Turn off the lights
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Chapter 306: The Fierce Battle of the Bridge

Two prison cars arrived at the bridge cave one after the other.

At this moment, a car not far away without its lights suddenly flashed its lights twice, and then the lights were turned on, covering the two cars in front of it in the light.

Upon seeing the signal, Matsumoto Shinichi waved his hand, and Takagi Tororo and Tanaka Yasuki worked together to push down a crossbar in front of the North Bridge Cave. With a "bang" sound, it blocked the way of the prison car.


The driver of the first prison car was caught off guard. When he saw the crossbar clearly, he had no time to dodge. He quickly stepped on the brakes and turned the steering wheel sharply to the left.

The car made a "bang" sound, hit the bridge wall, and turned sideways.

Because the car behind was separated by a distance, the driver reacted quickly and stopped the car in time. However, the front of the car followed the rear of the car, and they collided with each other within ten centimeters.

The head guard in the first car was sitting in the passenger seat. When the car crashed, his body jumped forward uncontrollably due to inertia, and his head hit the front glass of the car. He was badly injured.

Fortunately, although he was a little dizzy, he was conscious. He immediately pulled out his pistol and shouted: "Someone is hijacking the prison car. Quick, turn off the lights, get out and prepare to fight!"

There were four people sitting in the back seat, including Zhang Shouzheng, Pang Yiping and his wife in the middle, and a guard on the left and right.

The guard heard the leader's order, pulled out his gun, opened the car door and jumped out.

Both Zhang Shouzheng and Pang Yiping were handcuffed.

The incident happened suddenly. Pang Yiping had never seen such a scene before. She was immediately frightened and asked Zhang Shouzheng blankly: "Are you saving us?"

"Get down!" Zhang Shouzheng was a man after all. He immediately pushed his wife's head onto his lap, jumped forward, and covered Pang Yiping's entire upper body.

As soon as he lay down, he heard the sound of "bang bang bang..." outside the car, and a bullet hit the car window. With a "crash", the glass was shattered.

"Ah!" Pang Yiping exclaimed in horror.

"Shut up! Do you want to lure people here?" Zhang Shouzheng roared, pressing Pang Yiping's trembling body tightly.

When Shinichi Matsumoto saw two prison cars blocked in the bridge, he quickly waved his hand and ordered: "Go ahead, kill them all except the two prisoners!"

Takagi Takara, Tanaka Yasuki and Goto Enjing responded to the order and all four guns opened fire.

The four of them were all well-trained spies, their marksmanship was very accurate, and they were in the dark. After every shot, one of the guards was hit in the vitals.

The seven guards were pitiful. Because they were in the open, they had no time to react. In less than half a minute, they all fell into a pool of blood.

"Quickly, save the prisoner and retreat!" Matsumoto Shinichi ordered quickly.

Takagi Tororo heard the order and immediately reached out to pull the door of the first car.

At this moment, there was a "bang" sound and a gunshot was heard from the north.

Before Shinichi Matsumoto could react, he saw many dark figures standing up in the thatch to the north. At the same time, he heard two gunshots, and the headlights of the car driven by Sato Kaihi were knocked out.

"No, we've fallen into a trap! Get out and run separately!" Matsumoto Zhen yelled, leaving Zhang Shouzheng and his wife behind, and rushed north with Takagi Toro, while Tanaka Yasuki and Goto Yuanjing rushed south.

The four of them clung to the wall of the cave and entered a blind spot. Although the gunfire sounded urgent, no one was hit.


Seeing the opportunity, Matsumoto Shinichi jumped forward, rolled on the ground, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The other three crabs followed suit and rushed out.

The moment the car lights were turned off, Sato Yoshihiro quickly jumped out of the car and ran to the west - a hundred meters to the west were residential buildings.

The two shots that knocked out the headlights came from Lin Chuang.

After shooting, Lin Chuang quickly lay on the ground motionless. He was observing the battle situation and creating opportunities for Yi Lianhua and the others.

