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Chapter 379 Lin Chuang was arrested

"Take advantage of the situation." Ding Mocun said two words, said nothing, picked up the "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" he just put down and looked at it, no longer paying attention to Lin Zhijiang.

"Taking advantage of the situation?" Lin Zhijiang muttered it twice silently, his eyes lit up, and he stood up quickly: "The director is so smart, I admire him for his humble position!"

Ding Mocun smiled slightly, as if he had a pearl of wisdom in his hand, waved his hand and said: "Go ahead."

"Yes." Lin Zhijiang agreed, got up and went out, walking to the eastmost room on the second floor.

Lin Zhijiang quickly understood what Ding Mocun meant by taking advantage of the situation.

The so-called borrowing of momentum means that there must be momentum to borrow from.

The biggest force in the Secret Service is not Ding Mocun or Li Shiqun, but Shibuya Chuan, the liaison officer assigned to the Secret Service by the Shadow Agency.

Named Liaison Officer, Shibuya River's true intention is to monitor and control the actions of the Secret Service. All major actions by Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun must obtain Shibuya River's consent before they can be implemented.

Shibuya River himself does not have a high military rank, he is just a warrant officer, and his correct title should be lance sergeant.

This military rank is between soldiers and officers, equivalent to positions such as platoon leader.

Shibuya River was born in a poor fisherman family in Hokkaido, Japan. He had many brothers and a poor family.

Shibuya River himself is very smart and has good academic performance, especially in literature.

But if a family like his succeeds with their "literary talents", they will definitely reach the sky.

Therefore, in order to change the fate of his family and himself, like many low-class young people with gold-mining dreams, Shibuya River abandoned literature and turned to martial arts, signed up to join the army, and participated in the Battle of Songhu under the command of General Matsui Iwane.

After the battle, Shibuya River wrote what he saw, heard and felt during the war in an article called "The Rolling Huangpu River", which beautified the Battle of Songhu to his heart's content.

As luck would have it for this guy, this article was seen by a reporter from Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun". He admired the sergeant's literary talent very much and recommended the article to the newspaper, which immediately published it.

Coincidentally, this article was read by Ken Inukai, the senior advisor in charge of economics and culture of the Shadow Agency, and he also appreciated the article very much.

Therefore, Inukai Ken recommended Shibuya Gawa to Kagesa Hitio, who transferred him to the Secret Service Department, promoted him to a warrant officer, and became a liaison officer.

When Shibuya River arrived at the Secret Service, although he was only in charge of a dozen Japanese military police, he was like an emperor. Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun both rushed to fawn over him, and they never dared to forget him as they gained money.

This job fulfilled Shibuya Gawa's dream - his purpose of joining the army was to make money.

This idea came from Ding Mo Village, and the more Lin Zhijiang thought about it, the better it became.

First of all, apart from Li Shiqun, the one who can best control Wu Sibao in the Secret Service is Shibuya River.

Wu Sibao is a bastard, Shibuya River is ruthless, and a bastard is afraid of a ruthless person. This is the eternal truth.

Secondly, Shibuya River is greedy for money, and with the big fat "Haoshou" company, he is not afraid that he will not take the bait;

Third, Ding Mocun has a soft temper and is unwilling to fall out with Li Shiqun because of Wu Sibao's matter, so asking Shibuya River to come forward is the best way.

As expected, after Lin Zhijiang told Shibuya River everything in detail, Shibuya River's eyes lit up and he shouted excitedly: "Yo Xi!"

Faced with the drawing provided by Chang Facai, Lin Chuang thought hard and never found a good way. He always felt that it was too difficult to complete the task of getting rid of Chen Huaijun.

The main difficulty is that we have too little information.

Although the military commander's telegram only asked him to assist Zhao Zihuan, if the information he provided was not detailed, it would definitely affect the formulation of Zhao Zihuan's plan to eliminate the traitor.

Based on Zhao Zihuan's hatred for Chen Huaijun and his lack of refinement, as long as he handed this picture to him, he would probably take action immediately.

Although I didn't know how he would take action, I intuitively felt that Li Shiqun must have some hidden agenda. If he was not careful, he would fall into Li Shiqun's evil trap.

If it causes further losses to the Shanghai Station, then this Category A Station will be abandoned, and as the assisting party, I will not be able to escape the relationship.

This is my first battle in Shanghai, and there is absolutely no room for failure.

Therefore, it is necessary to change as much as possible to understand the situation.

Only when the material is rich can the article produced be wonderful.

And the only way he can get information now is through Wu Sibao.

After making up his mind, Lin Chuang picked up the phone and called She Aizhen: "Sister, will Brother Bao come home at noon?"

"Do you have anything to do with him?" She Aizhen asked.

"Hi, a company employee accidentally broke into the restricted area of ​​the Secret Service this morning and was about to be taken away by Lin Zhijiang, but Brother Bao forced him to stay. I want to ask him face to face if it will cause him any trouble."

Lin Chuangdao.

"Abao did the right thing about this. Who is Lin Zhijiang? He and Abao have never dealt with each other. Maybe he wants to use this matter to blackmail you." She Aizhen has a very good mind, and she is almost the first

It took me no time to think of Lin Zhijiang's intentions.

"Yes, if I really let him take people away, it will definitely bring trouble to me. However, he is Brother Bao's boss after all. Brother Bao will probably bring trouble to him if he comes here forcefully. In this way, eldest sister, you will

He called and asked him to go home, and I asked him face to face. If it can be settled by spending money, we will spend money and we can't make it difficult for him," said Lin Chuangdao.

She Aizhen originally wanted to say no, but when she heard Lin Chuang mentioned the word "spending money", she changed her mind: "Okay, you can bring Xiao Bing over for dinner, and I'll call A Bao."

"I'll go there by myself and won't go back to pick up Xiaobing." Lin Chuang said.

"Okay, I'll call Abao right away." After She Aizhen finished speaking, she put down the phone.

Looking at the watch, it was already half past eleven. Lin Chuang asked the finance office to prepare 100,000 French currency and put it in a box.

Lin Chuang drove into the public concession and came to No. 749 Yuyuan Road. He saw a car parked in front of Wu Sibao's door from a distance. The car number was not Wu Sibao's, so he didn't pay attention, thinking that Wu Sibao came back in someone else's car.

Besides, what else could happen in front of Wu Sibao's house?

However, as soon as he got out of the car with the cash box, the door of the car suddenly opened, and four men in black rushed up, all armed with southern pistols.

"Don't move! Put your hands up!" The leader, a man in his thirties, pointed a gun at Lin Chuang's head and ordered coldly.

"What are you doing? I'm Captain Wu's friend!"

Lin Chuang was startled and quickly realized that these people were probably Lin Zhijiang's people.

He quickly looked at the door of Wu Sibao's house and found that the Wu family guard had gone somewhere, so he shouted loudly, trying to alert She Aizhen.

"take away!"

The four men in black couldn't help but snatch the cash box from Lin Chuang's hand, covered his mouth, stuffed Lin Chuang into their car, and drove away.

Lin Chuang's shout quickly alerted She Aizhen.

He quickly asked the guard to go to the door and have a look.

It turned out that just now, the guard was called in by She Aizhen to help scrape the fish scales.

"Madam, it's bad. Boss Lin's car is here, but he's not there. Someone must have taken him away!"

The guard came to the door to take a look and quickly came back to report.

This chapter has been completed!
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