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Chapter 199: Kung fu inside the prison and outside the prison

After dinner, Zheng's mother washed a plate of cherries and brought it up, put away the dishes, and went to the kitchen to wash them. Wu Liangzhi sat down and left with a look.

Lin Chuang had received the instructions from the organization and had let go of his worries. This old man would never let go of Tian Biyu, a stunning beauty.

Seeing Tian Biyu hand over a cherry, she didn't pick it up with her hands, but opened her mouth and asked her to feed it.


Tian Biyu rolled her eyes at Lin Chuang. She did not disobey him after all. She leaned closer to him, picked up a cherry and put it in Lin Chuang's mouth.

After eating one, he opened his mouth again, and Tian Biyu fed him another one.

One was eating and the other was being fed, and neither of them spoke.

Gradually, the atmosphere changed.

Lin Chuang's eyes were full of affection, and Tian Biyu's eyes were as charming as silk.

Finally, after Lin Chuang bit a cherry, he sucked Tian Biyu's finger.

Tian Biyu felt as if she had been electrocuted. Her body suddenly went numb and numb, her face turned red, and she was so soft that she could hardly sit still.

Lin Chuang couldn't bear it when he saw this scene. He stretched out his right hand to hug her over and kissed her red mouth.

Tian Biyu suddenly softened, put her arms around Lin Chuang's neck, and the two of them were kissing each other.

When they kissed for the first time, Tian Biyu didn't understand anything. She closed her mouth tightly and no matter how Lin Chuang teased her, she just couldn't open her mouth.

"Well..." After kissing for an unknown amount of time, Tian Biyu felt like she was out of breath, so she pushed the hateful man away and let out a sigh of relief.

"Bah! It stinks!" Tian Biyu wiped the remaining saliva from someone on her mouth and spat.

"Come on, kiss me again." Lin Chuang was in high spirits and was unwilling to finish. He reached out to hug Tian Biyu again, and Tian Biyu quickly stood up.

"I'm going to die. How embarrassed is Zheng Ma?" Tian Biyu said angrily.

Lin Chuang knew that she didn't mean what she said.

Although it is now the Republic of China, the feudal consciousness is still very strong among wealthy families. In their eyes, Zheng Ma is a humble servant. How can a servant dare to take care of the master's family affairs? How dare to look at her?

However, he also knows that women in this era have not yet been completely liberated.

Tian Biyu dared to apply for the police academy and join the secret service as a female agent. She was considered a bold woman, but the feudal consciousness in her bones could not be eliminated, and she was completely incomparable with the open-minded women of later generations.

"Hahaha..." Lin Chuang looked at the woman's embarrassment, smiled proudly, and let her go.

When Lin Chuang returned home, Wu Liangce had left.

It was already very hot. Lin Chuang turned on the electric fan, sat on the sofa and began to think about rescuing Su Mingjun.

Lin Chuang was a little disappointed that he didn't get any useful information from Tian Biyu today.

He knew that he could never ask others for information, otherwise he would only put himself in danger.

It seems that the skills inside prison can only be improved outside prison.

After thinking about it for a while, I felt sleepy and fell asleep on the sofa.

When he woke up, he looked at his watch and saw that it was already five o'clock. Lin Chuang got up quickly, wiped his face, picked up the paper fan with the picture of herding cows on it, put on his sunglasses and went out.

Without driving, I directly hailed a rickshaw and headed towards Sheepskin Alley.

Sheeppi Lane is east of Zhongyang North Road and south of Zhongshan East Road, about three or four miles away from Chicken Goose Lane.

Entering from the west entrance of Yangpi Lane, we came to the entrance of a store called "Kaifeng Pie Shop" in the north of the road. Further east was the "Bi Di" detention center. Lin Chuang asked the driver to stop, got off and gave the driver a dollar.

The driver thanked him, turned around and drove away.

When Lin Chuang entered the store, a waiter came up to him and greeted him warmly: "Sir, welcome to the store."

