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Chapter 255 Zhang Shouzheng vomits blood

Zhang Shouzheng was taken into the interrogation room by two soldiers.

He was dressed in a military uniform, but his epaulettes and breastplates had been torn off, and he was not cuffed. He had a long beard, sunken eye sockets, and looked very haggard.

As soon as Zhang Shouzheng entered the door, he saw Lin Chuang sitting behind the desk. His eyes flickered, then dimmed, and he staggered to the interrogation chair and sat down. Two soldiers stood behind him with steel guns on both sides.

Shao Jijun sat with Lin Chuang, who was mainly responsible for recording.

Pan Huilai and Ji Laoliu stood aside. Ji Laoliu's duty was to protect Lin Chuang's safety.

There were also three executioners in the interrogation room. The leader, surnamed Liu, was shirtless, bald, and had a fierce look on his face.

"Old Pan, we are all in this fight. Dog fighting still smells like a dog. Don't be so harsh on Director Zhang. Let him shave at least. Don't hold back on the food. Director Zhang will give him whatever he wants to eat.

What can he do?" Lin Chuang spoke first, but it was for Pan Hui.

The word "Old Pan" made Pan Huilai feel very comfortable, and he quickly replied: "Team Leader Lin said yes, I will give the order immediately."

"Team Leader Lin, are you here to see my joke? There's no need to be so pretentious." Zhang Shouzheng said coldly.

"Director Zhang, don't violate other people's goodwill. You must understand that I am a guest and you are a prisoner. You and I have no grudges. Why should I see your jokes? Of course, if you insist on understanding it this way, there is nothing you can do.


Lin Chuang didn't expect Zhang Shouzheng to be so ungrateful. Isn't it true that a dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't recognize a good heart? The sympathy that had just risen suddenly sank again, so he said coldly.

"Okay, stop pretending to be compassionate, Mr. Zhang is not a fool." Zhang Shouzheng said coldly.

"Okay, since [567中文www.567zw.top] that's the case, let's just do business. Director Zhang, I won't ask anything else. I think you don't want to mention your wife's stealing, so just answer me.

Two questions. First, how did you know that Liu Dexiang was a hijacker? Second? Why did you kill Liu Dexiang and the prison robber? Don't you understand the importance of keeping alive?" Lin Chuang heard this.

Zhang Shouzheng didn't appreciate it, so he stopped pretending to be a good guy? He asked seriously.

"Team Leader Lin? If I remember correctly, you should be a policeman now, right? What authority do you have to interfere with the affairs of the Secret Service?" Zhang Shouzheng asked coldly.

"Zhang Shouzheng, don't be presumptuous! Team Leader Lin has been transferred to the first team of the Intelligence Section as team leader? Lieutenant colonel rank? Don't say that you are a prisoner now. Even if you are still the chief of the detention center, he is also your boss. What do you think of Team Leader Lin?

Are you qualified to ask you something?"

Lin Chuang hasn't answered yet? Pan Huilai scolded from the side.

"So that's it? Okay, I understand. It seems that you are going to put a shit basin on my head. Team leader Lin, what do you want me to say? Do you want me to say that I intend to kill Liu Dexiang?"

Is it intentional to destroy evidence of crime?" Zhang Shouzheng asked coldly.

Lin Chuang was not surprised by Zhang Shouzheng's display of hostility, nor was he angry.

Because he can understand Zhang Shouzheng's current mood.

"Director Zhang, I don't mean to punish you on purpose? I don't want to put a shit basin on your head, let alone put a shit basin on your head? If possible, I would like to save you from this pit of fire. Of course? I'm saying this

? You may not believe it. Okay? Then let me tell you your judgment.

I didn't want to say it at first because I was afraid of exposing your scars and poking your sore spots. But if you don't know how to show appreciation and insist on inferring malicious intent, then I won't be polite." Lin Chuang said calmly.

"If my judgment is correct, you have actually known about Liu Dexiang's affair with your wife for a long time. You have been hiding it. Maybe you have your own reasons, but the hatred in your heart is growing day by day. Liu Dexiang secretly ordered the prison robbery

You should have known about it beforehand, so you didn’t stop them immediately. Instead, you suddenly appeared after they left the prison gate and beat Liu Dexiang to death openly. This relieved your hatred. As for why you beat them to death.

That fake soldier, this is also very simple, because the fake soldier knew about your wife's affair with Liu Dexiang, and used it to coerce Liu Dexiang, so killing him can completely cover up the scandal. What I said

That's right?" Lin Chuang said.

The expression on Zhang Shouzheng's face gradually changed from a sneer to embarrassment and anger.

"Nonsense! Liu Dexiang kidnapped prisoners and forged orders. Shouldn't he die? I killed the prison robbers not only for no merit but also for my fault. Is there any justice?" Zhang Shouzheng roared, with veins on his face exposed in excitement.

"Zhang Shouzheng, don't use so much force. You are overacting like this and it makes people feel fake." Lin Chuang smiled coldly: "You are right, he deserves to die, and so do his accomplices. But the problem is

You killed him when it was entirely possible to capture him alive, weren't you covering up something? If you hadn't found your wife's photo on him, your plan would have been successful. Unfortunately, you probably didn't even think of it, your deputy

You are actually an infatuated person, and they keep your wife's photo close to your body." Lin Chuang said.

"You're talking nonsense! Liu Dexiang deserves death, and I did nothing wrong in killing him!" Zhang Shouzheng stood up, waved his fists at Lin Chuang, and roared loudly.

Two soldiers stretched out their hands and pressed down on his shoulders. Zhang Shouzheng struggled a few times but failed to move.

"Don't do those useless things. Director Zhang, I still call you director. Believe it or not, if you dare to rush over, I will kill you on the spot!" Lin Chuang sat steadily, not afraid of Zhang at all.

Shouzheng got angry and said coldly.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Shouzheng sat back obediently.

"Director Zhang, you really don't understand my kindness. The reason why I asked you first is to give you a chance to speak, but it's a pity that you don't appreciate it. Do I have to get the answer I want from you?

?Won’t your wife tell you?" Lin Chuang continued.

"Bah! Stop being pretentious. Who doesn't know who? Why did I send you to investigate this case? I, Zhang, know it very well. Do you want to see my joke? Tell you, no way!" Zhang Shouzheng spat fiercely on the ground.

Take a sip.

Lin Chuang was so angry in his heart, thinking why is this guy so stupid? You have to imagine me as the opposite, right?

When he was angry, his words became even more unpleasant: "Zhang Shouzheng, you are so shameless! Whether you or your wife can survive depends entirely on the pen in my hand. Do you believe it? On my head.

It has become the Hulunbuir Prairie. If a man wants to put his head in his crotch and you still have the confidence to curse, I don’t even know where your confidence comes from!"

Lin Chuang's words were really harsh!

Others just ignored it, but when Pan Hui came to understand what Hulunbuir Prairie meant, he couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

"You, you..."

Zhang Shouzheng was so angry that he couldn't speak anymore. He yelled twice and spat out a mouthful of blood.

This chapter has been completed!
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