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Chapter three hundred and ninety-ninth slightly inferior

On the evening of the 24th, Lin Chuang quietly came to Gaofuli.

"Sir, this is the result of our tracking over the past two days." When Yi Lianhua saw him, she took out many photos to show to Lin Chuang as if he were offering a treasure.

The two had physical intimacy and became husband and wife. Lin Chuang wanted Yi Lianhua to change her name to husband, but she refused and insisted on her original title.

According to her, she is just a concubine, not a wife.

Lin Chuang had no choice but to let her do it.

"Sir, this person is Peng Huaifu, and his name is Wu Shubao. The guard of Wang Xiaolou, the captain of Wu Shubao's operation, is also the team leader." Yi Lianhua pointed to a photo of Peng Huaifu and Wu Shubao meeting and said.

He took out another photo and said: "This person's name is Zhang Sihu, and Zhang Sihu is Wu Shubao's subordinate. When Wu Shubao and Peng Huaifu met, Zhang Sihu was secretly on guard."

"How did you find out about these situations? You even found out the names and positions of Wang Xiaolou's subordinates clearly?" Lin Chuangqi asked.

"Hehe, sir, have you forgotten my Qinggong skills? I followed Wu Shubao to Wang Xiaolou's residence and eavesdropped on their conversation. It's a piece of cake for me to hold it in my hand." Yi Lianhua said proudly.


Lin Chuang praised her, picked up another photo, took a look at it, and asked: "Did Jin Jiazhi meet Hua Die?"

"Yes, Jin Jiazhi handed her a note." Yi Lianhua said.

As he spoke, he picked out a photo and handed it to Lin Chuang: "This is the content on the note."

Lin Chuang took a look and saw the words on the note very clearly. It read: "On the evening of the 25th, in Room 501 of Hanmideng Building, the team leader and above held a meeting to welcome the Wuhan commissioner and ordered our team to arrive on the 24th.

Arrange a warning before nightfall."

"Lotus, how did you get the note?" Lin Chuang asked.

"It's a trivial matter. It's almost like stealing your money on the train. Ermeng pretended to bump into Huadie accidentally, stole the note, and handed it to his senior brother. After the senior brother went to take pictures of the note elsewhere, Huadie

I’m still scolding Er Meng, so it won’t be troublesome to return the note." Yi Lianhua said.

After hearing this, Lin Chuang was greatly impressed: "These three people are really amazing. With the help of these three people, I am really more powerful than a tiger."

Lin Chuang praised it a few more times, then picked up the last photo and saw that it showed Peng Huaifu drinking tea with a stranger.

"Sir, this is the second day that Peng Huaifu drank tea with someone at Junming Tea House. The identity of the person drinking tea with him was not found because he came by car and there was no number plate on the car. After drinking tea, the person

Let's go. The direction of the car is to the north along Suzhou." Yi Lianhua said.

Lin Chuang took a closer look and found that the man drinking tea with Peng Huaifu was about forty years old. He wore a pair of glasses and looked like a cultured person.

Lin Chuang didn't pay attention and put the photo aside and said: "Looking at the content on the note, Zhao Zihuan is not too stupid. This must be false information, and the purpose is to verify Jin Jiazhi.

A meeting between team leaders and above is a big bait, and Li Shiqun must take it very seriously. As long as he sends people to the Hamilton Building to set up defenses, he will be following Zhao Zihuan's will." Lin Chuang said.

"Senior brother and Er Meng are still staring at Jin Jiazhi. We will know what happens when they come back," Yi Lianhua said.

"Zhao Zihuan took it for granted. In fact, if Li Shiqun was smart enough, he would not have been fooled by this." Lin Chuang took the photo of the note, looked at it for a while, and said quietly with a thought in his heart.

"Sir, is there any flaw?" Yi Lianhua asked.

"There are three flaws. First, people above the team leader gathered in one place for a meeting, and the reason used was to welcome the special commissioner from Wuhan. It seems reasonable, but when you think about it carefully, it is very unreasonable.

Special correspondents generally have specific tasks. If they want to meet, they must also meet with the station leader and personnel related to the task. How can all team leaders meet? Not to mention that this is behind enemy lines, even in our own territory, this is impossible."

"Oh." Yi Lianhua nodded, seeming to understand, and mechanically followed Lin Chuang's analysis.

“Second, the location is inappropriate.

Even if all team leaders and above are required to hold a meeting to welcome the special commissioner, it should not be held in a high-rise building. It should be held in a bungalow or small building that is easy to evacuate. With so many important personnel gathered in such a high building, if they are

The enemy is blocking the way, but there is no way to the sky and no way to the earth." Lin Chuang mentioned the second flaw.

"Yes, not only should you choose a bungalow, but you should also choose a place with easy access in all directions so that you can run easily!" Yi Lianhua understood this time and said quickly.

"Yes, that makes sense." Lin Chuang glanced at her appreciatively.

"What about the third one?" Yi Lianhua asked.

"Thirdly, Peng Huaifu's second group has just failed in their operation. It is said that they should wake up or be investigated at this time. Do you think it is appropriate for them to take on the important task of guarding?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Yes, it's inappropriate, it's so inappropriate. Young Master, you are really amazing. Just such a note has allowed you to see three flaws. I wonder if Li Shiqun will see it?" Yi Lianhua said.

"I guess so. A shrewd person like Li Shiqun will definitely be able to figure it out," Lin Chuang said.

"Then will he still be fooled?" Yi Lianhua asked.

"Yes. The key is that Zhao Zihuan's bait is too big. Even if Li Shiqun sees the flaw, he will not let go of this opportunity. It's just like playing mahjong. When you play with a concealed bar, even if you have this

If the cards are played out and there is a possibility of firing, you will bite the bullet and play out. Why do you do it even though you know the danger? It’s because the temptation is too great. What the player was thinking at the time was, what if I can’t fire up the guns?

Is there a chance to win big?

Faced with the great success of destroying the Shanghai Railway Station in one fell swoop, Li Shiqun would not be tempted. He would definitely give it a try with the luck of a gambler.

The most important thing is that he did not know that Jin Jiazhi had been exposed, nor did he think that Zhao Zihuan's move was specially arranged to verify whether Jin Jiazhi was a traitor.

In other words, he believed in the authenticity of the information provided by Jin Jiazhi.

So, I think he will definitely be fooled," Lin Chuang said.

"Master, in front of you, Zhao Zihuan and Li Shiqun are all like idiots." Yi Lianhua said with admiration.

Lin Chuang hugged her and said: "Lianhua, I am telling you this not to show off, but to cultivate your ability to analyze and judge."

"Well, I know that the young master is doing it for my own good." Yi Lianhua murmured.

"Remember a principle, if you encounter a difficult problem during action, or suddenly feel that something is wrong, don't think about taking the risk to verify it. You must make a decisive decision and stop the action immediately." Lin Chuang said.

"Yes, young master, I remember." Yi Lianhua said.

Lin Chuang's judgment was correct, Li Shiqun did see the flaws, but he was still slightly inferior to Lin Chuang, only seeing two.

This chapter has been completed!
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