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Chapter 1082 If you don't believe me, you can still laugh

After the imitation, in fact, no one doubted Lin Chuang's judgment, let alone anyone doubted that Lin Chuang and Zhang Shouzheng were connected.

Even Wan Lilang thought it was a joke.

Li Shiqun is a joke, Mao Yiming is a joke, and the whole incident itself is a joke.

But Li Shiqun still refused to give up: "Where is the murder weapon? We didn't find the sword, right? If we can't find the murder weapon, it's not a solid case."

Wan Lilang secretly rolled his eyes when he heard this: "A solid case? That means Chief Lin is so demanding. When did the Secret Service handle cases based on a solid case?"

"Oh, that's right." Lin Chuang slapped his forehead and said, "I forgot, the procedure is wrong. We should find the murder weapon first and let them come up with the murder weapon. Let's go back to No. 1 Courtyard to find the murder weapon."

After that, Lin Chuang took the lead to go downstairs.

Li Shiqun ordered two of his subordinates to stay and take care of Mao Yiming and others, while Wan Lilang followed Lin Chuang.

After entering Courtyard No. 1, Lin Chuang went straight to the root of the east wall, where a sickle stood vertically.

Lin Chuang picked up the sickle, handed it to Wan Lilang, and said, "This is the murder weapon."

Wan Lilang took it and took a look. The blade of the sickle was thin and shiny, and it looked very sharp at first glance.

He muttered: "Mr. Lin, the sickle is sharp enough. If you use it to cut an artery, it should be able to cut it off in one stroke. However, if according to what you said before, the murderer carried out the murder while standing far away, this sickle blade

First, the handle is not long enough, how long should it be? It is said to be half a meter long. This distance will definitely splash blood on the murderer. Second, the blade is inward, how to cut it?"

Lin Chuang smiled and said: "It's easier to handle the inward-facing blade. Just turn the blade over and nail it to the handle. Look, do these two nails have any traces of new riveting?"

Lin Chuang pointed to the rivets that fixed the sickle. Wan Lilang took a closer look and saw that there were indeed traces of new rivets.

Wan Lilang suddenly realized, and said: "Yes, these two nails can be cut out with only a chisel, a hammer, and a screw nut, and they can also be riveted on easily."

"In my hometown, we use a sickle to cut wheat, so if the sickle is broken or loose, we have to rivet it ourselves, so every family has the iron three you mentioned." Lin Chuang said: "Director Wan, sundries

There is a tin box in the room, which should be used to store tools. Go look for it and see if there are those three items?"

Wan Lilang followed the instructions and went into the utility room, took out the iron box, opened the box and saw that it looked like iron!

Whatever Lin Chuang said, the Wu family would have it. If it was just a coincidence, then it would be too much, right?

Until this moment, Li Shiqun couldn't help but not believe it, so he didn't question it again.

"There is another problem: it's not long enough." Lin Chuang said again: "Have you seen the bamboo? I looked carefully just now and there is a fresh bamboo stubble. It's not bad as I expected. It should have been cut yesterday.

Judging from the thickness of the bamboo stubble, it should be about the same thickness as the handle of a sickle. I think Wu Zhongcheng used bamboo as the handle and tied the sickle with the outward-edged blade to it, so that it was long enough."

"When they come back after killing the people, the bamboo will definitely be disposed of. I think Wu Zhongcheng will definitely chop the bamboo into pieces. He is a careful person and will not throw the scraps away as garbage. He will definitely throw them into the stove and burn them.

Although the bamboo is wet, it is not difficult to burn it as long as the fire is strong enough."

After Lin Chuang finished speaking, he looked at Li Shiqun: "Deputy Director Li, is this case considered solved?"

Li Shiqun thought for a while and asked: "You just said that two people committed the crime together. Are you talking about Wu Zhizhong and Wu Zhongcheng? Wu Zhizhong is over fifty years old. Can he climb to the top of the building?"

He didn't mention Wu Miaoyun.

Because he knew that Wu Miaoyun must be an insider, but even if he knew something, Wu Miaoyun would not make it public.

Because Wu Miaoyun's true identity can be hidden from others, but not from herself.

She could only be happy to see her father kill the traitor.

"Deputy Director Li, although Wu Zhizhong is a professor and older, don't forget that he exercises regularly and is mentally better than his peers at first glance. Such a person is more than enough to play a supporting role, and he can even be said to be himself.

I also believe the person who kills someone."

Li Shiqun fell silent.

Needless to say, this case is solved.

Lin Chuang's reasoning is not based on imagination, but has so much physical evidence.

Li Shiqun was not very depressed about letting the Wu family leave Shanghai, and was even a little happy.

Because Hu Fengzhi had successfully penetrated into the underground party.

When choosing between avenging a dead Tian Chuncai and driving a nail into the underground party, there is no doubt that the latter brings the greatest benefits to himself.

Unfortunately, the plan to take Lin Chuang out of the game failed.

Not only did he fail, but he also created a powerful enemy for himself. It was really not worth the loss.

However, Li Shiqun was Li Shiqun after all, and he was not willing to fail.

"Director Lin, the story you told is very exciting. However," Li Shiqun decided to play rogue: "There is only physical evidence and no witness. This case is not a solid case. You still can't escape the suspicion of Tong Chi!"

"Hahaha...!" Lin Chuang looked up to the sky and laughed, saying: "Dear Director Li, Lin is really convinced by you. Even so, you are still stubborn and don't forget to throw dirty water on Lin. Excuse me,

Aren't you worried about yourself? I really don't know where you get your confidence?"

Li Shiqun did not answer, but waved his hand and ordered everyone else to exit the courtyard, leaving only him, Lin Chuang, Wan Lilang and Liu Ermeng.

"Director Lin, let's talk in the room," Li Shiqun said.


Lin Chuang entered the house without hesitation.

The two sat down face to face, and Li Shiqun answered Lin Chuang's question: "Worried? Director Lin, you are referring to the fact that I let Wu Zhizhong's family go, right? In fact, you also understand that not only am I not worried about being held accountable, I am also happy. Wu Zhizhong

, it’s great that Wu Zhongcheng is an underground party. It means that my move of inserting Hu Fengzhi is really wonderful. I believe that soon, the underground party SH Municipal Committee will suffer heavy losses because of him. Do you think I should be happy?

Woolen cloth?"

"Hahaha..." Lin Chuang laughed again when he heard this and said: "Deputy Director Li, what you just said is just wishful thinking and a dream. There is no shortage of capable people in the underground party. No matter how precise your calculations are,

It will definitely fail. Lin dares to say that in less than an hour, you, the second-in-command of the Secret Service, will become a joke in Shanghai."

"Director Lin, don't use your words. Are you jealous? Li is about to make a great achievement, are you jealous?" Li Shiqun said with a smile.

"When others play basketball, they shoot into the opponent's basket, but you shoot into your own basket; when others play football, they shoot into the opponent's goal, but you shoot into your own goal." Lin Chuang said with a contemptuous smile.

Li Shiqun's eyes flashed coldly and he asked, "What do you mean?"

"Haha, Lin, let me remind you a few words. Think about the vinegar jar, the alkali noodle jar, the sickle, the long rope, and then think about the relationship between Tian Chuncai and Hu Fengzhi. I don't believe you can still laugh."


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