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Chapter 404 personally sniping

When Lin Chuang closed his eyes just now, it was not because he meant to ignore Shibuya River, but what he just discovered caused a turmoil in his heart!

He needed to calm down, think through his thoughts, and figure out how to deal with this dangerous and complicated situation.

Is Peng Huaifu a spy who has been deployed at the Shanghai Station by Yingzuo Agency, or is he a traitor who was instigated by Inuyang Ken? What role did Jin Jiazhi play in this? There is no time to reason about all this now.

Baba Koji's gathering of the team at this sensitive time was obviously for a major move. Was he going to the train station?

If you are going to the train station and the target is an action team member at Shanghai Station, this would be a bit of a set-up.

Zhao Zihuan's plan trapped Li Shiqun, but Peng Huaifu saw through it. Quan Yangjian followed suit, and there came a "mantis stalking the cicada, but the oriole behind?"

If this inference is true, then the Shanghai station action team will suffer a disaster.

At the same time, Chen Huaijun, the biggest hidden danger in Lin Chuang's heart, will be escaped by him again.

"No, the opportunity is rare. We cannot let Chen Huaijun go back alive. Looking at the current situation, I will often deal with No. 67 and Chongguangtang in the future. If I leave him alive, I might run into him one day. Will he survive?"

Lin Chuang secretly made up his mind.

Therefore, after lowering the Shibuya River, Lin Chuang issued an order to Ji Laoliu in a hurry.


Regardless of the reason, Ji Laoliu responded briefly, stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped towards the French Concession.

Ji Laoliu didn't know Chen Huaijun. The only people he knew were Lin Chuang, Shao Jijun, Zhao Junjiang and Gao Yang. Now Lin Chuang had no time to arrange for Shao Jijun, so he had to take action himself.

Lin Chuang is actually very unaccustomed to making hasty moves. He likes to make decisions before taking action, taking into account all possible risk factors, so that he can be sure of his actions.

And hasty action can easily expose one's own flaws, especially for agents performing latent missions, which is a big taboo.

However, this time the incident happened suddenly, involving the life and safety of himself and dozens of agents. The situation could be said to be extremely urgent, and Lin Chuang did not have much time to consider various details.

For example, did Chen Huaijun hide in the car and observe secretly, or did he exit or enter the station? The original four-story train station was destroyed in the Battle of Shanghai, leaving only a broken frame, and there were no tall buildings around it.

How to hide and complete the sniper kill without anyone noticing? How to retreat after the sniper kill?

There is no time to consider these, we can only take one step at a time.

Back in Tongfuli, while Ji Laoliu went to get the rattan box containing the sniper rifle, Lin Chuang quickly replaced the fake license plate. When Ji Laoliu came out, he put the rattan box into the trunk, and the two drove quickly.

Go to the train station.

Shanghai Railway Station is now renamed "Shanghai Station" by the Japanese. It is located on the north bank of Jie Bang, far away from the urban area.

By the time Lin Chuang and Ji Laoliu arrived at the train station, it was already 9:50.

Ji Laoliu drove the car to the station square, and Lin Chuang asked Ji Laoliu to choose an easy-to-observe place to stop the car.

Although time was tight, Lin Chuang still did not get out of the car. He wanted to observe the situation before making the next decision.

There were many cars parked in the square, including cars, rickshaws, and the truck driving out of Chongguang Hall.

Among these cars, there must be one that Chen Huaijun was riding in, but I don’t know which one it was.


Lin Chuang secretly said.

This chapter has been completed!
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