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Chapter 1057 Big Teeth Lifting the Bar

Lin Chuang thought over and over again about Wu Zhizhong and Wu Miaoyun, but finally couldn't figure it out and had to let it go.

"Nothing else happened in the hospital. It's just that Tian Chun just took two days off. He also said that after Tian Chun came back, everyone felt something was wrong. In the past, he always laughed when seeing people, but he never smiled after he came back. He seemed to have something on his mind.

, making the nurses afraid to talk to him."

Without waiting for Lin Chuang to ask, Li Honglin took the initiative to report.

"Take two days off? Which day?"

"The nurse said that she couldn't remember the specific days of treatment with Hu Fengzhi."

Lin Chuang felt that this situation was very important and asked: "Is there something wrong with Tian Chuncai's family? For example, a family member is sick or has a funeral or something?"

"I asked, and the nurse said that Tian Chuncai is not a local, and his parents, wife and children are not in Shanghai. It shouldn't be due to family members."

"You can't prepare for it. If something unfortunate happens at home, you can send a telegram or write a letter."

"Then I don't know about this unless I ask Tian Chuncai himself."

"Okay, Tian Chuncai's injury will be released first. Is Hu Fengzhi's injury serious?"

"The nurse said it's not serious. There are just some old injuries on the body, but they won't hurt anymore. The new injury is just a small cut on the head. No stitches are needed. Just apply some medicine and it will be fine."

"Where did he get the injury on his head?"

"I don't know. The nurse said that when they were treating injuries, there were spies around and they were not allowed to talk."


Lin Chuang responded, put on his shoes and got out of bed, pacing around the room with his hands behind his back.

Yi Lianhua, Li Honglin and Liu Ermeng stopped talking and looked at him quietly, waiting for him to think about the results and wait for his orders.

After waiting for a while, Lin Chuang stopped, sat on the sofa, and said to Li Honglin and Liu Ermeng: "Check Tian Chuncai."

"Sir, why don't you investigate Wu Zhizhong?" Li Honglin asked.

"What's suspicious about Wu Zhizhong?" Lin Chuang asked back.

"His daughter is an underground party, how could he not know about it? Li Shiqun asked the students to go to Tongde Hospital for treatment. He must have his purpose, right? I think there is something wrong with Wu Zhizhong." Li Honglin said unconvinced.

"This is not necessarily true. If a child is advanced in thinking, I may not necessarily be advanced. Sometimes it is just the opposite."

"It doesn't make sense, does it?"

"It makes sense, you just haven't understood it thoroughly."

After that, Lin Chuang saw that Li Honglin was still looking unconvinced, smiled and further explained: "Daya, do you have a jujube tree at home?"

"My home? Where can I have a home? It's not like you don't know that I was adopted by my master when I was a child. However, there are a lot of jujube trees where we live."

"Then you must have seen the slippery branches on the jujube tree?"

"Of course I've seen them before. They're just branches that don't grow flowers or bear dates."

"Yes. Tell me, why do the other branches of the same tree bear dates but the slippery branch does not?"

"have no idea."

"Have you ever noticed that all slippery branches are located at the roots of tree branches, which is often the most nutritious place. In other words, excessive nutrition makes slippery branches a different kind of thing."

"...still don't understand."

"If a child from a wealthy family does not accept advanced ideas other than his parents, he will enjoy a comfortable life, follow the steps and do nothing, and at most he will repeat the life trajectory of his parents. On the contrary, if this child is influenced by advanced ideas, he will be better than

Children from poor families are better able to understand the decay of the old system, because they have seen, experienced, and thought about it. And the more such people are, the more revolutionary they are. Just like new branches sprouting from the old tree, and young shoots sprouting from under the rotten leaves.


"Only maggots can grow in the latrine, what else can grow?" Li Honglin said suddenly.

Damn, this bar was so lifted that Lin Chuang almost choked.

"That's right. Didn't the maggots eventually turn into flies and fly out of the latrine? Don't think that maggots are disgusting, but compared to excrement, aren't they alive?" Lin Chuang endured his nausea and talked about the excrement and maggots in the latrine.

The relationship issues will be further explained.

"Although it's disgusting, it's the truth." Li Honglin was finally convinced and stopped arguing.

Lin Chuang nodded and stopped dwelling on this topic, for fear that this guy would raise the issue again.

"Besides, I estimate that once Wu Miaoyun was imprisoned, Li Shiqun must have thoroughly investigated her family. If Wu Zhizhong had problems, that ruthless Li Shiqun would have arrested him long ago, let alone his father and daughter.

We met at the hospital."

"Yes, sir, you are right, then let's investigate Tian Chuncai." Li Honglin was convinced after all his doubts were gone.

"Brother, I'm not telling you, sir, when did you miss it? You just obey the orders, but you still refuse to obey." Yi Lianhua said with a smile.

"Why are you dissatisfied? You just don't ask questions when you have questions, which makes you feel uncomfortable." After saying that, Li Honglin turned to Lin Chuang: "Sir, let Er Meng go and investigate. To deal with Tian Chuncai, two Meng and one man are enough."

"What are you doing? Why did Er Meng go?" Yi Lianhua asked.

"I'm looking at my nephew. I haven't seen him this afternoon. I really miss him. I feel like a cat scratching my head. Sir, I think Dong'er's bones are very good and he is a good material for martial arts. Shall I teach him martial arts?"

Lin Chuang rolled his eyes at him and said: "You have a strange skeleton? You are as fat as a lump of flesh. Where did you see that? You talk nonsense all day long!"

Li Honglin became anxious when he heard this: "Sir, this is not nonsense. Don't look at Dong'er as fat. He is fat with breasts. I have touched him before and he will be tall when he grows up. He is a material for martial arts training."

"I don't believe it. Don't act like an expert." Lin Chuang said disdainfully.

"I can really feel it!" Li Honglin was a little anxious. He rolled his eyes and asked, "Sir, you don't look down on martial arts practitioners, do you?"

Lin Chuang was simply speechless.

She rolled her eyes at him firmly and said: "Is your brain on the wrong string? Have you learned to think divergently? When did I look down on martial arts practitioners? You don't need to use provocative techniques to make him learn martial arts!"

"Then you don't agree."

"Whether he is studying Chinese literature or martial arts, as long as he likes it, I will not object. As long as he does not grow into a slippery branch, I hope he can do what he likes."

Li Honglin laughed when he heard this and said, "Don't worry, our Dong'er is fine."

"Senior brother, how can a child who is feeding on breasts get better?"

"Don't worry, if he learns to be bad, my uncle will be the first to beat him up, and I won't let him get used to it." Li Honglin patted his chest and said firmly.

Lin Chuang could see that Li Honglin truly loved Lin Dong, even more than his biological father.

Speaking of business, why do you say you have enlightened on parenting? Really.

Lin Chuang quickly stopped and returned to the topic: "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. It's early, let's talk about the immediate situation first. Ermeng, can you do it alone?"

"Okay." Liu Ermeng replied solemnly.

"You must watch from a distance first and be wary of spies." Lin Chuang warned.

"Yeah." Liu Ermeng nodded solemnly.

In fact, Liu Ermeng has a steady temperament and quick wit. In addition, he has a strong body, a strict mouth, and a reliable person, which is relatively reassuring.

It's just that Lin Chuang is used to being cautious, so he took the trouble to give instructions on all kinds of details.

He himself felt that he was talking nonsense and looked like an old woman.

Sure enough, Liu Ermeng lived up to Lin Chuang's expectations and brought the exact news about Tian Chuncai in just one day.

This chapter has been completed!
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