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Chapter 339 Making up stories

"Why are you laughing? Did I say something wrong?" Bai Xiaoling asked coquettishly.

"I laughed at you for being too suspicious." Lin Chuang took a sip of tea and continued: "I don't bring books because everything in the books is stored in my head. As for you saying that I look like a soldier or a policeman, then

You really flatter me. To tell you the truth, I took the path of Secretary Pang and came here to be a teacher. In fact, I just wanted Mr. Zhu to get a job in the future."

"Oh." Bai Xiaoling nodded and asked: "Well, you said you are from a rural area and come from a poor background. How can you afford to go to college? In our village, the children who go to school are all the children of officials, or their families have money.

Yes, how can those who work in the fields afford to go to school? Most of the people in the village are blind, and few are literate."

"Sure enough, it takes many lies to cover up a lie." Lin Chuang sighed secretly when he heard her asking this question.

"Oh, it's hard to put it into words. I'm just crying when I talk about it, so let's stop talking about it." Lin Chuang sighed, his mind racing, thinking about how to fulfill this lie.

"Tell me, just tell a story, I'm willing to listen, tell me..." Bai Xiaoling pretended to be cute, pouted and asked Lin Chuang to tell.

"Humph, I lied to you and you didn't come back again and again? It's not difficult to arrange a poignant love story for you, right?" Lin Chuang glanced at her and thought to himself.

"Miss Bai, you can talk about it, but this is a secret in my heart. You have to keep it a secret from me. I don't want others to know and talk behind my back." Lin Chuang said seriously.

"I promise I will never tell anyone else." Bai Xiaoling replied solemnly.

"Oh! Let me moisten my throat." Lin Chuang took a sip of tea, leaned back on the sofa, closed his eyes, and pretended to start making up a story.

"You are right. My family is poor, with only a few acres of land. There are seven or eight people, old and young, who can barely feed themselves. How can I have enough money to send my children to school? But my father is more liberal. He feels that his descendants cannot be as young as him.

If you are blind, even if your whole family doesn't eat or drink, you still have to provide for one person to study.

There were three of us brothers and sisters. I had a brother above me and a sister below me. My father asked my brother to work on the land at home while I went to a private school in Wuzhuang, a neighboring village.

It doesn't matter that I'm going to school, but it makes my teacher very happy. Do you know why? Because I'm smart. I can remember hundreds of surnames, thousand-character essays, and hundreds of schools of thought as long as I read them several times.

Good or bad.

When the teacher was happy, he spread the word everywhere that a child prodigy had come out of Linjia Village. The more he said it, the more people began to believe it. Coincidentally, the biggest wealthy family in Wuzhuang was named Wu, and his family had a young lady who was two years younger than me.

, after hearing about my reputation, he often went to private school to peek at me, and gradually he developed a crush on me."

At this point, Lin Chuang closed his eyes and glanced at Bai Xiaoling. He saw that she was listening with great interest, her eyes were moving, and she was obviously very interested in the story of this talented man and beautiful woman.

Lin Chuang imagined Miss Wu to look like Wu Dongguo, and then went on to make up the story.

"When she saw that my family was poor, she often brought me delicious food and secretly gave me money. She liked me, and I also liked her. She was so kind, so beautiful, and so gentle. In my heart, she was the best in the world.


I went to school for three years, and we secretly got better for three years. In these three years, I emptied the teacher's stomach of all the ink, and he could no longer teach me.

The teacher went to my father and said that he must send me to a middle school in Jinan.

My father was very happy to know that I studied well, but my family couldn't afford to go to Jinan to study. So, he had no choice but to let me go home and work."

"That's such a pity." Bai Xiaoling sighed after hearing this.

"Ms. Wu said the same thing. When I told her that my family was not allowed to go to school, she said it was a pity that you don't study. You must find a way to study.

To be honest, I also want to continue studying. If I can find an official position in the future, I can also marry Miss Wu. If I don't continue studying and do farm work at home, it is impossible to marry her.

I told her my thoughts, and she gritted her teeth and handed me a jade bracelet on her hand, asking me to sell it for tuition.

Oh my, I was so moved at that time that I burst into tears. I didn’t want her bracelet because I was afraid that it would be difficult for her to explain it when she got home, but in order for us to get married, I had no choice but to accept her kindness.

I sold the bracelet for 1,000 yuan. Instead of going to Jinan, I went directly to Beijing. I went to middle school and then university. After four years of study, I returned home and happily went to see Miss Wu, but I never expected that

, she, she..." When Lin Chuang made up this point, he almost believed it himself and couldn't go on.

"What's wrong with her?" Bai Xiaoling asked with concern.

"She's married!" Lin Chuang said through gritted teeth.

"Ah? Why didn't she wait for you?" Bai Xiaoling asked anxiously.

"She has been waiting for me. However, my brother-in-law is a fool and is too fat to be considered a wife. Later, Miss Wu and her father came up with an idea to change marriages. He wanted Miss Wu to marry a man from another village.

Yes, let that man’s sister marry my brother-in-law.

Of course Miss Wu disagreed and went on a hunger strike for five days without eating or drinking. As a result, her cruel father tied Miss Wu, who had no strength at all, to a sedan chair.

Poor Miss Wu, she can’t cry every day or every day, so she gets married like this.”

Lin Chuang said emotionally.

At the same time, I secretly prayed: "Brother Dong, Brother Dong, I'm sorry."

"Ugh..." When Lin Chuang said this, he heard Bai Xiaoling burst into tears. At the same time, he kept asking: "How can this be like this? How can this be like this? Wuwuwu..."

Lin Chuang also looked sad, bowing his head and saying nothing.

He wanted to squeeze out a few tears and cooperate with Bai Xiaoling, but he really couldn't. At the same time, he felt very funny in his heart: "If the fat man knew that I arranged him like this, would he chop me up?"

"What happened next?" Bai Xiaoling wiped her tears and asked.

"When I found her later, she was already so skinny that I felt sorry for her. I told her, live well, and when I find an official position, I will definitely come back and marry you!" Lin Chuang


"Ah? Mr. Lin, how could you have such an idea? She is no longer a eldest daughter, how can you still want her?" Bai Xiaoling asked curiously.

"Miss Bai, how much did Miss Wu suffer for me? How much suffering did she suffer? Do I forget her kindness just because she is a eldest daughter? Then I am still not a human being?" Lin Chuangyi said sternly.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, you did the right thing! Men should be more generous and not ungrateful." When Bai Xiaoling heard this, she immediately agreed.

"What a risk! I finally managed to get through it." Lin Chuang wiped his sweat and secretly rejoiced.

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