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Chapter 1105 The Taoist appearance is right, Toda is three

The little devil was very polite, stood up quickly, put his hands by his side, and replied respectfully: "I don't dare, I don't dare."

"Actually, there's nothing surprising. My brother and I share the same mother-in-law. However, I was given away when I was a child. It was given to a family named Wu, so my surname was Wu." Brother Dong explained.

Lin Chuang also looked at her nonsense and wailed in his heart: "Where is that honest and honest Brother Dong?"

"Oh, that's it. Please give me some advice, Miss." Toda Shozo was still very polite.

Brother Dong smiled and said: "You are a gentleman and I am a student, so you don't need to be so polite. I would like to learn painting from you in the future. Mr. Toda, you won't refuse, right?"

With that said, he rubbed against Lin Chuang again.

My biological sister, not my loving sister, why are you so embarrassed?

Lin Chuang quietly hid.

Toda Shozo glanced at Brother Dong and said, "Miss, you're welcome. To be honest with you, painting is my hobby, and I am especially good at figure painting. If you don't give up, I am willing to discuss with you."

Lin Chuang felt bad when he saw that he was no longer looking at Brother Dong's chest. He pulled Brother Dong and said, "Let's go. This is not the time to talk and delay other people's registration."

"Goodbye Mr. Toda!"

Brother Dong waved and whispered sweetly.

"Goodbye, miss." Toda Shozo bowed again, looking at Lin Chuang and Brother Dong as they left.

Brother Dong did not go upstairs with Lin Chuang, but took Chunhong back to Yongshengfang.

Lin Chuang, who returned to the office, secretly thought: "Who is Toda Shozo? What secrets does he have?"

Brother Dong's performance is nothing in the eyes of others. In his eyes, it is all a performance.

She deliberately dragged her to sign up, showing more intimacy than a brother and sister should, and also made up a lie. This lie was obviously planned long ago. Most people on the spot don't have such eagerness to make up stories.

Another point is that her attitude towards Shozo Toda is too good, which is not normal.

Not to mention she is an underground party, even if she is an ordinary citizen, she will not show any affection towards the Japanese.

So, she is acting.

The only purpose of her performance is to show people the relationship between me and her, and the focus of this show is Toda Shozo.

In addition, among the three registration points, why did the four people Dong Ge, Wang Yalin, Sun Qiuming, and Li Qiang all choose Toda Shozo?

Sun Qiuming brought the drawing board, obviously to attract Toda Shozo's attention.


It must be a good painting that has been prepared a long time ago.

Therefore, Lin Chuang ordered Jiang Jingfu to get Toda Shozo's files.

Toda Shozo, 37 years old, is a native of Kyoto, Japan. He graduated from the Economics Department of Kanazawa University and is interested in painting as a hobby.

He is from Kyoto and is from the same hometown as Fairy Shigong.

What kind of JB university is Kanazawa University? I’ve never heard of it.

From the files, Lin Chuang didn't find any valuable information.

How much of a threat can an economics graduate from a no-name university pose, even if he is a spy? Is it worth it for Brother Dong and the four of them to deal with him together?

Moreover, Lin Chuang did not believe that Toda Shozo was a spy because there was nothing in the tax school that would be of interest to the Japanese.

Unless he has other purposes or other important goals.

Now it seems that we need to get to know this little devil in depth.

Thinking that Toda Shozo was a fellow countryman of the little fan girl, Lin Chuang picked up the phone and called Fairy Shigong: "Fairy, what are you doing? Are you busy?"

"I'm busy, Lin Sang, do you have anything?" The fairy's voice sounded surprised.

"There's something wrong, but it's not serious. Since you're busy, let's talk about it later."

"In the future? No, sir, I've been a little busy lately and I can't get away."

Fairy Shi Gong didn't know whether she had made a mistake or deliberately, and she had misrepresented Lin Chuang's meaning.

Lin Chuang turned his head to the side and curled his lips.

"Fairy, where did you want to go? It's business."

"Is it convenient to talk on the phone?"

"Convenience is not a secret."

"Then please speak."

"Do you know Shozo Toda?"

"Is that the accounting teacher? We know each other. We are from the same hometown. What's wrong with him? Sir, if he dares to stab you, don't be polite. Beat him first."

Oh, Shozo Toda is not an important person.

"No, no. The main reason is that it turned out that he was not the one recommended by the agency director before. I want to ask why." Lin Chuang said hurriedly.

"Shozo Toda, he couldn't survive in Japan anymore. That's why he came to China to seek refuge."

"Can't survive anymore? Take refuge? Who has he offended?" Lin Chuangqi asked.

"He offended the Japanese public."

"Hey, he still has this ability?"

"Yes, he has this ability, but this ability is not glorious. He loves painting, and he has a gallery at Kanazawa University, specializing in painting women's naked bodies, and he even calls it art."

"It's understandable. It's normal to draw women's naked bodies."

"Yes, it's normal to draw models. The key point is that this guy is very lecherous. Almost all the models he has painted have slept with him. Not only that, this guy also used the name of an artist to trick girls into painting him naked bodies.

Finally, he even asked people to devote themselves to art. Later, the parents of a girl found out and went to Kanazawa University to have a quarrel with him. It made a big fuss and even appeared in the newspaper. Later, the university called the police, and the police conducted a first trial.

Guy, this guy seduced a total of eighteen Japanese girls, not including those models."

Lin Chuang thought of those Japanese films that were popular in later generations and asked: "That's not right, fairy, aren't things between men and women popular in Japan? Doesn't it matter if it is made into a movie? Is this even a thing?"

"The ones you are talking about are prostitutes. In order to make money, people treat sleeping with them as a job. The law protects them. Toda Shozo is not sleeping with girls, but with girls. There is a difference here."

"Oh, he turned out to be a sanctimonious guy. What happened next? Was he jailed?"

"Later he was fined a lot of money and almost all his property was confiscated, but he was not jailed. As for why he was not jailed, it was because he had a very famous classmate who spoke for him."

"Oh..., according to what you said, his classmate also knows the director of the agency? In the military?"

"I don't know about that. Anyway, if you can ask the agency director, it should be relevant, right?"

When Lin Chuang heard this, he was shocked when he thought about Toda Shozo's malicious eyes always looking at Brother Dong's chest.

He quickly thought through the worst-case scenario in his mind and said to Fairy Shigong: "Fairy, that's what happened. I have a god-sister who applied for tax school. When I signed up today, I found out that Masami Toda

This guy has a bad look, so I called him and asked him where he was."

"Fuck sister? She's pretty, isn't she?"

"Well, it can be considered beautiful."

"Don't worry. I believe the director of the agency has told him that he will not dare to offend you. As long as he knows the relationship between your sister and you, he will not dare even if he has eight courages."

"Then... what if? Men are animals that think with their lower body. They are both lustful and careless, regardless of the consequences."

This chapter has been completed!
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