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Chapter 129: Evenly matched

"No, after you tell me, I realized that I picked the wrong name." Gong Shi was shocked by Lin Chuang's words, and then said: "I have to tell my father, just tell me that you gave this name,

Let Lin Chuang make a good joke."

"Okay, okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore, okay?" Lin Chuang was helpless and regretted saying so much. He was really afraid that these words would reach Gong Hanzhang's ears and arouse his resentment, which would be bad.

"Master, you guys chat, I'm going to buy a chess set for the afternoon." Min Tuo saw the two bickering and didn't want to get involved anymore. He smiled softly, stood up and said to Gong Shi.

"Okay, go ahead and get ready, don't lose the face of us Chinese people." After Gong Shi finished speaking, he waved his hand to let him go.

"Young Master Gong, please do as well." Lin Chuang was worried about Wang Hongjing's affairs and had no time to chat. Min Tuo left, and he also issued an expulsion order to Gong Shi.

"Okay, let's have a good chat after we send the Americans away." Although Gong Shi is a playboy, he is still reliable. Knowing that Lin Chuang has something serious to do, he stopped disturbing him, stood up and left.


Next, Lin Chuang no longer cared about the negotiations, and did not even go to the room of his client Zhu Daoshan. He focused all his energy on Wang Hongjing, who had been promoted to the number one suspect.

At the Central Hotel, Wang Hongjing's actions could not be hidden from Lin Chuang at all.

Strangely enough, after he came out of Polot's room, he went to the room of steel tycoon Hunter, a member of the American delegation, with Tian Yulin, the general manager of Chang'an Steel Company, claiming that Zong Yuwen had already negotiated with Polot.

Under the banner of the Communist Party of China, he forced himself to obtain a quota of 100,000 tons of scrap steel from Hunter.

It seems that although Wang Hongjing has become Zong Yuwen's secretary, he still plays the role of the chief of the Business Section, and his performance is normal, without any obvious flaws.

In the afternoon, Poirot rejected China's request to continue negotiations, insisted not to discuss any topics related to the negotiations, and asked Gong Hanzhang to find someone who could play chess to play a few games with him to kill time.

Helpless, Gong Hanzhang had no choice but to order Gong Shi and Min Tuo to bring the chess to Polot's room. After having an emergency meeting with other members of the delegation to study, Gong Hanzhang decided not to report it to the chairman of the committee first, and then make a last-ditch effort to suppress the situation.

Lot's asking price.

After the meeting, Lin Chuang accompanied Zhu Daoshan back to room 302. Zhu Daoshan said to Lin Chuang: "There is nothing to do in the afternoon. I will go back to the ministry. You can do whatever you want."

Lin Chuang agreed and exited his room.

Because I was in a meeting with Zhu Daoshan, I didn't hear any news from Poirot for half an hour. I felt uneasy. After exiting the room, I went to Zhong Yuhan's room.

"Mr. Zhong, Mr. Poirot is playing chess, don't you want to go and have a look?" Lin Chuang said.

"You must have been unable to let go and wanted to stare. Instead, you asked me if I wanted to take a look. How clever!"

"Mr. Poirot's room is not something I can just enter if I want, so I came to ask for your kindness."

"Okay, I'll take you there." Zhong Yuhan said cheerfully.

With Zhong Yuhan leading the way, the black guard happily let the two people into the room.

"Dear Zhong, come and see, Min is dying!"

Seeing Zhong Yuhan, Poirot waved to him happily, then pointed to the chessboard and said.

Lin Chuang didn't understand chess, but on the chessboard, Min Tuo had obviously fewer pieces than Polot.

So, he raised his eyes and glanced at Gong Shi, who was sitting next to Min Tuo. He curled his lips disdainfully and thought to himself: "You have been practicing hard for more than a month, and this is what you are doing?"

Looking at Min Tuo again, I saw that Min Tuo looked very relaxed and didn't look depressed at all. He thought to himself: "Min Tuo won't let Polot play first, right?"

"Polot, don't be proud. We Chinese have always had the habit of being courteous to our guests. I will give you a plate first to make you happy, and then I won't let you down." Zhong Yuhan said.

"No, no, no, playing chess is like fighting. How can there be any politeness? Min's chess skills are not very good. He can't beat me." Poirot did not admit Zhong Yuhan's view and shook his head.

"If Min Tuo loses in this plan, he will try the next one." Zhong Yuhan said.

"Okay. Mr. Min, I hope your chess skills will not disappoint your Zhong Gaoshen." Polot said.

"No, I won't let you down, Mr. Poirot." Min Tuo said confidently.

The two cleared the chessboard, placed the chess pieces, and started playing again.

Sure enough, Zhong Yuhan was right. Min Tuo had indeed held back just now. This time, Polot felt a little struggling. Soon, he was defeated in less than half an hour.

"I was careless. If you win this plan, try again." Poirot handed over the chess pieces and admitted defeat, but was not convinced and rearranged the chess pieces.

The third game of chess began, and this time both of them used all their energy to fight inextricably.

There was a cup of coffee in front of Poirot, and two packets of sugar on a plate next to him.

Lin Chuang noticed that the candy wrappers in Poirot's room were different from those in the cafe or other rooms.

It's about two fingers long and one finger wide. It's a very small paper package, exactly the same size as other ones. The only difference is the words on it and the color of the paper.

The candy wrappers in Poirot's room were printed with "Central Hotel", "302" and other words, and the color of the paper was white with red, while the candy wrappers elsewhere were printed with different room numbers and were also pure white.

Observing this, Lin Chuang was very satisfied with the meticulousness of his senior brother's work.

Suddenly, Lin Chuang noticed that Min Tuo shook his body and then held his head with his hands.

"What's the matter, Mr. Min?" Poirot noticed Min Tuo's strange behavior and asked in English.

"Mr. Polot, I have hypoglycemia. I tend to get sick if I think for a long time. Can I have some sugar?" Min Tuo replied in English.

"Of course, Mr. Min, please do as you please." Poirot also replied in English.

"Thank you." Min Tuo replied in English, then picked up a packet of sugar on the plate, twisted his body back, and took the sugar into his mouth.

"Okay, I'm fine, Mr. Poirot." Min Tuo turned around, smiled at Poirot, and said.

Lin Chuang noticed that Min Tuo secretly held the remaining candy in his hand.

When Lin Chuang saw this scene, he felt something was wrong. As for what was wrong, he couldn't figure it out for a while.

This game of chess was played for more than an hour, and in the end there was no winner and it ended in a draw.

"Mr. Min played very well at chess. That's it for today. Let's play a few more games tomorrow afternoon, okay?" Poirot said.

It can be seen that he is a little tired, but he is also a little excited.

Everyone who plays chess knows that playing with someone who is at the same level as you is enjoyable. If the opponent's level is too high, it will be uncomfortable to be abused all the time; if the opponent's level is too low, it will be meaningless to play.

Therefore, Bolot was happy playing chess and made an appointment with Min Tuo for tomorrow.

"I'm happy to accompany you." Min Tuo replied politely.

This chapter has been completed!
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