Sato Yoshihiro fled to the west, and Sun Shengli led his men to pursue him. There was no need to worry about this journey.

Two Japanese spies entered the thatched grassland south of the bridge. Lin Chuang saw the two figures clearly, but he did not fire. He wanted to use the two men to distract the pursuers.

Seeing Shao Jijun and his men rushing out of the bridge hole, Lin Chuang raised his gun and fired two shots in the direction where the two black figures were fleeing. Then he stood up and waved at Shao Jijun: "Quick, escape to the west, chase!"

When Shao Jijun saw that it was Lin Chuang, he didn't have time to reply and led his men to chase him.

Lin Chuang looked again and saw that there was no one in the bridge cave for the time being. It was dark and only the blurry shadows of two cars could be seen.

After waiting for a while, Lin Chuang still didn't see Yi Lianhua and others. He was getting worried when he suddenly saw a figure emerging from the bridge hole. It was obvious that this person was carrying someone on his back.

Although this man was carrying one person on his back, he still moved quickly and soon entered the darkness to the east.

Judging from his figure, he is Liu Ermeng.

"Damn it, when did he go in? Why didn't I see him?" Lin Chuang was surprised and happy when he saw Liu Ermeng's figure.

"It's done, now it's time to look at me."

Lin Chuang waited for a while, and after feeling that Liu Ermeng was far away, he quickly rushed into the bridge opening and opened the door of the first car.

"Zhang Shouzheng, Zhang Shouzheng!" Lin Chuang shouted twice.

"Are you Team Leader Lin?" Zhang Shouzheng raised his head and asked softly.

"It's me. Stop talking, get out of the car and follow me!" Lin Chuang said urgently.

"Are you saving us?" Zhang Shouzheng asked hesitantly.

"Nonsense! If it weren't for your brother-in-law, how could I have gone to such trouble?! Get out of the car quickly, it's too late." Lin Chuang said anxiously.

"Okay." Zhang Shouzheng quickly helped Pang Yiping get out of the car.

Fortunately, they were only handcuffed and not shackled, so they could walk without any problems.

Lin Chuang leaned over and carried Pang Yiping on his back, and said to Zhang Shouzheng: "Follow me."

Zhang Shouzheng saw that Lin Chuang was worried about his wife being pregnant and would not let her walk quickly. He felt grateful in his heart and said softly: "Team leader Lin, thank you."

Lin Chuang didn't answer, and quickly walked out of the bridge hole and walked to the west.

Soon he arrived near the temporary surveillance point, where his car was parked.

Opening the door and letting Zhang Shouzheng and Pang Yiping get in, Lin Chuang closed the curtain on the window and said, "You guys wait in the car first, I'll be back in a moment. Don't worry, no one will get on this car except me."


After saying that, he locked the car door and quickly ran to the bridge opening.

When they arrived at the bridge cave, Shu Qi, Shao Jijun and Sun Shengli, but Qingming all came over.

"Report to the team leader, two of the five spies were killed and three were injured, all captured!" Shu Qi saw Lin Chuang arriving and stood at attention excitedly to report.

"What are our casualties?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Two of the seven guards were killed and five were injured. One was seriously injured and is being sent to the hospital," Shu Qi reported.

"Where are the prisoners?" Lin Chuang asked.

"The three criminals are missing. They may have taken advantage of the chaos to escape." Shu Qi reported in a lower voice this time.

Although five Japanese spies were captured, three prisoners escaped. This is not a small mistake.

"Clean the battlefield, Qingming, you are responsible for sending the surviving Japanese to the interrogation room, start interrogating them immediately, and pry open their mouths as quickly as possible." Lin Chuang ordered.


Qingming didn't get any credit, but he was in a bad mood. Hearing Lin Chuang's words, he immediately became excited.

"I haven't eaten any meat, but I can still drink some soup. The team leader is kind!"

This chapter has been completed!
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