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Chapter 138 I had to admit my mistake

After Lin Chuang exited, Huang Fulin picked up the phone on the table: "Hello, I'm Huang Fulin, are you here?"

"Section Chief Huang, here you are." The voice of Bai Zuxiang, deputy chief of the secretarial department, came over the phone.

"Deputy Section Chief Bai, I have something important to report to the director. Please arrange it."


Bai Zuxiang agreed and put down the phone.

After a while, Bai Zuxiang called over: "Section Chief Huang, I'd like to invite you."

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

Huang Fulin put down the phone and walked to Li Chunfeng's office.

"Virgin, the danger in the Central Hotel has been eliminated. The killer is Min Tuo, the general manager of Meihua Company." Huang Fulin saluted Li Chunfeng, sat down opposite Li Chunfeng, and reported.

"Oh? It's very fast. It only took two days to find the killer. As a student, I didn't let me down." Li Chunfeng said in surprise.

"Virgo, there is no doubt about Lin Chuang's ability, but he is also on the Japanese blacklist."

"what happened?"

"Is such that……."

Huang Fulin reported the matter to Li Chunfeng in detail.

"Immediately upgrade the files of Lin Chuang, Wu Liangce, and Tian Biyu to the highest level. No one can access them without my consent." After hearing Huang Fulin's report, Li Chunfeng said nothing, picked up the phone and called the Confidentiality Department.


"Virgin, it's easy for us to talk here, but the police station and Zhejiang Police School should keep their files, so we have to guard against them." Huang Fulin said.

"You go and do this."


"Although the killer is dead, the hidden dangers left behind are not small. I'm worried that Lin Chuang is not strong enough. Fulin, you have to help him if necessary."

"Yes, Virgo."

After returning to the office, Huang Fulin immediately made three phone calls.

A phone call was made to Wen Xuesong and he was ordered to make the necessary response to Polot's poisoning at ten o'clock in the evening. In addition, people from the Secret Service were stationed at the Army Hospital to interrogate all suspicious persons.

The second and third calls were made to Duan Yide and the Zhejiang Police Academy, instructing them to immediately hand over the files of Lin Chuang, Wu Liangce, and Tian Biyu to the Secret Service, and also told them that if anyone inquires about the situation of the above three people during this period,

Must be reported immediately.

Putting down the phone, Huang Fulin sighed and said: "Lin Chuang, this is all I can help you. I hope you can escape this time."

Lin Chuang and Wu Liangce returned to the police station and entered the office. Lin Chuang said to Wu Liangce: "Fat man, there are only two clues left by Min Tuo. One is the tall and thin man, and the other is the candy wrapper. I think,

Our troops are divided into two groups, you lead Jun Jiang to investigate the tall and thin man, and I will lead Chen Lu to investigate the origin of this candy wrapper."

Wu Liangce had not spoken much since he came out of the Central Hotel, with a worried look on his face - he was worried about Lin Chuang's safety.

Now that he heard Lin Chuang's arrangement, he waved his hand and raised objections: "Xiao Zhai, let's do this. Don't move. Just wait here. Chen Lu and I will divide into two teams to investigate. In addition, I want to tell Xiao Yu


"No, you're crazy. If Xiaoyu knew about it, wouldn't she be worried to death?"

"Xiao Zhai, I don't want her to worry. However, I think the Japanese people's attention should still be at the Central Hotel. Once they know that Min Tuo is dead or that Polot was not poisoned, they will

They will immediately target you. So, let’s be careful, okay? Just stay in the office and don’t move. No matter how bold they are, they will never dare to come to the police station to find you. In addition, the reason why I want to tell Xiao Yu

, I want Xiaoyu to do makeup for you, what if you are going out and someone takes a picture?"

"Fat man, are you too careful? The Japanese didn't find me so quickly. Besides, Min Tuo's information was tightly blocked, and Section Chief Huang would also create the phenomenon of Polott faking his death. Therefore, the Americans left China.

They wouldn't target me before. There's still one day left, so let's hurry up and we should be able to find their traces."

"Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the worst. This matter is not negotiable, you have to listen to me."

After Wu Liangce finished speaking, he picked up the phone on the table and called Tian Biyu first, asking her to bring her cosmetics and come to Lin Chuang's office.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Lin Chuang looked at Wu Liangce talking on the phone and suddenly felt his eyes were a little sore. He quickly wiped the corners of his eyes with his hands and said helplessly.

"Okay, you stay here and wait for Xiaoyu, I will arrange for Chen Lu and Jun Jiang." Wu Liangce said to Lin Chuang after making the call.

"Slow down. Fatty, I think you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. I don't think you should panic yet. You ask Chen Lu to investigate the candy wrappers first, and ask Jun Jiang to find someone who can draw to see if he can draw the image of a tall and thin man.

, We don’t need to be very similar, even if it is only 30-50% similar, we can save a lot of effort." Lin Chuang stopped Wu Liangce and said.

"Okay, I'll go make arrangements." After Wu Liangce finished speaking, he hurried away.

Just after Wu Liangce left, Huang Fulin called and told him the arrangements for the Central Hotel and the Army Hospital in the evening.

Putting down the phone, Lin Chuang took out a cigarette and lit it. After thinking about it, he felt that what Wu Liangce said made sense.

If you think about it from another person's perspective, the Japanese will definitely confirm their identity before carrying out the assassination. Therefore, they are likely to hide in the dark and take pictures. If their true appearance is photographed, there will be endless troubles in the future.

Of course, if the police station has their own people, such as spies like Hou Ming, that would be a different matter.

However, it now seems that there should be no Japanese in the Nanjing police system, and even if there are, the level will not be high. Because if there were, as the person in charge of two Japanese espionage cases, he would have been exposed long ago, so why wait until now?

In addition to not having to worry about being photographed after disguising yourself, another advantage is that you can personally investigate Japanese spies.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Wu Liangce's ability, but he always has the urge to do things himself. Many times, he handles cases based on his feelings and the ability to make decisions at any time based on the actual situation - all of which require him to do it himself, rather than sitting down.

Listen to the report in the office.

Therefore, after thinking about this, he is not so resistant to Tian Biyu knowing that he is in danger.

Half an hour later, Tian Biyu opened the door and came in.

"Smoking so much cigarettes makes people choke to death!" After entering the door, Tian Biyu fanned her nose with her hands in disgust, then walked to the window and opened it to let some air in.

Then he walked to the opposite side of Lin Chuang and stared at him: "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Uh, no, I didn't hide it from you on purpose." Lin Chuang felt a little embarrassed when she looked at him. He avoided her gaze and hesitated.

"No? Fatty and senior brother both told me, saying that you didn't let them tell me."

"Aren't we afraid that you will worry? What's the use if you know it? It's nothing to worry about."

"Then you should tell me. Now that I know, I can at least share some of the burden for you and give you some advice."

"Okay, I was wrong, I shouldn't have hidden it from you."

Facing the aggressive Tian Biyu, Lin Chuang had no choice but to admit his mistake.

This chapter has been completed!
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