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Chapter 1053 Mutiny

The next plot is completely in accordance with Li Shiqun's script.

The worst-case scenario he imagined was that when they saw their students being led to the execution ground, those parents would rush out, or they might be seduced by the red elements hidden among them, and all the parents would rush to the execution ground.

If this happens, he really doesn't mind a massacre. If you don't believe it, these people will take their lives if the machine gun sweeps them away.

Anyway, I have no children, so why should I make it easy for you? Just scold me, and scolding won’t kill anyone. The Japanese killed more than 300,000 people at once, and the Chinese all scolded them. Are they scolded to death? The Japanese are not

Live well?

However, this worst-case scenario did not occur. Wu Sibao only injured one leg of a stupid woman and shocked the whole audience.

When Li Shiqun was proud, he couldn't help but sneer at the red elements: "What's the use? What's the use of demagoguery and propaganda? People are afraid of death. Even if they see their children being killed, only Lin Zhao's mother rushed out, while Wu Zhizhong was furious.

, but didn’t you also hold back?”

The Secret Service had already investigated the family situation of the arrested students clearly. The middle-aged man who angrily wanted to break through the military and police siege was named Wu Zhizhong. He was Wu Miaoyun's father, a professor at Tongde Medical College and a professor at Tongde Hospital.

Chief of Surgery.

Li Shiqun firmly believed that there must be red elements among the target groups under special care.

The Red elements did not come forward at this time. Li Shiqun did not doubt that they did not have the courage to sacrifice, but thought that they might want to take advantage of this incident.

If he really killed the students in public, he would have been taken advantage of. I believe that the underground party would definitely use this incident to stir up public opinion and cause even greater civil unrest.

If that kind of situation occurs, it is not something the government can bear. The dissatisfaction contained in Zhu Daoshan's last sentence will definitely be infinitely magnified.

Li Shiqun was very insidious. The four students did not stand side by side, but were separated by death row prisoners.

Guo Youming and the other four people thought they were going to die until the gunshot rang out.

They were ready to sacrifice, with a sense of awe in their hearts. Although they thought about some things before and after their lives, they were not too afraid.

Even when the executioner shouted "get ready", Guo Youming and Wu Miaoyun still looked at each other and smiled.

However, when they came back from the death line and saw the brains of the death row prisoners around them bursting open, and then a fishy stench rushed straight to their noses, they were scared.

Although they believed it was a normal animal instinct, the fear was real.

So much so that when they were escorted back to prison, all four of them looked very ugly and their buttocks were shaking in shame.

Li Shiqun struck while the iron was hot and immediately interrogated the four people separately.

Guo Youming, Wu Miaoyun and Lin Zhao quickly came to their senses and understood Li Shiqun's conspiracy, so they did not confess, but followed the previous statement: they were just passionate petitioners for the country and the people, and had no red background.

, and no one gave instructions.

However, Hu Fengzhi collapsed: "I said, I said, don't kill me, I don't want to die, I don't want to die, ho ho ho..."

As soon as he entered the torture chamber, Hu Fenzhi cried bitterly. He didn't care about his handsome image. His salty tears flowed into his mouth without wiping them. Snot flowed from his nostrils like two bean worms.

This image looks like his father just died.

"That's right. If you die, you'll die. There's nothing left." Wan Lilang interrogated him personally. When he heard that Hu Fengzhi wanted to recruit him, he immediately showed a fatherly smile.

While talking, Wan Lilang wanted to wipe Hu Fengzhi's nose with his handkerchief, but after thinking about it, he gave up and tore up a piece of white paper to wipe Hu Fengzhi's nose affectionately.

It was okay if he didn't wipe it, but once he wiped it with the non-adsorbent white paper, Hu Fengzhi's face and mouth were covered with sticky snot.

Wan Lilang threw away the white paper, returned to his seat, and forced back the sour water that wanted to boil up.

He saw the water glass on the table and wanted to take a sip, but didn't dare.

He wasn't sure if he would spit it out immediately if he drank it.

"Hu Fengzhi, are you an underground party member?" Wan Lilang asked, trying to sound gentler.


"When did you get in?"

After only one answer, Hu Fengzhi stopped cooperating, lowered his head and stopped talking.

"Haha, this little guy has his own thoughts. Well, he's not too stupid." Of course Wan Lilang understood what he was thinking.

I just want to talk about conditions.

Also, if we don’t talk about conditions at this time, we are just like me.

However, regarding Hu Fengzhi's thoughts, Wan Lilang was not angry but happy: As long as there are conditions, it is better than no conditions.

"Hu Fengzhi, don't fucking play tricks on me. Tell me, what are your requirements?" Wan Lilang scolded with a smile.

Hu Fengzhi raised his head and asked timidly: "Sir, I think, I think..."

"Don't be hesitant. As long as I can do it, I will definitely promise you. Do you want money or a woman?" Wan Lilang asked.

"I want money, but I also want...a woman."

"How much do you want?"

"This number."

Hu Fengzhi stretched out a finger.

"Ten thousand?"

"No, no, no, one hundred, okay?"

Still a fool! Guawazi!

"I'll give you two hundred. In addition, women's words are not a problem. As long as you cooperate well, I will let you go to Yanchun Tower to have a good time for three days."

"No, I don't want a woman from a brothel, I want Wu Miaoyun."

"What? Wu Miaoyun? Isn't she good with Guo Youming? Where did you come from?"

"Sir, I like Wu Miaoyun. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have joined the underground party."

"I understand, you have a shaved head and a hot head. Okay, I promise you, I will put her in your bed tonight, okay?"

"No, no, sir, I don't want to be forceful. I want her to change her mind and fall in love with me."

"Haha, I didn't expect that you are still an infatuated child." Wan Lilang thought for a while and said, "I understand what you are thinking. Do you want Guo Youming to disappear from her?"

"...Sir, with Guo Youming by her side, I don't stand a chance."

"Hu Fengzhi, women are troublesome. You have to make her agree with you from the bottom of her heart. It's not as simple as killing Guo Youming. If you do that, it will be counterproductive."

"What should we do?"

"If you listen to me, I will definitely get what you want."

"Then thank you, sir."

"Now answer my question."

"Okay. I joined the party in November last year."

"Whose introducer?"

"Guo Youming and Lin Zhao."

"Oh? So, Guo Youming and Lin Zhao are also underground parties?"

"Yes, Wu Miaoyun too."

"Any more?"

"As far as I know, that's all. The four of them are a branch. Guo Youming is the branch secretary, Wu Miaoyun is the organization committee member, Lin Zhao is the propaganda committee member, and I am the youth committee member."

"What about going online? Who is your branch under the leadership of?"

This chapter has been completed!
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