when we investigate espionage cases, timeliness is often very important." Huang Fulin has obviously accepted it.

I understood Lin Chuang’s rhetoric.

"Chief Huang, Team Leader Wen, have you ever heard of obsessive-compulsive disorder?" Lin Chuang asked.

"I've never heard of it, what is obsessive-compulsive disorder?" Huang Fulin and Wen Xuesong both shook their heads, expressing their ignorance.

"Obsessive-compulsive disorder is actually a mental illness. For example, a person is particularly afraid of getting dirty. Even though his hands have been washed, he is still worried that they are not clean and has to wash them repeatedly. Also, some people have clearly locked them.

The door is open, but he still doubts that he has locked it properly. Even if he goes out, he must come back and confirm again before he can rest assured. These are obsessive-compulsive disorders." Lin Chuang replied.

"Oh, I understand. That's what happened. My wife is like this. Every time she goes out, she has closed the windows and doors and locked them. She has to check again and again before she can rest assured. The most annoying thing is, there is

It's already a long way out the door. As soon as she thinks about it, she has to go back and have a look. If she is not allowed to go back, she will be extremely anxious." Huang Fulin said.

"Yes, this is obsessive-compulsive disorder. When I handle a case, I strive to have conclusive and perfect evidence, and do not allow any flaws to appear. This is the same as washing hands repeatedly. In fact, it is obsessive-compulsive disorder." Lin Chuang said.

"Well. Lin Chuang, I can't say that your perfectionism is bad, but sometimes it is easy to make mistakes. Since it is a disease, there must be a medicine to cure it. I hope you will be more flexible according to the needs of counterintelligence work in the future.

, don’t miss things just because you require perfection." Huang Fulin nodded.

"Yes." Lin Chuang replied.

"Xuesong, do you think it's a little unreasonable for us to ask such a serious question about a hero who solved the case?" Huang Fulin asked Wen Xuesong with a smile.

"Section Chief, we are doing this for Lin Chuang's good. Lin Chuang is smart, so he will understand." Wen Xuesong replied.

"The love is deep and the responsibility is deep. I understand the painstaking efforts of the two officers." Lin Chuang said.

This chapter has been completed!
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