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Chapter 1119 Prepare for action

"Well, I have classes in the morning, and I will go find you after class. I will go to the entrance of the arsenal at about eleven o'clock. Please tell the guard." Toda Shozo said.

"Of course."

After listening to their call, Brother Dong smiled and left.

According to the action plan, Tabe Iwa must be transferred out of the arsenal to have a chance to take action.

So Brother Dong didn’t agree to go.

Next, just wait patiently.

Brother Dong came back and told Li Qiang about the situation. She knew that Li Qiang would tell Wang Yalin.

The members of the Jiangnan guerrillas will also definitely follow Toda Shozo.

In the afternoon, Shozo Toda sent a student to call Brother Dong and Sun Qiuming into the office.

Brother Dong took a look and found that Toda Shozo was drunk, his mouth was full of alcohol, and he looked very excited.

"Ms. Wu, Mr. Qiu Ming, I'm so happy today. Mr. Tabe and I haven't seen each other for more than a year. Today we meet old friends in a foreign country. It's really a great time to chat." Toda Shozo said excitedly.

"Sir, has Mr. Tabe seen the students' paintings? What did he think of them?" Sun Qiuming asked.

His voice was calm and his face showed no expression, exactly the same as his usual behavior.

But when it comes to painting, his eyes seem to light up.

"Look at it." After Toda Shozo finished speaking, he looked at Brother Dong and said, "He looked at my painting first and was so impressed by Miss Wu's beauty that he said it was the only one he had seen in his life. I said, the real person is better than the painting.

Mr. Mei. Tabe said that he must meet Miss Wu and discuss the art of painting with you."

"Sir, I can't go out to socialize, my brother won't let me." Brother Dong still shook his head in response.

"Miss Wu," Toda Shozo said seriously: "This is not an ordinary social gathering, it is a discussion of art. You shouldn't think too much about it. In addition, Mr. Tabe has a certain influence in the military. You have to fall into his eyes."

, it is still good for the principal’s career.”

"Sir, my brother has a close relationship with the director of the Kennel Health Agency. There is no need for this relationship."

"Classmate Wu, I think you should think about it carefully and not let down Mr. Toda's good intentions." Sun Qiuming advised.

"No, classmate Sun, it's hard to talk to my brother." Brother Dong still didn't respond.

Sun Qiuming's face was obviously not very good-looking: "Classmate Wu, do you think you are a young lady and look down on your husband? Just let Mr. Tanabe look at the paintings and meet us. What's the big deal?"

Upon hearing this, Brother Dong lost his composure and said, "Okay. But I have a request. I can't go to any arsenal. How about I go to the Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchange Center? That belongs to my brother, even if he knows it.

, and I won’t worry.”

"Great, I will make an appointment with Mr. Tabe right away. The exchange center is good, and we can communicate with the painters there." Toda Shozo said.

"Akiaki-kun, you will also go when the time comes. Mr. Tabe said that he wants to meet you, so you should seize the opportunity."

"Sir, please rest assured, I will definitely seize the opportunity." Sun Qiuming said solemnly.

Toda Shozo called Tabe Ikazu and agreed to meet at the communication center at five o'clock the next day.

After receiving accurate information, the four people held a meeting in the house rented by Sun Qiuming.

As the team leader, Wang Yalin had already made an action plan.

He looked at Brother Dong and Sun Qiuming: "You don't need to participate in the operation. Just follow Masami Toda to the communication center tomorrow. What you need to pay attention to is that after my affairs are completed, the special agents will definitely interrogate Shozo Toda and you. You guys

There is suspicion on everyone, so you have to think about what to say. I think the principal will not ignore it."

"Don't worry, we are all ready." Brother Dong and Sun Qiuming said firmly.

Wang Yalin nodded and said: "After this incident comes out, it will definitely have an impact on the principal. Not only is the principal Quan Fang's brother, he treats us very well. I feel sorry for him."

"It's okay, it just has some influence, it can't shake his status. My brother's roots are deep." Brother Dong said.

"I can't worry about so much now. It's more important to complete the task." Li Qiang said.

"Okay." Wang Yalin took out a map and said: "The exchange center is in the Japanese Concession. It is not easy to do anything here, and it is not easy to escape. From the arsenal to the exchange, you must pass through Liping Road, and I want to do it here."

He pointed to Liping Road on the map and said: "This place is relatively remote with fewer residents, making it easier to attack and escape. Li Qiang, please inform the guerrillas to meet me at Liping Road at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"Yes." Li Qiang said.

"Actually, I think the time is not yet ripe. The Japanese military police are protecting Iwa Tabe very tightly. Will there be hidden sentries along the street when he travels? In addition, how many guards does he have with him? We don't know these things. Isn't it too hasty?

Already?" Brother Dong said.

"It's immature. However, the opportunity is rare. I'm afraid it won't be easy to let this old devil come out again. Just take the risk, it's worth it." Wang Yalin replied.

Brother Dong nodded and did not raise any objection.

Wang Yalin is right, she also feels that the opportunity is rare

"If the operation goes well, I will return to school after dinner tomorrow, and we will still be classmates; if the operation fails, please wait for notification from your superiors." Wang Yalin glanced at the three comrades and said solemnly.

His words meant farewell.

Everyone knows that his task is the heaviest and most dangerous.

No one spoke.

They participated in this operation with the intention of dying, so anything they said at this time was superfluous.

Brother Dong and Li Qiang left first, but Wang Yalin stayed behind.

"Qiu Ming, the scar on your body is a big flaw." Wang Yalin said, looking at the night outside.

"Yalin, you don't need to say more, I know how to do it."

"Protect Quan Fang."


Wang Yalin turned back and glanced at Sun Qiuming, nodded, turned and left.

In the afternoon of the next day, Wang Yalin excused himself from toothache and asked for leave from the school to go to the dentist.

He first went to a private dental clinic, and the doctor asked him what was wrong with his tooth. He said it hurt.

The doctor looked at his teeth and found no problems, so he thought it was due to internal heat, so he prescribed medicine to relieve internal heat.

Wang Yalin put the medicine in his arms and took the tram to Liping Road.

There is a Rongjili in the south of Liping Road. He used a false identity and rented a private courtyard as a safe house.

After renting the house, he never came to live in it for a day.

When he came to Rongjili, Wang Yalin walked past the safe house without stopping. After a while, he walked back from the other end. After making sure that he was not being followed and no one was paying attention to him, he took out the key, unlocked the door and entered the hospital.

He found a pistol from the house that had been placed there for a long time.

This gun belongs to Colt. He bought it from the underworld. The gun number has been worn away, so the origin of the gun cannot be traced.

He checked the ammunition and found that there was no problem. He looked at the time and saw that it was only two-ten, which was still early for the meeting, so he fell on the bed to rest.

This chapter has been completed!
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