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The first thousand and fifty-two chapters are contradictory

Li Shiqun is a capable person.

Before the puppet government was established, his main focus was on dealing with military rule.

Unfortunately, he was unlucky and met a military espionage expert codenamed "Cobra". Not only did he kill his brother-in-law, but he also put a snake in the bed of his wife Ye Jiqing. She finally got pregnant and even had a miscarriage.

, the warning is very obvious.

It's obvious that if you dare to go against the military commander again, your wife will not be protected.

But he loves his wife very much, so he has no choice but to seek peace.

Since then, Li Shiqun hid his clumsiness and seemed to have become mediocre.

After the establishment of the puppet government, the main target was no longer military unification, but the underground party. This made Li Shiqun breathe a sigh of relief. He felt that his opportunity had come to show off his talents.

Although the underground party has cooperated with the Kuomintang, Li Shiqun knew very well that it was just a matter of face and heart. If he dealt with the underground party himself, the Kuomintang would be happy to see the results, and the mysterious "Cobra" was determined not to help. Because

I did not destroy the delicate non-confrontational relationship.

He believed that his only nemesis was the "cobra" and that everyone else was just a small cobra.

After the student demonstration incident, he felt that an opportunity had come.

Quan Yangjian wanted to take the opportunity to interfere with the puppet government, but Zhu Daoshan refused to let him interfere. He knew all these things.

But one thing he is not as good as Lin Chuang is that Lin Chuang has a better relationship with the Japanese. He is also concerned about the status of his superiors and subordinates and the differences between China and Japan. However, Lin Chuang completely ignores it and easily uses the trick to persuade the Japanese to retreat.

He admired this.

What he didn't admire was that both Lin Chuang and Zhu Daoshan tended to use gentle tactics, while he was more inclined to use violence.

In his opinion, being gentle is equivalent to showing weakness. Once there is a second, third, or several times, wouldn't it be endless troubles? Why not take advantage of this opportunity to put out the fire, and then follow the clues to find the arsonist.

The difference between the two is that Huairou has a good reputation, while the latter has a bad reputation.

Reputation? Fame is nothing! In this era, strength is king. Without strength, everything is nothing.

Therefore, he partly adopted Lin Chuang's suggestions and partly followed his own ideas.

Those who adopt it are just following the clues; those who don't adopt it are just putting out the fire vigorously.

So, relying on Lin Chuang's "implicate persuasion" trick, Li Shiqun successfully infiltrated young and educated spies into the parade. These people behaved very passionately and were more students than students, so they quickly got

Student recognition.

One day is enough for the spies to figure out which university and who is taking the lead.

This will be easier to handle.

Just two days after putting out the fire, with Yu Wen still there, Li Shiqun ordered the spies to secretly arrest the leader.

As a result, 67 students were arrested and imprisoned.

However, what he didn't expect was that each of these students was full of energy, just like devout believers. No matter how hard they tried, they would angrily rebuke them, deny them water or food, and they still didn't give them anything.

Neither gave in.

Then be punished.

Li Shiqun did not dare to torture everyone, so he selected the four most active people, Guo Youming, Wu Miaoyun, Hu Fengzhi and Lin Zhao, who were the most active and most likely members of the underground party, and asked Wan Lilang to put them into the torture chamber to be tortured.

Of course, he didn't dare to be severely punished, that is, a slap in the face, a few punches in the stomach, and the most severe punishment was a whip. It looked bloody and scary, but in fact there were no internal injuries, and the bones were not in the way.


But, it still doesn't work.

Apart from Lin Zhao's dark spots, these four young students are all talented and energetic.

Li Shiqun became angry when he saw it.

Angry because of jealousy.

Jealousy is because he has no children, and if he doesn't find a concubine, he will probably be extinct.

Therefore, he really wanted to scratch the faces of these four students and turn them into hideous and ugly monsters.

However, Zhu Daoshan called and warned him not to go too far.

Therefore, his dark psychology cannot be vented to the torture device for the time being.

None of the students spoke, leaving Li Shiqun in a difficult position.

However, this couldn't stop him, so he came up with a plan to alert the snake.

Releasing the information that prisoners and students will be shot in advance is the prelude to this plan.

A total of fourteen people left the prison that day, including Zhang Shouzheng.

As a result, early the next morning, parents and school teachers went to the prison to petition.

This result convinced Li Shiqun that the fourteen people who left yesterday must have the eyes and ears of the underground party.

He called Wan Lilang over.

"Director Wan, keep a close eye on those who left the prison last night."

"Yes, sir."

Wan Lilang agreed, then thought about it and said, "Sir, the door has been blocked. If we want to monitor you, we may have to wait a long time."

"No need. Don't worry, I have another move in the future that will definitely reveal our opponent." Li Shiqun said confidently.

"Then, is there still execution?"

"Follow the original plan."


Wan Lilang agreed and went down to prepare.

Li Shiqun called Wu Sibao in again and gave him a few words: "Ah Bao, you will go to the place to control the situation later. If there are troublemakers, don't be soft-hearted and don't hesitate."

"Okay, Senior Brother, don't worry, we have the handle of the gun in our hands, who the hell dares to be dishonest?" Wu Sibao said excitedly.

Wu Sibao is a man who loves to fight and kill, and he is also crazy in person.

The more people there are, the crazier he becomes.

After the arrangements were made, Li Shiqun felt that such a big operation must be reported to Zhu Daoshan to avoid being criticized.

Of course, he didn't believe anyone, and Zhu Daoshan didn't completely believe it either. Therefore, the report was a report, and he just reported the part that took responsibility. He didn't want Zhu Daoshan to know about his secret arrangement and what happened next.

So, he picked up the phone.

"Vice President Zhu, I secretly arrested some students. Someone came to petition this morning, so I want to establish my authority."

"Deputy Director Li, I heard that you want to shoot students? This is not okay."

"It is true that he shot the prisoner who committed the most heinous crime, but it is false that he shot the student. The humble official wanted them to be kidnapped with him."

"Isn't this adding fuel to the fire? Isn't it inappropriate?"

"Vice President Zhu, the people are afraid of punishment and the officials are afraid of disaster. Blindly showing weakness can only be condoned, which will not help the situation, nor will it help the government's long-term rule. I think that only by letting students die once will they cherish life."

Zhu Daoshan on the other end of the phone took a long breath, and his rough breathing could be heard through the phone.

Obviously, Zhu Daoshan was not satisfied with this.

However, Li Shiqun didn't care, he believed he was right.

"Deputy Director Li, let me remind you, you can't just consider your one-third of an acre of land, you must consider the overall political situation."

"Vice President Zhu, in your humble position, you only consider the overall political situation."

"..., well, we must be careful not to cause greater civil unrest."

Zhu Daoshan was helpless and had to put forward a minimum requirement.

"Please rest assured, Vice President Zhu. I believe that the underground party does not have that much energy and is confident that it can control the situation..."

This chapter has been completed!
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