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Chapter 1135 The truth

She didn't blame Brother Dong for being deceived, she would never have thought that it was her good "brother" Lin Chuang who helped them solve all this.

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After seeing Sun Qiuming's scars all over his body, Lin Chuang understood the mission of the "Group of Four".

He began to lay out.

With masters like Li Honglin and Liu Ermeng secretly following them, the actions of Wang Yalin and others seemed transparent to him.

After fully understanding their action plan, Lin Chuang discovered that the "Group of Four" plan was completely desperate and was based on "failure or success" without considering the consequences of exposure at all.

So it's full of flaws.

So, Lin Chuang began to think of ways to fix the flaws of the "Group of Four" one by one.

The first flaw is the phone call from Shozo Toda.

Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, this matter is too obvious, Brother Dong and Sun Qiuming will be targeted by the Japanese.

Therefore, he arranged another channel for the news to leak, which was Tian Qiyun.

Tian Qiyun, Lin Chuang, had known for a long time that he had many problems with his body, his life was too lustful, and he was short of money.

A person with such a problem still flatters others and puts down others, which makes him unpopular with his colleagues. However, his colleagues suffer from the fact that he is Li Shiqun's confidant and they want to get rid of him but can't.

Unfortunately, he is also a member of the monitoring team.

Using him to make a fuss will not only create obstacles for Li Shiqun, but also make his colleagues happy to "add insult to injury."

Lin Chuang also learned that Tian Qiyun often resold information because he was short of money. The transaction place was Nixin Bathhouse.

So, Li Honglin disguised himself as an information donor and approached Tian Qiyun. Of course, he would not buy the information of Iwa Tabe in case Tian Qiyun changed his mind. Instead, he said that Chongqing wanted to buy the residences and residences of political figures such as Zhu Daoshan and Xin Jiaguang.

The latest travel information, and a price twice as high as usual.

Tian Qiyun was indeed fooled.

As a member of the telecommunications department, it was not difficult to obtain this information, and he did not think it was a core secret, so he reached an intention to cooperate.

After the transaction was completed, it was Li Honglin and Liu Ermeng who killed him again at night.

The second flaw is the scar on Sun Qiuming's body.

As long as the agents took off Sun Qiuming's clothes, the scars on his body would tell everything.

Therefore, Lin Chuang rushed to the military police headquarters as soon as possible and stopped the agents from tortured Sun Qiuming.

The third flaw was the ambush planned by Wang Yalin and the guerrillas.

Although Wang Yalin's plan was not completely clear, Lin Chuang felt that it was impossible for a large number of guerrillas to enter the city, and the enemy's protection for Iwa Tabe must be very strict, and the protective personnel must be skilled in marksmanship, and the number must not be too high.


In addition, even if Iwata Tabe is captured, hiding or leaving the city will still be a problem.

This is a core part that cannot be missed.

Therefore, Lin Chuang ordered Li Honglin and Liu Ermeng to drive to the vicinity of Liping Road and act on camera.

The result was exactly as he expected. If Li Honglin and Liu Ermeng had not appeared in time, Wang Yalin and others would not have been able to escape, let alone kidnapping Iwata Tabe.

In addition, Lin Chuang also took advantage of this incident and gave Li Shiqun some eye drops in Japan, leaving a thorn in his eye.

The thorn is not big, but it is enough to leave the impression to the Japanese that "this person cannot be reused."

At the very least, it adds weight to the eventual killing of Li Shiqun.

Regarding the fate of Tabei and this important figure, Lin Chuang and Jiang Shan had differences.

On the day Brother Dong and Sun Qiuming regained their freedom, Lin Chuang and Liu Ermeng came to Huqin shop.

Jiang Shan admired Lin Chuang's wit and ingenious layout.

The moment he saw Lin Chuang, Jiang Shan couldn't even close his mouth.

"Comrade Ziwei, the headquarters sent a special call to commend you, calling you a hero behind enemy lines and a model on the secret front. I was honored to see the telegram. Not to mention, when I heard that you had obtained the secret of Tabe Iwa, I

I am also surprised and happy. Comrade Ziwei, you are really an excellent soldier. If you were not behind enemy lines, I would definitely salute you."

Lin Chuang was embarrassed by the praise and said with a smile: "Although I feel very good about myself, I am still a little embarrassed to be praised like this by you. Who told us to be low-key?"

"Hehehe..., you." Jiang Shan didn't dare to laugh loudly, but he was also amused by Lin Chuang and made him chuckle.

"Comrade Jiangshan, what should Ikazu Tabe do? Is there any instruction from the headquarters?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Wait first to prevent the enemy from spreading secretly, and then send it out through your transportation channels after the news has passed." Jiang Shan replied.

"In my opinion, there is no need to send him away at all. It is not difficult to take a picture of him and ask him to tell the secrets of the Japanese army's use of biological and chemical weapons. It is safest to bury him on the spot. Anyway, as long as Iwata Tabe is not found,

The Japanese would not dare to use biological and chemical weapons." Lin Chuangdao.

"No. A living Tabe Ikazu is much more useful than a dead Tabe Ikazu. Get him out. From now on, this will be living proof that the Japanese army is against humanity. If he dies, the Japanese will probably argue that we fabricated the facts."

Jiangshan Road.

"I understand this truth, but I'm afraid of long nights and many dreams." Lin Chuang said.

"It's not a big problem. The Japanese can't enter the French Concession yet. In addition, Suo Zhu is also a very reliable person. There is no need to argue about this matter anymore, and you don't have to worry about it anymore. Suo Zhu will be responsible for all subsequent actions."

"All right."

"In addition, you have done a very good job with the Tax Police Corps. This is the first armed force behind enemy lines that we secretly control. It is of great significance and can be expected in the future. Comrade Ziwei, your contribution will definitely go down in history."

"Comrade Jiangshan, you asked me here, didn't you just want to praise me? Don't say this again, I will be proud."

"Actually, it's nothing. In addition to verbally commending you, there is one more thing, one sentence."


"Wang Yalin and Wu Quanfang will study in the tax school from now on. They will not be given tasks for the time being. The headquarters hopes that after they graduate, they will be placed in the tax police station to prepare for a long-term struggle."

"Needless to say, as long as they don't leave, I will assign them to important positions."

"One more thing, the headquarters hopes that you will be more steady in the future and never take risks."

I have said this many times, but this time it is just the same old tune.

Of course, Lin Chuang understood that the more the headquarters recognized his importance, the less they wanted him to take risks.

"Thank you for your concern, I will do it."

After saying this and seeing that there was nothing else to do, Lin Chuang took a record and left.

Lin Chuang did not mention Li Shiqun's affairs to Jiang Shan secretly.

He was afraid that Jiangshan would stop him based on the principle of secret work.

Although Lin Chuang's plan did not violate his principles, he was afraid of Jiang Shan's nagging.

He must do this, and he must strike while the iron is hot.

Therefore, after leaving the French Concession, Lin Chuang did not go anywhere else.

Go directly to the Master...

This chapter has been completed!
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