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Chapter 1117 atrocities

Anthrax is a biochemical weapon developed by the Japanese Army's 731 Unit. It can cause skin necrosis, ulcers, eschar and edema. In severe cases, symptoms of hemoptysis and respiratory failure may occur.

Regarding this symptom, Lin Chuang later saw several photos. In one of the photos, the man's skin scars were the same as those on Sun Qiuming.

The bright center of the scar indicates skin necrosis, while the black circle around it indicates eschar.

At this point, Lin Chuang was certain of his judgment.

He concluded that the mission of Brother Dong's four-person team was to kidnap Ikazu Tabe.

Tabe Ikazu?

Who is he? Isn't he a professor at Kanazawa University? And he also has a hobby of painting? Why did you kidnap him?

Because the Japanese man who presided over the research on anthrax virus was Ikazu Tabe.

Lin Chuang has never been able to figure out the purpose of Brother Dong's foursome going to the tax school. Although he can see that they are consciously contacting Shozo Toda, scumbags like Shozo Toda really can't see any value in him.

It wasn't until Brother Dong mentioned Tabe Ikazu's name that he suddenly realized that the real purpose of the foursome was Tabe Ikazu.

There are records from later generations that both Ikazu Sudabe and Shozo Toda worked at Kanazawa University before the victory of World War II.

After the war, the Japanese destroyed everything in the 731 Research Institute and covered up their crimes against humanity, allowing Iwa Tabe to escape the trial of the Supreme Court and finally die a good death at Kyoto University.

Colleagues share the same hobbies. Doesn’t this connect Toda Shozo and Tabe Ikazu?

Brother Dong worked as a model, Sun Qiuming showed off his painting skills when he signed up, and later became Toda Shozo's proud disciple. All of this seemed to be a deliberate attempt to get closer to him, but in fact, he wanted to get in touch with Ikazu Tabe through him.

Another question, is Ikazu Tabe in Shanghai? Shouldn't he be in Northeast China?

If he is not in Shanghai, even if he contacts Shozo Toda, wouldn’t it be a useless effort?

Regarding this point, Lin Chuang concluded that Iwa Tabe must be in Shanghai and must be at the Shanghai Arsenal.

There are two reasons:

First, historically speaking, the Japanese invaders used chemical weapons twice in China. One was against Liaocheng and during the Linqing raids. It caused the death of 200,000 people, but tens of thousands survived. However, they were allowed to remain in the country.

Suffered sequelae like Sun Qiuming's; another time was when bacterial bombs were launched against southern Jiangsu, causing hundreds of thousands of people to suddenly suffer from a strange disease. This disease caused vomiting and diarrhea, and made the whole body weak. If you are in good physical condition, you can bear it

In the past, those who were in poor physical condition would say goodbye in a few days.

Second, on the eve of the Qingxiang Operation, the Japanese army suddenly strengthened the vigilance at the Shanghai Arsenal. There must be major reasons for this.

What is the reason? It is not difficult to judge based on historical memory and reality. It must be Tabe Ikazu who is studying bacterial artillery shells for use in the Qingxiang Operation.

In other words, the underground party must have obtained the information that Tabe Ikazu had arrived in Shanghai, and they must have studied Tabe Ikazu and formulated an action plan based on his painting hobby.

As for why it is hijacking and not something else, it is not difficult to judge.

First, it is useless to destroy the bacterial bombs and kill Ikazu Tabe, because Ikazu Tabe’s research results are already available, and even destroying the bacterial bombs in Shanghai will not help.

Second, only by kidnapping Tabe Iwa and asking him to tell the secrets of Unit 731 personally will Japan's crimes against humanity be exposed to the world, and the atrocities of the Japanese army's research and use of chemical weapons will be bankrupted.

Chemical weapons can only be used secretly. Even the brutal Japanese army did not dare to use it openly against the disapproval of the world.

However, hijacking Iwa Tabe was not an easy task.

First, for such an important person, security must be very tight and it is impossible for ordinary people to get close;

Second, even if the hijacking is successful, it will not be easy to transport people out of Shanghai;

Third, Tabe Ikazu is not an ordinary person. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is Ding Chunqiu. No one can guarantee that he does not carry highly contagious viruses, such as anthrax and amoeba viruses.

As far as Lin Chuang knows, the two major research results of Iwa Tabe are anthrax and amoeba.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that Brother Dong, who has always been very reserved, would take the initiative to devote himself to realizing his dream. She was afraid that she would never come back and that she would never have a chance to realize her dream in this life.

As for where the scars on Sun Qiuming's body came from, that's a question.

Logically speaking, shouldn't Wang Yalin from Linqing be more worthy? Sun Qiuming's accent is not as Liaocheng or Linqing, how did he get the infection?

Of course, this question is not important.

The important thing is, how can he fulfill his promise to ensure the safety of Angkor Wu Dong? How can he ensure that the mission of the foursome is completed without being discovered?

Perhaps Brother Dong and the others think of things too simply, but in fact, it is too difficult to complete this task.

When Lin Chuang came out of Sun Qiuming's house, he felt his balls hurt when he thought of this.

Is there any way? Can we just ignore it?

I have to say that Lin Chuang's judgment was very accurate.

The mission of the foursome is to kidnap Ikazu Tabe.

Team leader Wang Yalin is from Linqing, Shandong, from Yan'an Social Security, and is a very experienced secret worker.

Sun Qiuming is a native of Liaocheng and graduated from Jinan Normal College majoring in fine arts.

He does have extraordinary talent in painting, and he loves it to the core.

Therefore, after graduation, he began to travel among the mountains and rivers in southeastern Shandong, sketching everywhere.

Because he often studied painting abroad and changed his local accent, Lin Chuang could not determine where his hometown was.

The scars on his body were indeed caused during the Japanese raids.

At that time, because of the war in southeastern Shandong, he returned to his hometown.

But Luxi is not a peaceful place either. On this day, the Japanese army chased General Fan's troops to their village.

Their village has a village with deep ditches and high walls, built to prevent bandits.

General Fan's troops defended the stockade. Unable to attack it for a long time, the Japanese troops used bacterial artillery shells and mortars to break into the stockade.

Within three days, all the men, women, and children in the village had skin ulcers, including the soldiers guarding the village, all suffering from this strange skin disease.

The army's combat effectiveness was greatly reduced and they could no longer hold on. They had to break out at night, but only less than a hundred people escaped.

The Japanese army invaded the village and killed all the people, including those who were already dead and those who were still struggling in pain.

Sun Qiuming is in very good physical condition because he has been traveling all year round. Although he was also infected with anthrax, his symptoms are much better than others, and at least he can still move.

After the Japanese army invaded the village, he hid in a double wall dug at home to prevent bandits, and luckily escaped the Japanese army's search.

When he heard that the Japanese troops had left and came out of the double wall, he was the only one in the village gasping for breath. Everyone and animals were buried.

He endured the grief of losing his relatives and neighbors, wrapped himself tightly, and went to the home of an old doctor in a neighboring village to seek medical treatment.

As a result, he found that the neighboring villages were also affected by the virus, and they all suffered from the same skin disease as him. There were many deaths, and even the old doctor with gray hair and childlike face was not spared.

Sun Qiuming went all the way west until Qinghe County, where he found an old doctor.

When the old doctor saw his symptoms, he was very shocked and said that he had never seen such a disease in his whole life of practicing medicine.

Fortunately, he was treated externally and internally for seven or eight days, and finally he was cured.

But it also left ugly scars all over my body...

This chapter has been completed!
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