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Chapter 308 I don't mind pitting you again

After being scolded by Lin Chuang, Wu Liangce quickly ordered his men to stop their actions and exit the house.

He and Lin Chuang had the same mind. He knew that Lin Chuang was dissatisfied with Chen Shu and was embarrassed to get angry at him. He was very unlucky to be Chen Shu's shield.

In fact, he was also angry inside.

When I was working with Xiao Zhai, it was always smooth sailing. I only wanted to scheme against others, so how could I let others scheme against me? Unexpectedly, I followed a stupid boss and got into trouble in my first operation.

Therefore, he did not quarrel with Lin Chuang.

"You told me on the phone that you could hear the babble in her room. Now it seems that it must be the smoke bomb set off by Lou Fangyi to confuse you. Because from the scene, she put on the record player before escaping.

And the radio, Team Leader Chen, can I draw this conclusion?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Okay." Chen Shu replied softly.

"It's half past eleven now. It was ten o'clock when I talked to you on the phone. She got off work at six o'clock, and she left the house once. She came back at half past six and never went out again. In other words, she left here

The time spent in the house is between one and a half to five hours." Lin Chuang analyzed.

Chen Shu nodded silently.

"During this period, did your people notice any suspicious people going out of the alley? In particular, did you notice anyone going out from the courtyard to the west?" Lin Chuang asked.

"No, no one noticed this problem." Chen Shu replied.

"Impossible, they won't go to heaven or go to the ground. They must have gone out from the alley. Team leader Chen, can you call the surveillance personnel in and let's ask again?" Lin Chuang said.

"Okay." Chen Shu had long since lost his psychological advantage in front of Lin Chuang and obeyed the young man's instructions obediently.

Chen Shu called everyone in the team into the room.

Lin Chuang asked: "Who is responsible for the east side?"

"Sir, it is Zhang Fulin, deputy captain of the First Action Team, who is responsible for monitoring the east side." A man stood up and replied.

Lin Chuang took a look and saw that the man was about thirty years old, much older than Wu Liangce. He had a dark and red face and looked very strong.

"I wonder if Zhang Fulin will play tricks on Wu Liangce?" Lin Chuang thought to himself.

"Are you Zhang Fulin?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Sir, I am Zhang Fulin." The black-faced man replied.

"Okay, let me ask you, didn't you see a woman coming out of the east alley?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Sir, no." Zhang Fulin replied without thinking.

"Think about it carefully, this matter is no small matter." Lin Chuang reminded.

"There were people coming and going in the alley at that time. There were women, but they were not of the same age." Zhang Fulin said.

"Can you tell me carefully what these women are like?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Team Leader Lin, will Lou Fangyi dress up as a man and go out?" Chen Shu asked.

"No. Lou Fangyi has a graceful figure. Even if she looks like a man, she can't pretend to be a man. Besides, it's summer and she has less clothes. It takes a long time to dress like a man. At least she has to paint her skin to look like a man.

Some. So, she will not waste time on disguise." Lin Chuang said.

"Sir, your reminder reminds me that there is a mother and son who are very suspicious." After listening to the conversation between Lin Chuang and Chen Shu, Zhang Fulin's eyes lit up and he said quickly.

"Say." Lin Chuang said.

"Around seven o'clock, a mother and her son came out of the alley. The man was a middle-aged man, and he was carrying an old lady with white hair on his back. The man was walking in a hurry, and the old lady on his back seemed to be sick.

, head drooped, unable to see clearly, and carrying a black bag in his hand. The reason why Beizhi thought they were suspicious was because Beizhi saw that the old lady’s arms were very white and thin, not as loose as the old lady’s skin.

Chi." Zhang Fulin recalled saying.

"Wait a minute, black bag? Is it carried by a man or an old lady?" Lin Chuang asked.

"The old lady was carrying it, and the man had his hands behind his back, so he couldn't lift it," Zhang Fulin said.

"Since you see that her skin does not look like that of an elderly person, why don't you check it?" Lin Chuang asked.

"This idea just flashed, and I didn't see the person's face clearly. I only saw gray hair. I'm not sure how old the woman is." Zhang Fulin replied.

"Vice Captain Zhang, I can tell you that that old woman is Lou Fangyi!" Lin Chuang said firmly.

"Team Leader Lin, why are you so sure?" Chen Shu asked.

"Skin is only one aspect. There is another doubt. The woman was carried out with her head hanging down, which means she is sick, and the illness is not serious. A seriously ill patient can't even lift his head, but he still has the strength to carry his purse.

?You didn't see such a big flaw?" Lin Chuang said.

"This..." When Zhang Fulin heard this, he immediately panicked. His eyes flickered and he looked at Chen Shu.

Chen Shu gradually came back to his senses: "I dare Lin Chuang to frame Zhang Fulin. Wu Liangce's house is in the west. Although Lou Fangyi's house is closer to the east, it cannot be concluded that Lou Fangyi is from the west just because of this.

He escaped to the east, right? Why didn't he ask Wu Liangce? It's obvious that he wanted me and Zhang Fulin to take the blame."

Thinking of this, Chen Shu's original shame in facing Lin Chuang gradually dissipated, and he became less polite when he spoke.

"Team Leader Lin, are you too arbitrary? Can you conclude that the old lady is Lou Fangyi based on the skin on her arm and the black bag she is carrying? Isn't there really such a person?"

Chen Shu had a good suspicion.

Lin Chuang really wanted Zhang Fulin to take the blame.

For no other reason than to cover up the lack of his arrest plan.

Lin Chuang's arrest plan seems to be for the "hibernation plan", but in fact it cannot withstand scrutiny. Some reasons may seem reasonable, but in fact they cannot withstand scrutiny.

Is it necessary to use Zhang Shouzheng and his wife as bait? No.

There are many other ways to achieve the goal of moving closer to Zhudaoshan.

Since we suspect that Lou Fangyi is a spy, why not try to use traditional methods to monitor her? Stalking and eavesdropping can be used, and you don't even need to look for evidence, just arrest her.

Even if these are not considered, the facts have proved that Lin Chuang's plan to lure the enemy was successful. However, Lou Fangyi had other personnel to protect this. Lin Chuang, as the main case handler, should have thought of it and made arrangements for it long ago. He could not

Are you blaming your mistakes on others?

It was based on the above considerations that Lin Chuang found fault with Chen Shu, trying to attribute his mistakes to the poor actions of the action team.

However, he really didn't expect that Chen Shu, who seemed to be honest, would suddenly attack him.

"Hey, Lao Chen, it seems you have figured it out. But don't worry, Zhang Fulin will definitely take the blame. If you are smarter, let him take the blame. If you don't want him to take the blame, then you will be the one to take the blame! I

I don’t mind tricking you again." Lin Chuang sneered secretly in his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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