Turn off the lights
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Chapter Three Hundred and Three

In boredom, time passed by minute by minute.

Lin Chuang's nerves gradually became tense as time went by - he was no longer in the mood to tease Qu Rubing.

From the information currently fed back from various monitoring points, we can conclude that everything is proceeding as planned.

Soon it was six o'clock in the afternoon.

This is the time when government departments are off work.

From this time on, this drama directed by Lin Chuang has officially begun.

There were no gongs, drums, or music, but Lin Chuang clearly felt nervous in the silence.

He couldn't sit still, so he stood up and walked around the room with his hands behind his back.

"Boss, drink some water." Qu Rubing saw Lin Chuangban standing up and pacing, knowing that he was nervous, so she hurriedly whispered.

"There won't be any accidents, right?" Lin Chuang glanced at Qu Rubing and asked.

"No, everything is under your control, right?" Qu Rubing didn't know the answer either, but she had confidence in Lin Chuang, so she replied without hesitation.

"I hope so."

Lin Chuang sat back, picked up the cup and took a sip of water, and said: "The soldiers and horses are not moving yet, the food and grass go first. You go and get some food. You have to be busy all night so that everyone can eat well and work vigorously."

"Okay." Qu Rubing said, about to exit.

Just then, the phone rang.

Qu Rubing picked up the phone smoothly.

Lin Chuang looked at the time and saw that it was already half past six. Could this call be from Yi Lianhua?

"It's the waitress from Wenyuan Hotel, asking you if you lost anything when you were dining in the hotel yesterday." Qu Rubing covered the phone with her hand and reported to Lin Chuang.

Lin Chuang took the phone and said to Qu Rubing: "Go and prepare the meal. Remember to order the braised pork to keep you going."

"Okay." Qu Rubing turned around and walked out.

Lin Chuang then put the receiver to his ear: "Hey, my surname is Lin, who is this?"

"Boss Lin, the supply is tight and we can't deliver the goods as scheduled!" Yi Lianhua's urgent voice came over the phone.

When Lin Chuang heard this code word, he immediately thought: "It's broken, something happened."

"There's no one here, be specific." Lin Chuang said.

"Lou Fangyi returned home after get off work. She came out around 6:20, went to the public toilet first, and then went to the notice board. I saw that she did block it with her body and made a mark under the notice board. Then she went home. When I saw her leaving, I went to the toilet and found the message she had left. It said 'The situation has changed and the operation has been cancelled'. Master, what should I do now?" Yi Lianhua asked.

Upon hearing this, Lin Chuang was shocked!

"What went wrong? Did Lou Fangyi discover something?"

"No, she works at the newspaper office all day without going out. Even if there is something wrong with my arrangement, she won't be able to notice it. Could it be that she sat in the office and deduced my flaw through reasoning?"

"No, the operation cannot be stopped. No matter how she discovered the anomaly, she can't run away as long as she returns home. There is still a way to remedy the situation before the Swimming Crab discovers this information."

Lin Chuang made up his mind instantly.

"Take out the information, and then you can act according to the original plan, and don't worry about other things." Lin Chuang ordered.

"Yes." Yi Lianhua put down the phone.

Lin Chuang then called Chen Shu: "Team Leader Chen, what is Lou Fangyi doing?"

"Team leader Lin, Lou Fangyi got off work normally. After returning home, he went to the public toilet and stood at the notice board for a while. Now he is back home and everything is normal." Chen Shu said.

"No, Team Leader Chen, didn't you find something strange? She has a toilet at home, why does she have to use a public toilet?" Lin Chuang said.

"Yes, you are right, I was negligent." Chen Shu said hurriedly.

"Based on her previous actions, I judge that she must have sent a signal to her accomplices when she stood at the notice board. In this way, you send someone to check where she stood. If there are new lines or symbols, erase them immediately.

, she cannot be allowed to send new signals to her accomplices and undermine tonight's operation." Lin Chuang said.

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Chen Shu replied.

"In addition, be sure not to let Lou Fangyi run away. As soon as you find her going out, arrest her immediately," Lin Chuang continued.

"Okay." Chen Shu responded and put down the phone.

After explaining to Chen Shu, Lin Chuang put down the phone, sat on the chair and continued to think about Lou Fangyi's actions.

"If the loophole was deduced by her, she would probably not come out again after returning home, and it would not affect her continued lurking. Because she believed that if she stopped the operation in time, there would be no danger; if she discovered something substantial

Sexual loopholes, I will definitely find a way to escape next."

"No, we can't let her escape. Although Chen Shu has excellent mobility and has laid a dragnet, he is not afraid of her escaping. But if she can find my flaw, it means that this person is not simple. There may be accomplices hiding there.

In the dark. Therefore, we must take precautions."

Thinking of this, Lin Chuang picked up the phone and called Huang Fulin.

"Section Chief, Team Leader Chen just reported that Lou Fangyi went out to the public toilet again after returning home from get off work. I feel that this is very possible. I judge that she is probably using this to pass on information. In addition, Lou Fangyi, as a female Spies are the treasures of the Japanese, and they must have enough protective power. Therefore, I suggest that, just in case, we must increase the perimeter security without affecting tonight's operations." Lin Chuang said.

"Do you have any doubts about Chen Shu's ability?" Huang Fulin asked.

"No, the humble position is not about doubting Team Leader Chen's ability, but about paying enough attention to Lou Fangyi." Lin Chuang said.

"Okay, I understand what you mean. I immediately called the police station and asked them to set up inspection posts at the station and pier." Huang Fulin said.

"Section chief, my humble job allowed Shao Jijun to take photos of Lou Fangyi. The technical department has it." Lin Chuang said.

"Okay, got it." After Huang Fulin finished speaking, he put down the phone.

"When it gets dark, Lou Fangyi has to escape from Nanjing through the station and the pier. As long as these two places are blocked, she won't be able to escape."

Just as Lin Chuang put down Huang Fulin's call, Chen Shu called again: "Team Leader Lin, you are right. My people found a rice symbol where Lou Fangyi stood, as if drawn with an eyebrow pencil.

Yes, it has been quietly wiped away now."

"Very good, Team Leader Chen, I'll leave Lou Fangyi to you." Lin Chuang said.

I put down the phone and saw Qu Rubing coming in carrying a food box.

Opening the food box, Qu Rubing placed a roast chicken, a plate of fried bean sprouts, a head of garlic, and a bowl of millet porridge on the table.

"Yes, you are qualified as a secretary. After I get married to Xiaoyu, if I want to look for an old lady, I'll look for you!" Lin Chuang felt relaxed and joked again.

"Hey! I don't know if you want to find an old woman or a eldest girl?" Qu Rubing gave Lin Chuang a white look and said.

"Come on, Secretary Qu, why do you always want to take advantage of the boss? Can you be healthier?" Lin Chuangtian said shamelessly.

These words made Qu Rubing roll her eyes in anger.

Isn't this a slap in the face?

This chapter has been completed!
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