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Chapter 299 Finally found clues on the photo

"I understand, I completely understand."

After listening to Yi Lianhua's report, Lin Chuang stood up excitedly and walked a few steps back and forth in the room.

"This shows that my judgment is correct. Lou Fangyi is a Japanese spy, codenamed Yeju, and she also has a team under her, and the leader of this team is codenamed Swimming Crab." Lin Chuang said.

"Did you put that piece of paper back?" Lin Chuang stopped and asked.

"Put it back." Yi Lianhua said.

"The Japanese are so evil that they even put death mailboxes in public toilets. However, it also shows that they are very smart." Lin Chuang said.

"No matter how smart they are, they can't compare to the young master. If you sent a man instead of me, you wouldn't be able to enter the women's restroom to check." Yi Lianhua said.

"No, no, no, you don't need to put money on my face, I just hit it by mistake." Lin Chuang said.

He really didn't do it intentionally. It was completely unintentional to send Yi Lianhua there in the first place.

"Anyway, in my eyes, Young Master is the smartest person in the world, and no one can compare with him." Yi Lianhua said firmly.

"Let's not talk about this. Hey, Lianhua, that's not right. You said Lou Fangyi went to work right after she came out of the toilet. That's definitely not right. She must have other actions. Because after she put the letter in the dead mailbox, she would definitely leave a message

Code. Think about it again." Lin Chuang said.

"No..., there is no suspicious behavior." Yi Lianhua frowned and thought for a while, shook her head and said.

"Stop at the notice board?" Lin Chuang prompted.

"Notice board? Oh, stop. She stopped there for a short while and took out a small mirror to look at it. I thought she was fixing her makeup before going to work, so I didn't care. My dear, she is really there.

Did you leave a mark?" Yi Lianhua asked.

"Come on, come with me and have a look." Lin Chuang said.

"Okay." Yi Lianhua agreed.

"You go out first, I'll change my clothes." Lin Chuang was still wearing shorts and shorts. He couldn't go out wearing this.

"Let me help you change your clothes." Yi Lianhua requested.

"No, you can go out first." Lin Chuang pushed her on the shoulder, and Yi Lianhua had no choice but to withdraw and wait.

Lin Chuang changed his clothes, quietly opened the door, and drove to Tangfang Lane.

The two parked the car in a secluded area and went to the public toilet in the market first.

This public toilet is very simple, it is an open toilet made of bricks.

Yi Lianhua went to the women's restroom? Lin Chuang went to the men's restroom.

Is there anyone in the toilet? Lin Chuang turned on the flashlight and took a look. He found that the toilet was dirty? It smelled? There were flies flying around. Lin Chuang covered his mouth and nose as soon as he entered.

"It's so hard to imagine that such a clean person like Lou Fangyi would come to a place like this to go to the toilet." Lin Chuang thought to himself.

"Sir, this is the brick." Yi Lianhua's voice came from the opposite side. Lin Chuang used a flashlight to shine. A brick on the fourth floor of the wall on the left side of the innermost pit moved, and Yi Lianhua pulled it away.

"Sir, the note is gone." Yi Lianhua said from the other side.

"I know, you go out first." Lin Chuang shouted to the other side when he saw Yi Lianhua stuffing the bricks in again.

"Yes." Yi Lianhua agreed and stepped out.

Lin Chuang squatted down and pulled gently with his hand, and the brick was pulled to this side.

"Although this design is smelly, I have to say it is very creative. Although there are many people in the public toilet, Lou Fangyi can pretend to be squatting in the pit, and wait until there is no one at all? Put the information in or take away the information without even moving his body.

? Wonderful!" Lin Chuang secretly praised.

After leaving the toilet, Yi Lianhua asked: "Sir? Let's go to the notice board and take a look."

"No need, the information has been taken away? Even if there is a mark, it has been erased. Fortunately, I asked someone to take two photos of the notice board? You go to my residence first and wait for me? I will go to the Secret Service and take a closer look at the photos.

, see if we can find a different place." Lin Chuang said.

"Okay." Yi Lianhua replied obediently.

The two drove back to the alley where Lin Chuang lived. Yi Lianhua got off the car and quickly disappeared into the alley, while Lin Chuang strolled towards the secret service office.

Entering the office, Lin Chuang took out two photos and compared them repeatedly, but still found nothing new.

"No, there must be a signal on the notice board. Where is it?"

Lin Chuang stood up and walked around the room, thinking hard.

"Based on past experience, if the Japanese live upstairs, they will place flowers as a signal; if it is a bungalow, like Yamaguchi people, they will put flowers in the window and write the corresponding dead mailbox number on the water sign.

Signals are sent out in various ways. The location where the signal is sent is usually near the accomplice's work or residence, so that the accomplice can see it at a glance.

Returning to the case of Lou Fangyi, Lou Fangyi lived in a bungalow and the dead letter box was located in a public toilet. Therefore, the place where the signal was sent should be somewhere between the Central Daily News office and the vegetable market. Judging from the situation reported by Yi Lianhua

, only the notice board is suspicious, and we can even be sure that this signal must have been sent on the notice board."

Through analysis, Lin Chuang once again concluded that there must be something wrong with the notice board.

"Lou Fangyi stayed on the notice board for a very short time. He only looked in the mirror and did not put up advertisements or tear them down. If there were any, Yi Lianhua couldn't have seen them. Then, there is only one possibility. She probably has it in her hands.

I have a pen and while standing, I look in the mirror and draw a simple symbol."

Lin Chuang made this inference based on the known circumstances.


Lin Chuang's heart moved, and he hurried to his desk, picked up the two photos and compared them carefully.

Sure enough, I found a difference!

The first photo shows three white parallel lines on the brick wall below the notice board, but the second photo shows none!

Ah, so that’s it.

I used to think the secret was on the bulletin board, but it turns out it's outside the bulletin board.

Three parallel lines are easy to draw, unobtrusive and easy to operate.

But when I think about it carefully, I feel that it is unusual.

Ordinary people may draw a line or doodle, but three parallel lines must be intentional and definitely not random doodles.

What's more, it's there during the day, but it's gone at night. Who would wipe those three lines except those who are interested?

Lin Chuang excitedly put down the photo and hurried back to his residence.

"Lotus, I found it. Sure enough, the signal is on the notice board." Lin Chuang said in a low voice when he saw Yi Lianhua.

"Really? Young Master, what is the symbol?" Yi Lianhua asked excitedly.

"It's three straight lines, white. I think this is the signal sent by Lou Fangyi's accomplice to notify her, and the signal she notified her accomplice may not be the same, but it is certain that during the time she stayed on the notice board, she must have

I just drew a mark casually." Lin Chuang said.

"Are they also using white ash strips?" Yi Lianhua asked.

"That's not necessarily true. There are many things that can be marked." Lin Chuang shook his head and replied.

This chapter has been completed!
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