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Chapter 1066 Logical Reasoning (1)

"I beg to differ." Wan Lilang shook his head and said, "According to what I know, it's not that Liu San is at odds with Chen Yifei and Hu Yafu, but that he is very timid and doesn't want to offend anyone, especially when it comes to official matters.

That was because he was cautious and didn't dare to make any omissions. Therefore, he didn't dare Chen Yifei and Hu Yafu to drink, and he didn't want to offend them, so he just let them go and did things well by himself.

At the same time, Chen Yifei bought back the wine and meat, and Liu San didn't ask a question, so it was easy to explain that he didn't want to pay attention to them.

As for the key on Liu San's body, this seems suspicious, but I think it is the least suspicious. Because no one would be so stupid as to put themselves in danger of being suspected."

Lin Chuangdao: "I just raised a possibility. But no matter what, there is suspicion on him. Director Wan has no objection to this, right?"

"No objection." Wan Lilang nodded.

Putting this topic aside, Lin Chuang continued to explore the corridor.

When I walked to the west end of the corridor, I looked up and found that the roof of the eaves was recessed into a square shape, just enough for one person to climb up, like an inverted wellhead.

This should be the only way to the top of the building.

Lin Chuang looked above, waved his hands to prevent others from coming over, and squatted down to observe the ground carefully.

The ground is very clean, without dust or any marks.

"Director Wan, call Liu San." Lin Chuang ordered.

"Yes." Wan Lilang agreed and asked someone to call him.

Soon, Liu San came.

"Liu San, is there a ladder?" Lin Chuang asked, pointing to the wellhead above.

"Yes, I'll go and get it." After Liu San finished speaking, he turned around and ran down.

"Slow down." Lin Chuang shouted, and Liu San stopped.

"I'll go with you." After saying that, Liu Santou led the way, and Lin Chuang and Liu Ermeng followed.

Wan Lilang looked at Li Shiqun and thought to himself, "I still don't trust Liu San."

Liu San led Lin Chuang to the east wing: "Sir Lin, the ladder is inside."

Lin Chuang observed for a while and found that the door was unlocked. There was a stone pavement outside the door and no footprints could be seen.

Today's technology is so backward that in future generations, footprints and fingerprints can be detected. Moreover, as long as you accidentally fall into a crime scene with even a strand of hair, DNA technology can quickly lock you in.

There is no way, now we can only rely on naked eyes to solve the case.

I opened the door and looked at the ground, but there was still no trace.

I glanced up and saw a narrow wooden ladder leaning against the east wall.

Lin Chuang took a closer look, wiped it with his hand, and found that there was a layer of soil on the white gloves.

But no footprints were found on the ladder.

This rules out the possibility that the murderer used the ladder to get down from the roof.

Liu San carried the ladder and the three of them went up to the second floor.

Put the ladder under the "wellhead", climb up the ladder, push the cover of the "wellhead" with your hand, and it will open immediately.

Just as he was about to climb up, Lin Chuang stopped him: "Come down."

When Liu San came down, Lin Chuang was about to climb up, but Liu Er suddenly stopped him: "I'm going up."

"It's okay." Lin Chuang grabbed him and went up first.

The "well mouth" is very narrow and can accommodate only one person. A fat man like Wu Sibao would not be able to get up unless he folds his belly.

Therefore, with such a narrow "well mouth", it is easy to leave cloth threads on the clothes on the edge of the well. If you are not careful, it is normal for a button to hang off.

Unfortunately, Lin Chuang found nothing.

When we went up to the roof, we found that the roof was covered with a thin layer of gravel.

Lin Chuang sighed and said to himself: "This crime environment is too good."

I straightened up, raised my head, and saw that the entire roof was connected from east to west and was paved with gravel.

"What the heck, the builders had a lot of money from Tongde Medical College back then. Why did they get so many stones?"

Return to the living room on the first floor and drive everyone out. Only Li Shiqun, Lin Chuang, Wan Lilang, Liu Ermeng and Mao Yiming are there.

Lin Chuang said to Wan Lilang: "The biggest difficulty in this case is that the murderer did not leave any traces."

"That's right, Chief Lin, you can't do anything in your humble position. You must have something to do, right?" Wan Lilang glanced at Li Shiqun and saw that he didn't talk to him at all, so he had to act as the talker.

"If there are no traces, then we can only rely on logical reasoning."


"Through the investigation of the scene, I have concluded that the murderer first poisoned and then assassinated."

When Lin Chuang made this judgment, Li Shiqun and Wan Lilang were stunned.

The two looked at each other, and Wan Lilang expressed his doubts: "Sir Lin, this is impossible, isn't it? If the murderer succeeded in poisoning, then he would just kill him with poison, why would he use a knife? Isn't it unnecessary? ?”

"Perhaps the poison in the hands of the murderer is of low toxicity and not fatal enough. In addition, maybe the underground party hates Tian Chuncai so much that even if they poison him, they still have to kill his body to vent their anger."

"But, the deceased showed no signs of poisoning?"

"So, I say the poison in the hands of the murderer has low toxicity, or it can only stun but not kill."

"Why didn't the murderer use highly toxic drugs?"

"I speculate that the murderer did not want to leave traces. There are many poisons, but the most common one is arsenic. Arsenic can be purchased in pharmacies, but it is easy to leave traces."

"Chief Lin, what you are saying is that the murderer used a less toxic poison to stun Tian Chuncai, Chen Yifei and Hu Yafu first, and then carried out the assassination. So, could it be an anesthetic? You know, after people are anesthetized, It can also be done.”

"To correct you, Liu San was also poisoned. He was also poisoned. Anesthetic? You mean surgical anesthetic, right? Impossible. First, the anesthetic needs to be injected, and there were no needle holes on the corpse; second, The murderer's original intention was not to alarm the victims, so wouldn't it go against his original intention if he injected them?"

"You mean, it's poisonous smoke or poisonous gas?"

"Yes, this is the most likely."

After Lin Chuang finished speaking, Wan Lilang was speechless and lowered his head to think about how likely this was.

"This is just your conjecture, right? Is there any evidence?" Li Shiqun said without hesitation.

"Yes. First, Liu San said that he slept very hard last night. He fell asleep at ten o'clock and woke up at seven o'clock in the morning. He did not get up in the middle of the night. Does this prove that he was also poisoned?

Second, if it was food poisoning, then why were all four people poisoned? You must know that the food the four people consumed was different.

Third, the cause of death of the three people was that the arteries were cut. As we all know, when the arteries are cut, blood will spurt out, and the ground will be filled with blood in an instant. However, there were no bloody footprints left at the scene. What does this mean? It means that the murderer was not involved. It's not about killing people up close, but about killing people from a distance with a long weapon.

This is not difficult to reason about.

So the question is, would the murderer attack a conscious person from a distance? Even if Chen Yifei and Hu Yafu were drunk, wouldn't they scream in pain if a sharp instrument penetrated their flesh? If they screamed, wouldn't others be able to hear them?


Ah? And the fourth one?

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