Lin Chuang looked and saw that there were no customers in the store yet, so he found a table by the window on the west side and sat down.

The waiter came over diligently and wiped the table.

"Brother, besides pies, do you have any food to go with wine?" Lin Chuang asked the waiter.

"Yes, yes, sir, look, here is the menu." The waiter motioned towards the north wall.

Lin Chuang took a look and saw that the north wall was covered with vermilion bamboo plaques, each with the name of the dish written on it.

"Hmm, let's have a plate of beef. Two ounces will be cooked until it's white." Lin Chuang ordered.

"Oh, that's good." The waiter agreed and went to the kitchen.

This location was chosen because there is an alley to the south, and several senior spies with families in the "B Land" detention center live in this alley.

If nothing unexpected happens, Zhang Shouzheng's home should also be in this alley.

Lin Chuang needs to find out Zhang Shouzheng's home and his activities "outside prison".

Within a few minutes, the waiter brought over a plate of beef and cooked it in a pot.

Lin Chuang drank slowly, and at six o'clock, the corner of his eyes began to stare at the alley opposite.

At 6:05, Zhang Shouzheng walked over from the east. A tall man, who looked to be in his thirties, was half a body behind him and followed him.

This person was Deputy Director Liu Dexiang, whom Lin Chuang recognized.

Liu Dexiang was talking as he walked, but Zhang Shouzheng still had a dead look on his face, and there seemed to be something on his mind. I really don't know what this guy is worried about.

The two turned into the alley opposite. First, Liu Dexiang stopped, waved to Zhang Shouzheng, and disappeared through a doorway. Then, Zhang Shouzheng disappeared through the next doorway.

Lin Chuang didn't move and continued to work hard on the plate of beef and roasted pork.

At 6:10, a woman wearing a cheongsam and holding a fan came from the east, walked into the alley, and entered Zhang Shouzheng's home.

This woman has a peach-shaped face, very fair skin, and is very beautiful. Although she does not know how old she is, judging from the way she walks, she must be very young and has a good figure. Her buttocks are twitching as she walks, which is very sexy.

"Is she Zhang Shouzheng's wife? She is so young. I'm afraid she is not even ten years younger than Zhang Shouzheng, but she must be five years younger, right? This is a typical old husband and young wife. How can Zhang Shouzheng hold a woman so coquettish?" Lin Chuang was not without malicious intent.

I thought.

Two minutes later, Lin Chuang discovered that Liu Dexiang entered Zhang Shouzheng's home wearing casual clothes and carrying two bottles of wine.

"It seems that the two families have a good relationship. I went to his house to drink." Lin Chuang thought.

After drinking for another half hour, Lin Chuang didn't notice any other agents entering the alley, and there were gradually more people in the store. Under the confused look of the waiter, Lin Chuang ate a pie, paid the bill, and left.

Waving his fan, Lin Chuang walked slowly towards the opposite alley.

Liu Dexiang's home is on the third gate, and Zhang Shouzheng's home is on the fourth gate. They live next to each other.

Lin Chuang kept walking, walked out of the south alley, turned into the west alley, checked the windows, and identified Zhang Shouzheng's house.

Seeing that there was no one in the alley, Lin Chuang paused for a moment under the back window of Zhang Shouzheng's house.

The window is small, but not low, about two meters above the ground.

Because of the hot weather, the windows were wide open, and Lin Chuang could vaguely hear the conversation in the room.

"Lao Zhang, Dexiang is a guest, please spend more time with me..." This was a woman's voice.

"Sister-in-law, what kind of guest am I? My brother. I'm going back to my parents' house and won't be back until tomorrow. Director, come here, let me toast you." This was Liu Dexiang's voice.

"No, I can't do it anymore, I...I can't do it anymore." This was Zhang Shouzheng's voice.

The tongue is obviously enlarged.

When Lin Chuang heard these words and saw someone approaching from the south alley, he hurriedly evacuated.

When he walked to the north alley, Lin Chuang suddenly realized a problem: "No, there is adultery!"

This chapter has been completed!
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