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Chapter 1113 Don't let the kite break the line

"First, I will form the tax police regiment and appoint the officers. Gao Zongwu will not interfere. The Qingxiang operation is over and the tax police regiment will be reestablished. Secondly, all logistics supplies and military salaries will be settled by Gao Zongwu. Thirdly, Qingxiang will be settled by Gao Zongwu.

During the operation, the tax police regiment was commanded by Gao Zongwu, but the appointment and dismissal of officers above the company level must be approved by me."

Lin Chuang's three conditions were nothing more than wanting to keep this miscellaneous army in his own hands and not giving it away to others.

In other words, Gao Zongwu had the right to use it, but not the ownership.

Zhu Daoshan knew that even with these three conditions, Lin Chuang had given himself enough face. If it were anyone else, Lin Chuang would not be able to agree.

"Xiao Lin, these three conditions are not excessive at all. I promise you on behalf of Gao Zongwu."

Then he said: "Xiao Lin, I am very pleased that you can understand the general situation so well."

Lin Chuang said with a bitter face: "Sir, in order to understand these three words, it's like tearing out the flesh of my heart."

"Understood, understood. Don't worry, Dean Wang will also feel your heart for the country."

"Sir, I don't want to be appreciated by him."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Daoshan smiled happily.

"Sir, Li Shiqun is too addicted to officialdom and his methods are vicious. Please remind Director Gao to be more careful," Lin Chuang said.

Zhu Daoshan's face straightened and he said: "Li Shiqun is not a person who is willing to submit to his subordinates. I have seen this a long time ago and have already reminded Gao Zongwu. Hum, it's better if he restrains himself. If it is really shameful, I won't either.

Let him go."

When he said this, Zhu Daoshan's eyes flashed with darkness.

Lin Chuang completed the provocation task initially and left immediately.

Zhu Youshan was waiting in the yard. When he saw Lin Chuang coming out, he grabbed him and walked aside, murmuring: "Brother Lin, you...are you not angry?"

Lin Chuang glanced at the lover boy and thought to himself, why am I angry? You and your partner are important roles. The drama I arranged is not exciting, and I am counting on your passion to perform it.

"What are you talking about, brother? Why can't I understand?" Lin Chuang pretended to be stupid.

Before Zhu Youshan could react, Lin Chuang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, I don't have time to be angry. My husband has arranged a hard job for me, so I have to go and get busy."

After saying that, he hurried away.

Zhu Youshan touched his head and said secretly: "Brother Lin, what does this mean? Didn't he see what happened to us?"

Then I thought, yes, what he told me originally was a lie. Mrs. Lan and I were doing things so secretly, how could others know?

However, Brother Lin is so wise...

Forget it, just pretend he doesn't know.

Zhu Daoshan acted quickly, and the government official arrived at the police station the next day.

Lin Chuang first read the text and saw that it indeed said: "The police station and the tax police bureau jointly established a tax police regiment to participate in the Qingxiang Movement. All the soldiers of the regiment were recruited and appointed by Chief Lin, and all military expenditures were made by Chief Lin.

The Qingxiang Committee will assume the responsibility, the war is over, and the regiment will return to its homeland."

This was considered a complete agreement to Lin Chuang's conditions, which were made clear in the form of a document.

Lin Chuang asked Yi Lianhua to notify Gao Quanling, Ding Manli, Liang Yuqi and Tian Guohou to come to the meeting.

Soon, four people gathered in Lin Chuang's office.

Lin Chuang circulated the document to four people.

All four of them had happy faces, especially the three men.

Who among men doesn't want to lead troops? It's easy to understand.

But Ding Manli also had a look of eagerness on her face, which made Lin Chuang slightly surprised: Why, she also wants to lead troops?

Gao Quanling and Tian Guohou knew about the position of regimental leader and must have considered it. Although their hearts felt like burning coals, they still held back and wanted to see what the bureau leader wanted before talking about it.

Liang Yuqi was anxious, fearing that this job would fall on someone else. After reading the document, he immediately said: "Sergeant, I am humble enough to share my worries with you."

Lin Chuang glanced at Liang Yuqi but did not respond.

Liang Yuqi spoke. Gao Quanling and Tian Guohou refused to lag behind and expressed their willingness to share the worries of their superiors.

Ding Manli also said: "Boss, I also want to lead troops, even if I can be a company commander."

Lin Chuang smiled and said: "Yes, you are willing to share Lin's worries and have not backed down, which is good. However, you are all Lin's right-hand men, and the affairs of the bureau cannot be separated from you. In addition, Operation Qingxiang is actually a military

If you take action, you won’t take risks.”

Upon hearing this, the four of them looked at each other. Since they don't plan to let us go to the battlefield, why did they ask us to come over for a meeting?

Lin Chuang continued: "Let's do this. I will take over the position of commander of the regiment and coordinate the affairs of the army. Of course, as the regiment leader, I will not go to the battlefield to express my ownership of the tax police regiment, so as to prevent some people from taking advantage of this team.


As for the deputy leader, I think Zhang Jin will be the one.

When he was in the police academy, he was known for the high quality of his training, and his age, position, and qualifications were all appropriate.

In addition, three more groups were formed.

First, the logistics team, headed by Deputy Director Liang, is responsible for military pay and materials and other matters;

Second, the soldier selection team, with Lao Gao as the team leader, Guohou and Zhang Jin as the first and second deputy team leaders, is responsible for selecting soldiers and officers within the police station and tax police bureau;

Third, the liaison and communication team, with Manli as the leader. The task of the liaison and communication team is to select and train communication personnel, and to be responsible for contacting the team after the team is deployed.

That’s all I can think of at the moment, everyone, please feel free to speak.”

Upon hearing Lin Chuang's arrangement, although the four deputies were not very satisfied, they did not dare to object.

Everyone knows the temper of their bureau members, and that is what they say.

He sets the general direction, and the deputy positions just fill in the gaps.

"Bureau, a regiment must have at least a thousand people, right? It's hard for us to reach full strength.

The two bureaus have to recruit thousands of people, let alone whether they can gather enough people. Even if they can gather enough, can the military quality be enough? Also, if all the capable forces are taken away, our police station and tax police station will not be able to function.

It will be difficult to get up." The person who said this was Gao Quanling.

"Put aside the operation of the two bureaus for now. After all, we are just maintaining law and order, not fighting a war. Let Zhang Jin select people first, with police academy students as the main team, and select as many as he can. If there are not enough, recruit a new group from society.

"Lin Chuangdao.

"Boss, can the salary be better?" Liang Yuqi asked.

"The policemen and tax policemen will retain their salaries, and they will receive military pay. Those recruited from the public will only receive military pay." After Lin Chuang finished speaking, he looked at Liang Yuqi: "All military expenditures must be paid by us. Our people,

We support you. Therefore, you must have enough military expenses."

"Commander, what do you mean, not only now but also in the future, military expenditures will be controlled by us?" Liang Yuqi asked excitedly.

"What I mean is that not only now, but also in the future, the tax police group will always be under our control. We cannot let the kite break its string." Lin Chuang said solemnly.

"Yes, I understand."

Liang Yuqi was overjoyed.

This chapter has been completed!
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