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Chapter 350: Trial Case (1) (For Book Friends Art Xin Qiuyue

"The body's head is from east to west. In other words, when the murderer committed the murder, he covered her mouth and nose with his right hand to prevent her from calling for help, and stabbed the deceased to death with a knife held in his left hand?" Lin Chuang asked.

"It should be like this." Forensic Doctor Chen said.

"So, the murderer is left-handed?" Lin Chuang asked again.

"Either he is left-handed, or his left hand is very powerful." Forensic Chen said.

"Okay, I understand, what else have you discovered?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Not for the time being." Forensic Doctor Chen replied.

"Okay, take the body away and check again when you go back. If you find anything, report it immediately. Remember, this case must not be leaked. It involves Minister Zhu's family affairs. You know the seriousness." Lin Chuang ordered.

"Don't worry, I won't talk too much." Forensic Doctor Chen replied.

Ji Laoliu helped the forensic doctor move Bai Xiaoling's body away.

Lin Chuang came to Quan Lin's room.

"Quan Lin, I have a few questions for you." Lin Chuang said straight to the point.

"Please." Quan Lin was very steady and looked very calm as he replied briefly.

"After twelve o'clock last night, I found you looking around. What I want to ask is, what did you do before twelve o'clock?" Lin Chuang asked.

"I am on duty at night separately from Ming Hengyi. He is on duty for the first half of the night and I am on duty for the second half of the night. Therefore, before twelve o'clock, I sleep in the room." Quan Lin replied.

"Oh." Lin Chuang nodded.

"Did you notice any movement after twelve o'clock?" Lin Chuang asked.

"No." Quan Lin replied.

"Who discovered Bai Xiaoling's body first?" Lin Chuang asked.

"It's the senior girl. According to usual habits, Zhou Changhua and the senior girl get up at six o'clock every day to prepare breakfast. Bai Xiaoling also gets up at the same time and goes to the building to serve his wife. Today, the senior girl got up early. She went to the kitchen to clean up and take out the trash.

He dropped it, and then went to call Bai Xiaoling, only to find that she was dead." Quan Lin said.

Lin Chuang nodded and asked, "Does the garbage always come out in the morning?"

Quan Lin replied: "The sanitation team collects garbage once a day, always before 9:30 in the morning. So, under normal circumstances, junior girls in high school take out the garbage from the previous day in the morning."

Quan Lin's ability to speak so carefully shows that he did not forget his responsibilities during the rest of the night.

"Last night, the junior high school girl stabbed Zhou Changhua, and you didn't hear anything at all?" Lin Chuang asked.

"I was half asleep and heard some noise." Quan Lin replied.

"Then why don't you get up and take a look?" Lin Chuang couldn't help but feel strange.

"Don't be surprised, just get used to it. Besides, Ming Hengyi was on duty for the first half of the night. With him on duty, nothing will happen." Quan Lin replied.

Lin Chuang has been observing Quan Lin's expression.

I found that there was no hesitation in his speech at all. I don't know if he was truly selfless or if he had been prepared for it.

"Quan Lin, I found that you are very disgusted with Bai Xiaoling and Zhou Changhua, is that true?" Lin Chuang asked.



"Do you still need me to give you a reason? If you didn't need it for the investigation, would you take the initiative to deal with them?" Quan Lin said disdainfully.

"Yes, it's undeniable. If it wasn't for the investigation, I wouldn't have caught them." Lin Chuang nodded, admitting that Quan Lin was right.

"However, disgust is certain, which means you have a motive for committing the crime." Lin Chuang said, staring at Quan Lin closely.

"I have a motive for committing the crime, but I did not commit the crime." Quan Lin said calmly.

"It is entirely possible that between ten and ten thirty, you picked up the knife from the kitchen while I was bandaging Zhou Changhua, sneaked into Bai Xiaoling's room and killed her. To you,

It shouldn't be difficult." Lin Chuang said.

"Team Leader Lin, you can think so, but please provide evidence." Quan Lin was very angry. However, he was relatively deep in the city and did not show any anger. Instead, he asked Lin Chuang for evidence.

"You are not asking me for evidence. Now I need you to provide me with evidence that you were not at the crime scene between ten and ten thirty." Lin Chuang retorted.

"Then I don't." Quan Lin, who was also a bachelor, spread his hands and said.

"Okay." Lin Chuang stood up and ended the conversation.

When he walked to the door, Lin Chuang suddenly asked Quan Lin: "Are you left-handed?"

"No." Quan Lin replied.

"Are there any left-handers in the house?" Lin Chuang asked again.

"No." Quan Lin replied.

Lin Chuang nodded and left Quan Lin's room.

"Ji Jun, go get some food. Also, ask the office if there is any reply from Changsha? Also, is there any result now about the Ma Jinhai real estate matter I asked you to check?"

"I went to the police station yesterday and entrusted it to Chen Lu. It should be soon." Shao Jijun replied.

"Okay, you can ask Ma Jinhai if he is left-handed."


Lin Chuang entered Ming Hengyi's room again.

Ming Hengyi's cheeks were red and swollen, and when he saw Lin Chuang coming in, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Did you stay half the night last night?" Lin Chuang sat on his bedside, asked Ming Hengyi to sit on the chair, and began to ask questions.

"Yes." Ming Hengyi replied.

"But, I didn't see you until twelve o'clock. Why?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Last night Xiaoling brought me a bottle of wine. After I drank the wine, I couldn't hold it any longer and fell asleep on the bed."

"You mean Bai Xiaoling poisoned your wine? It's a good idea to put the responsibility on a dead person without any evidence." Lin Chuang sneered.

"I'm telling the truth. I don't know if she tampered with the wine, but I am indeed very sleepy." Ming Hengyi insisted.

"When did you wake up?" Lin Chuang ignored the question and asked.

"I was awakened by the shouts of my junior high school girl," Ming Hengyi said.

"In other words, you have been sleeping?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Yes, I have been sleeping and didn't wake up in the middle of the night." Ming Hengyi said.

"No one can prove it?"

"No one has proven it."

Lin Chuang ignored the topic and asked: "What is your purpose of buying a gift for Bai Xiaoling? Do you like her?"

"How could I possibly like her? You don't want such junk for free, so Chef Zhou just accepts any junk." Speaking of Bai Xiaoling, Ming Hengyi looked contemptuous.

"Haha, what do you mean?" Lin Chuang asked with a sneer.

"She can speak well in front of Mr. and Mrs." Ming Hengyi touched his nose and said a little shyly.

"Do you want to gain her favor and have her say good things in front of the master, or should she say less bad things about you?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Say something nice. As you can see, Quan Lin and I don't have much to deal with. He has a cold face all day long," Ming Hengyi said.

"I understand, what you mean is that you want her to speak ill of Quan Lin in front of the husband and wife, and to drive him away, right?" Lin Chuang said.

"Hmm, um... that's what I mean." Ming Hengyi hesitated, but finally admitted.

"Can I think that you didn't squeeze out Quan Lin, so you vented your resentment on Bai Xiaoling?" Lin Chuang asked.

"I'm a little resentful. This woman has taken advantage of me, but she just won't do anything." Ming Hengyi said.

"In other words, you also have a motive for killing."

This chapter has been completed!
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