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One hundred and thirty-three chapters give him a good look

"When Tian Qiyun arrived, the bag was flat. When he left, the bag was bulging a lot. It looked like it contained money, maybe gold bars." Shopkeeper Tang said.

The bag is bulging, which means there is a lot of money.

This is in line with the importance of Tabei and this information.

Lin Chuang looked solemn and asked: "Where did he go?"

"I don't know. I walked him to the door, and he said he would treat me to a drink tomorrow, and then he went west." Shopkeeper Tang replied.

"Did anyone else see this? I mean, his bulging wallet." Lin Chuang asked again.

"Well, it's hard to say for a small person. Anyway, there were a lot of people at that time, so I must have seen a lot of people, but I don't know if anyone could think of paying for it." Shopkeeper Tang said.

"Do you know who was talking to him in the private room on the second floor?" Lin Chuang asked.

"I don't know, I'll go ask." After shopkeeper Tang finished speaking, Lin Chuang nodded and turned back to find the waiter on the second floor.

"Chief Lin, do you suspect that Tian Qiyun has sold information about Iwata Tabe?" Fu Yewen asked.

"Yes, I have this suspicion. If the bag contains money, how can this bag cost several thousand yuan? Tabe Iwa is worth the price. Of course, if the other party is more generous, it is also worth giving ten gold bars. Of course,

Ten gold bars are not enough to make the bag bulge, so I judge that he must have money in his bag." Lin Chuang said.

Fu Yewen looked around the lobby and said, "It's incredible that intelligence dealers choose to trade here."

"You mean chaos?"


"So, the other party is a veteran. First, he seeks tranquility in the chaos. The more chaotic the place, the less likely he is to be exposed. Second, the more chaotic the place, the easier it is to escape. Only a fool like Tian Qiyun would choose such an acquaintance.

The transaction in the store. I dare say that if he is really trading information, he must have been tricked. If you don’t believe it, just wait, shopkeeper Tang will definitely say when he comes back that the person who entered his private room is not known to the waiter and is a stranger. "

Fu Yewen said yes, yes, but he didn't agree in his heart.

Soon, shopkeeper Tang came back and reported that he was a stranger, and the waiter didn't recognize him.

Until this moment, Fu Yewen was filled with admiration.

"If you expose yourself, you might get killed."

Lin Chuang stood up and hurried out.

Fu Yewen's expression changed and he followed closely.

Fu Yewen doesn't care whether Tian Qiyun dies or not. If he dies, not only will he not feel bad, he will even feel excited.

However, if this is true as Lin Chuang said, and Tian Qiyun died because of selling information, he, the section chief, will be held responsible.

Although this subordinate is not his confidant and does not listen to his greetings.

Thinking of Li Shiqun again, he shuddered in his heart.

"It's best to take it out." Fu Yewen quickly made up his mind: "It seems that there will be some blood to plug Chief Lin's mouth."

When they arrived outside the door, before Fu Yewen could speak, Lin Chuang turned around and said to him, Ning Xiaobo and Shibuya Chuan: "This situation is very important. I want to report it to Section Chief Nakano immediately. Section Chief Fu, Shibuya

Mr. Gu, Captain Ning, please return to the Secret Service Department immediately and wait for orders. I think the order from Section Chief Nakano will be issued soon."



Ning Xiaobo and Shibuya Chuan agreed successively.

Lin Chuang glanced at Fu Yewen, as if he understood what he was thinking, and turned around to get in the car before he could reply.

Fu Yewen's heart trembled when he gave him such an understatement, and he quickly followed him: "Sir Lin, please stay."

"Is something wrong?" Lin Chuang turned around and asked.

"Sir Lin," Fu Yewen said in a low voice: "Bizhi's family has a copy of Fan Kuan's "Travel to Streams and Mountains", which is authentic. I heard that Chief Lin has done a lot of research on ancient paintings, and I would like to ask Chief Lin to appreciate it.

I wonder what your Majesty thinks?"

Fan Kuan was a painter in the Song Dynasty. Every one of his paintings is priceless, not to mention his most famous "Travel to Streams and Mountains"? It must be worth a lot of money.

Lin Chuang knew what he was thinking and said: "Since it is a family tradition, Chief Fu must not show it to others easily. Although I love ancient paintings, I have no bad habit of stealing people's love."

"No, no, no, I don't know how to paint. If I put it in the hands of a humble person, it would be a secret. Only an elegant person like Chief Lin should be its true owner." Fan Kuan said hurriedly.

Lin Chuang had no ill feelings towards Fu Yewen and wanted to help him. At the same time, it was also his plan to give Li Shiqun eye drops.

So, helping him is just a matter of favor.

"Travel to Xishan" is indeed valuable and has great collection value. But a gentleman does not take away people's love, and Lin Chuang really doesn't want to accept such a valuable thing from others just because of this.

However, Lin Chuang then thought: "Am I a gentleman? I don't think so. If I'm not a gentleman, it doesn't matter if I accept it."

Thinking about it this way, I felt a little excited.

"Then Lin has no choice but to be respectful rather than obey orders. Chief Fu, go back and wait with peace of mind. This fire will not burn your head." Lin Chuang patted Fu Yewen on the shoulder and turned around to get in the car.

Fu Yewen was overjoyed.

Arriving at the Military Police Headquarters, Lin Chuang met Yunzi Nakano.

"You're back? Looking at your face, is there something gained?" Nakano Yunzi saw that Lin Chuang had a good face and asked quickly.

"It should be broken. Based on the current investigation, I suspect that Tian Qiyun sold the information about Tabe Iwa's trip. Please tell me in detail later. You should immediately order the military police to dispatch and go south along Wilmont Road until Huangpu

Search the area around Jiang to track down Tian Qiyun, and we will see people dead and corpses. I will call Gao Quanling and ask the police to dispatch too." Lin Chuang said urgently.

"Ah? The result is coming so soon? I'm so busy pushing it that I still don't have a clue." Nakano Yunzi said happily.

"As long as Tian Qiyun or his body is found, I can probably prove the results of my investigation. Give me a call and I'll talk about my compliments later," Lin Chuang said.

"Okay." Nakano Yunzi felt happy, picked up the phone and called Sato Hyoukimoto's office.

After she finished calling, she handed the phone to Lin Chuang, who then called Gao Quanling.

After the arrangements were made, Lin Chuang explained his investigation process and finally said sternly: "Miss, the Secret Service Department was ruined by Li Shiqun. People like Tian Qiyun are just doing it for money and enjoyment.

The key point is that he disrespects his superiors and dare not even listen to Fu Yewen's words.

Such a person was actually arranged by Li Shiqun to join the telecommunications department. You must know that the telecommunications department is the most important place. Everything is secret. Let alone a piece of paper, just listen to it and you can sell it for a good price. "

At this point, Lin Chuang showed an expression of regret and sighed: "Now that Tian Qiyun has been discovered, if there are a few more people like this, the Secret Service will really become a sieve."


Nakano Yunzi was provoked by Lin Chuang and became angry. Thinking about Tabei Kazu's life and death now, and whether the secret of the Japanese army's research on biological weapons can be kept, she couldn't help but get angry. She slapped the table, her pretty face became cold, and she said angrily:

"Damn it! If Tabe Iwa cannot be found, I will definitely give him a good look!"

(End of chapter)

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