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Chapter 282 There seems to be a problem with the two advertisements

Lin Chuang didn't eat much at the Wenyuan Hotel, so he went home to eat some stew.

It was only a little after eight-thirty when I got home.

He estimated that Tian Biyu and Wu Liangce must not have left at this point.

Unexpectedly, when I walked to the door of my house, the door was already locked.

I quickly opened the door and went in. I walked around the house and almost made my nose become angry.

The cups and plates in the main room were in a mess, there was no stew meat, but there was soup and water left. The same was true in the kitchen, the pots had not been cleaned, and there was a pile of chicken feathers in the corner.

Lin Chuang picked up the phone and called Wu Liangce's home.

The phone rang several times, and it was this fat guy who answered the phone.

"Fat man, you are so shameless! You have to leave some meat for me after all. Well, I didn't eat the meat, but I saw a lot of chicken feathers. You should clean it up. Is there anyone so picky?" Lin

Chuangnu Road.

"Hey, you are reasonable? You have deceived us all. You are gone. Oh, you still want to come back to eat chicken? What good things do you want?" Wu Liangce said plausibly.

"The same goes for Xiao'e. If you don't clean it up, why can't she do it? Well, you two have been classified as unwelcome in this house." Lin Chuang said.

"Don't accuse our Xiao'e unfairly. She wanted to clean it up, but your guy wouldn't let it. He insisted on keeping it for you and letting you clean it up yourself, saying it was as a punishment for you. Let me tell you, Xiao'e

Yu was unhappy all night, I didn't dare to offend him, so you should be careful," Wu Liangce said.

"Okay, I'll clean it up myself!" Lin Chuang hung up the phone angrily.

Yes, clean it up yourself.

It took Lin Chuang half an hour to clean up everything.

He also asked Tian Biyu to open the door and said a lot of nice things, saying that he had a mission and did not bother to ask for leave. He also said that he would never do it again in the future, which made Tian Biyu happy.

After returning home, Lin Chuang turned off the light, sat on the bed and thought carefully about using Lou Fangyi to rescue Xu Tao for a while. He felt that there was no loophole, so he lay down and fell asleep.

As soon as he went to work the next day, Huang Fulin called Lin Chuang to the office.

"Lin Chuang, I reported Lou Fangyi's matter to the chief. The chief strictly ordered that your identity must not be exposed. If necessary, there is no need to wait for conclusive evidence to arrest you first." Huang Fulin said.

"Thank you for your concern, Chief. Now she doesn't know my true identity. Please tell me, please rest assured." Lin Chuang said movedly.

"Well. What happened last night?" Huang Fulin asked.

"They are recruiting me to join the Propaganda Department." Lin Chuang said with a smile.

"Yes, good boy, it seems that you have been appreciated by him." Huang Fulin said.

"You can't say that now. Take your time. It's not easy to gain his trust, but it's finally a good start." Lin Chuang said.

"Okay, then go ahead and get busy." Huang Fulin said.

When Lin Chuang returned to his office, Shao Jijun was already waiting for him.

Seeing Lin Chuang come in, he quickly reported: "Team leader, after you left last night, Lou Fangyi also left the Wenyuan Hotel quickly, and still followed his original habits. He did not go to the vegetable market this morning. After having breakfast at home, he

go to work."

"Really?" After hearing Shao Jijun's report, Lin Chuang muttered inwardly: "That's not right. I revealed so much valuable information to her yesterday. If it was a Japanese spy, she shouldn't have reported it to her superiors.


Lin Chuang held his chin and thought for a moment: "Am I wrong in my suspicion? Isn't she a Japanese spy? Or, did I expose some flaws yesterday?"

Lin Chuang reviewed yesterday's situation in detail and felt that there was no problem. His suspicions were well-founded and could not be wrong.

So what went wrong?

"Ji Jun, could it be that you exposed your whereabouts and were seen by her accomplices in the Wenyuan Hotel?" Lin Chuang asked.

"It's hard to say. Before you warned us, we had been focusing on Lou Fangyi and never thought about her accomplices. Therefore, if someone saw her, it would have been during that time." Shao Jijun thought for a while.


"How did you monitor?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Lao Liu is pretending to be a rickshaw driver, and Gao Yang is pretending to be a shoe shiner. One is in front of the hotel, and the other is downstairs of the newspaper office. Because Fa Cai has only been in the Secret Service for a short time, his main task is to imitate you. I'm afraid he doesn't have tracking experience.

Just stay in the car with him to monitor the situation at the hotel entrance," Shao Jijun said.

"It's unlikely that you and Lao Liu will be exposed. If anyone else sees the problem, it's only Gao Yang. Think about it, assuming Lou Fangyi has an accomplice in the Wenyuan Hotel, he must have observed the people nearby, the newspaper said

Suddenly there is a shoe shiner at the door, how can you not attract people's attention? You are also an old agent, why are you so careless?" Lin Chuang said reproachfully.

"Yes, team leader, I was negligent. I will ask Gao Yang to withdraw immediately." Upon hearing this, Shao Jijun felt very reasonable and quickly admitted his mistake.

"It's okay to let Gao Yang leave the newspaper office, but you can't withdraw. Let him go somewhere else to polish his shoes for two days. On the contrary, it's you, stop going and withdraw." Lin Chuang said.

Shao Jijun was stunned for a moment and soon understood what Lin Chuang meant.

Yes, if Gao Yang really attracted the enemy's attention and retreated without a trace, he would attract the enemy's attention even more. Only by letting him polish his shoes elsewhere for a few days can the enemy be paralyzed.

As for Lao Liu and himself, since the enemy suspects Gao Yang, they will definitely be more vigilant. If Ji Lao Liu and himself are hiding in the car, if they are carefully observed by the enemy, it will be easy to see the flaws.

"The team leader is still smart, I'll arrange it right away." Shao Jijun flattered him.

"Where's the photo on the notice board?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Here." Shao Jijun handed a document bag in his hand to Lin Chuang.

"Okay, go ahead and study this photo." Lin Chuang waved his hand and sent Shao Jijun away.

Taking out the photos taken yesterday and comparing the two photos together, Lin Chuang found that there had been a lot of changes. The mantra that Zhang Zhi cried at night and the missing person's revelation had been pasted by new advertisements.

Except for that poster, the advertisement for the rental house and the recruitment notice for the Wenyuan Hotel were not covered.

After taking a closer look, I found that the location and content of the two advertisements had not changed at all.

"Is there something wrong with these two notices? No, it doesn't seem to have changed. If Lou Fangyi got useful information here, then judging from the situation in the past two days, this information will definitely not change in form, but in content

But it has changed. How can it be exactly the same as yesterday?"

Lin Chuang looked at the two photos and soon fell into confusion.

After thinking about it, Lin Chuang quickly came up with an idea.

He called Shao Jijun back: "Ji Jun, I feel there is something wrong with this rental advertisement and the Wenyuan Hotel's job advertisement. You go check this rental advertisement and see if there is any problem."

"Yes, what about Wenyuan Hotel?" Shao Jijun asked.

"Don't worry about this place for now, don't alert others." Lin Chuang said.

"Yes, I'll check right away." Shao Jijun agreed, turned and left.

This chapter has been completed!
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