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Chapter 1091 Beautiful girl Wu Quanfang

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Chuang and Liu Ermeng quietly came to "Jiang's Huqin Store".

There was no one in the store, so the two of them talked in the store.

Jiang Shan had a record in his hand, and Lin Chuang had his wallet.

"Comrade Ziwei, on behalf of the organization, thank you." Jiang Shan said solemnly.

When Lin Chuang heard this, he knew that the three Wus had successfully escaped from danger.

He really wanted to ask about Wu Zhizhong's true identity, how the three of them escaped from danger, and where they went.

But he understood that the matter involved confidentiality and it was not his responsibility to ask.

"This is my duty, I shouldn't do this." Lin Chuang said.

Then, Jiang Shan said straight to the point: "Next, the organization will need to rescue Hai Xin, Guo Youming, and Lin Zhao, and we will need you to provide intelligence and necessary assistance."

"What do you need me to do?"

"We don't know anything about Hai Xin now, but judging from the enemy's reaction, Comrade Hai Xin has not rebelled. To rescue him, we need to know where he is currently being held. You only need to provide this information.

You do not need to participate in the specific rescue operation."


"As for Guo Youming and Lin Zhao, since they are in prison, it is very difficult to rescue them. Therefore, the SH Municipal Committee has formulated a plan for out-of-prison rescue. Therefore, you need to find a way to get them out of prison and inform them of the specific actions.

You don’t have to worry about the route and time.”

"Longhua Prison is in my hands, this matter is easy."

"No, this matter is not easy. The difficulty lies in how to keep you out of the situation while rescuing people, so as to prevent the enemy from suspecting you. For this reason, from an organizational perspective, one of the four people, including Zhang Jin, can be

Arrange to go to prison to be the warden, so that even if an accident occurs, you will not be affected. More importantly, the important point of Longhua Prison is that the warden should be one of our people. If anything happens in the future, it will be easier to move.

Too much."

Lin Chuang thought about it and felt that Jiangshan's proposal was a good one.

Although Zhang Shouzheng was loyal to him, he could not always feel completely at ease.

It would indeed be a good choice if Zhang Jin and others were arranged to join in. It would save you a lot of worry.

However, Zhang Jin can't do it. He is the director of the attendant's office and the captain of the special agent team. The prison is already under his jurisdiction. To let him serve as the warden is an understatement.

Even if Zhang Jin doesn't say anything else for the sake of the mission, outsiders will inevitably become suspicious.

Thinking about the positions of Wang Mu, Li Shui, Zhao Huo and Sun Tu, I think they are all very important. In comparison, Zhao Huo's position as captain of the detective team seems to be lighter.

"Okay, let Zhao Huo pass."

"Okay, I will notify the SH Municipal Committee and ask them to contact Zhao Huo through organizational relationships. You should not ask about this matter."

"Okay, I will rescue Hai Xin as soon as possible."

"Don't be anxious, and don't be too deliberate. Everything is about your own safety."


"I'm done, what can I do for you?"

Lin Chuang thought for a while, and there really was nothing to ask except about Wu Quanfang and others.

"The tax school will start enrolling students soon. Register on the 26th. Have everyone arrived?"

"We've arrived. Everyone else's household registration procedures have been completed, except for Wu Quanfang's."

"Why couldn't it be done?"

"Because it doesn't need to be done."

"No need to do anything?"

"Yes, you will be able to see her soon. You will understand after you see her."


"Yeah, keep it secret."

After leaving the Huqin store, Lin Chuang thought: "Wu Quanfang doesn't need to go through the household registration procedures? Is she a Shanghainese herself? Or is the daughter of a high-ranking official in Shanghai guaranteed as a guarantor? But, which family's surname is Wu? Wu Sibao

The surname is Wu, is he from his hometown? I haven’t heard of anyone from his hometown? If someone wants to go to taxation school, will Wu Sibao tell me?"

Among the people I know, there is also a man named Wu, Wu Zhiyuan, the chief of the political section of the police station.

Could it be his sister or relative?

After thinking about it for a while, I finally couldn't figure it out, so I stopped thinking about it.

Anyway, Jiang Shan said that he would see Wu Quanfang soon.

The next day, after Lin Chuang had breakfast, he went to the police station.

Last night, he had reached an agreement with Zhang Shouzheng to give up his post as warden.

The reason given by Lin Chuang was that the position of warden was too dangerous, and if he was not careful, his family would be affected.

Zhang Shouzheng and Pang Yiping were also a little scared after what happened last time.

The couple spent the whole night calculating, and they both felt that if the husband was not smart enough, it would be difficult to escape the crime. Moreover, as long as he was slapped with a red hat, there was nothing he could do.

When Lin Chuang proposed not to let him be the warden, Zhang Shouzheng readily agreed.

Lin Chuang's plan was to make him the political section chief and Wu Zhiyuan the detective captain.

Of course, all this is to make room for Zhao Huo.

But Zhang Shouzheng disagreed. He felt that his talents were insufficient and he could not be the chief of the political section, so he might as well do something practical.

He took a fancy to the position of director of the Xujiahui branch.

Lin Chuang thought about it and felt that Zhang Shouzheng's idea was good.

When you are a branch chief, you are also a prince. Behind closed doors, you are a local emperor.

Moreover, Ning Xiaobo's third team is stationed in Xujiahui, so the two can take care of each other.

So Lin Chuang agreed to his request.

Therefore, when he went to work today, he had to go to the police station to make personnel adjustments.

When the car arrived at the door of the police station, Liu Er suddenly stepped on the brakes and the car stopped immediately.

"What's going on?" Lin Chuang asked displeasedly.

The surprised expression on Liu Ermeng's face was not concealed at all. He pointed to a person standing in front of the police station door and said: "Sir, look."

"Who is it?" Yi Lianhua asked, sticking her head out.

Soon she turned back to look at Lin Chuang, her expression also very rich.

"Who is it? You all have such strange expressions?" Lin Chuang asked in surprise.

Yi Lianhua had a smile on her face and said, "Sir, you can see for yourself."

Lin Chuang rolled down the car window on his side and stuck his head out to take a look. He saw a beautiful girl standing at the door of the police station with two rattan boxes at her feet. It looked like she had traveled a long way.

She was tall and tall, with a white scarf around her neck and a light green short-sleeved cloth gown with a slanted placket on her upper body, revealing a pair of lotus-like arms.

He was wearing a pair of black trousers and a pair of black cloth shoes with square cuffs on his feet.

This outfit looks very solemn and elegant. Coupled with her two slender long legs and excellent figure, she is really as graceful as a willow swaying in the wind, which is dazzling.

Looking at his face again, Lin Chuang was immediately startled and his mouth opened into an "O" shape.

Why does that beautiful face look so familiar?

Taking another closer look, it turned out to be her!

The reason why I didn't recognize her right away was because I had the impression that she had waist-length braids.

But now the braids are gone and her hair has been cut to ear length.

No wonder Jiangshan said Wu Quanfang didn't need to go through the user registration procedures. It turned out to be her.

This chapter has been completed!
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