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Chapter 301 The Secret Service?

"Lianhua, Xiaoyu, on the one hand, she and I have already made a marriage contract, and it is impossible to give you any status. On the other hand, we are going to face a cruel war. For a soldier, war means

Danger and death! Therefore, it is irresponsible for men and women to have sex during war, especially for people like me. Lotus, can you understand the meaning of this sentence?" Lin Chuang said.

"I understand a little bit. Young Master, do you mean that even if I don't want the title, but there is going to be a war, you don't want me to be pregnant with a child and then worry about you all day long?" Yi Lianhua asked.

As soon as he heard this, Lin Chuang wanted to vomit blood: "Damn it, can you not say it so bluntly? How come this wanderer dares to say anything?!"

"Lotus, that's what it means." Lin Chuang said helplessly.

"Young Master, you are worrying too much. I don't want a status, and I don't want children for the time being. I just want to follow you and do something for you. Of course, if the world is peaceful and stable in the future, then there will be another

Say." Yi Lianhua said.

"No, don't think about it for now. First think about how to complete tomorrow's task. Then I will get angry." Lin Chuang pretended to be angry, straightened his face, and said seriously.

"Okay. Stop talking, sir, don't be angry." Yi Lianhua saw Lin Chuang was thinking anxiously, so she quickly stroked his chest with her hand and said obediently.

"Go back and think carefully about tomorrow's mission. Remember, bring the key with you when rescuing people. The prisoners will usually be cuffed," Lin Chuang said.

"Don't worry, such a trivial matter as opening the cuffs is easy." Yi Lianhua stood up, smiled at Lin Chuang, opened the door and walked away.

Killing people and raiding locations? For Dongshan, these are commonplace.

Early the next morning, Dongshan got on a rickshaw and rushed to Zhuao Company.

Arriving near Zhongshan Bridge, Dongshan got off the car, paid in front of the car, and walked forward casually. After walking less than 200 steps, he saw the sign of "Zhu'ao Trading Company" on the west side of the road.

At this time, the company has not opened its doors yet. There is a large iron gate next to it that seems to lead to the cargo yard behind, but it is also closed.

It was still early, so I walked to a breakfast shop in Dongshan Road, where I ate a few steamed dumplings and a bowl of millet.

After eating, I walked out of the shop and saw people coming to work from the Zhuao Company opposite.

Dongshan found a wall and squatted down, lit a cigarette, and stared at the opposite side.

Just after eight o'clock, I saw a car driving from the north. It stopped in front of Zhuao Company, and a young man got out of the car.

Dongshan looked at the license plate number. It was the same as the one Lou Fangyi told him, and he knew that this young man should be "Mr. Lin Youzhu".

After Lin Youzhu got out of the car with a leather bag under his arm, a beautiful woman came out from the company to greet him. She nodded and said hello to him. She took the bag and followed Lin Youzhu into the company.

"How damn do rich people know how to play? Home is home, outside is outside, and there are always women around. It's so much better than being a beard in the mountains?!" Dongshan didn't know what to say when he saw this scene.

Unjust or envious, he muttered secretly.

After observing for a while, I found that the front door of Zhu'ao Company was deserted, with no outsiders entering. The door to the goods yard was open, and no vehicles were seen entering or leaving.

However, Meihua Company, which is opposite Zhuao Company, is busy with people coming and going, and it seems to be very prosperous.

Dongshan couldn't help but feel puzzled: "Looking at this company, it looks like a big company. Why is there no one? Is it true that as Miss Lou said, the business surnamed Lin ran into trouble and was suppressed by Meihua Company?"

This thought flashed across his mind, and Dongshan did not think about it further.

After all, his mission was to find out where Lin Youzhu lived, and whether Zhu'ao Company's business was good or bad was really none of his business.

The sun has risen and it is gradually getting hotter.

Dongshan squatted for too long and felt his legs were a little sore. He stood up and walked around for two steps, thinking: "No, I can't stay here all the time. Firstly, it will easily attract others' attention. Secondly, Lin is in the office." Drinking tea and blowing on the fan, I'm thirsty and hot here, it's too cowardly."

Thinking of this, he lifted his legs and walked towards an inn in the north.

Entered the inn and asked for a room with a west-facing window.

After entering the room, Dongshan sat on the chair by the window and looked outside. He could just see the situation outside the door of Zhu'ao Company. Lin Youzhu's car was still parked there motionless.

He was very satisfied with the surveillance position he chose, and asked the waiter to bring him a pot of tea. He drank the tea comfortably while observing the situation of Zhuao Company.

It's a pity that Lin Youzhu didn't leave the company's door all morning.

At noon, I saw someone carrying a food box entering the door of Zhuao Company.

"It seems that Lin is going to have dinner at the company. Well, since you are eating at the company, I have no choice but to keep an eye on you here." Dongshan thought.

Thinking of this, he felt a little hungry, so he asked the waiter to bring him a plate of beef, a plate of peanuts, and a pot of wine, and he ate and drank.

After eating and drinking, I felt sleepy. When I saw Lin Youzhu's car parked there, I thought to myself: "I wonder if Lin will take a nap with his arms around the female secretary after eating? Forget it, let's see. It doesn't look like he has any intention of leaving for a while, so I need to get some sleep first."

Thinking of this, Dongshan lay down on the bed, fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

When he woke up, Dongshan took out his pocket watch and looked at it. He saw that it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. He quickly got up and rushed to the window to see that Lin Youzhu's car was still there.

Dongshan felt relieved, washed his face, and thought to himself: "This guy just won't leave. I can't keep staring here? Does the lady want me to buy a train ticket? There's still time, I'll buy the ticket first. After buying the ticket, come back and keep an eye on him."

Having made up his mind, Dongshan paid the rent, hailed a rickshaw, and headed to Pukou Railway Station.

When we arrived at the train station, we queued for more than an hour and bought two tickets, then waved for a rickshaw.

"Go to Zhuao Company." Dongshan said to the driver.

"Zhu'ao Company? Sir, which road is this company on?" asked the driver.

"It's right across from the Meihua Company, next to the Zhongshan Bridge." Dongshan said.


This time the coachman understood, picked up the car and ran away.

Sitting in the car, Dongshan thought of Lin Youzhu, and the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong: "Why didn't Lin Youzhu move all day? Is he a businessman? Besides, he leaked such important information from the Secret Service, isn't he afraid? If it were someone else, would you hide first?"

Dongshan thought about this idea again and broke out in a cold sweat!

"No, if Lin Youzhu was a businessman, after he leaked the information about the prison car, he must have known that there would be a carjacking operation tonight. Regardless of whether the carjacking operation was successful or not, the Secret Service would definitely trace how the information was leaked afterwards. Then, his brother and he will be suspected. If it were me, I would definitely hide today, or even hide in another place, and first observe the movements at night. How can I go to work so arrogantly? Unless he is a spy People from all over the place!”

This chapter has been completed!
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