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Four hundred and fortieth chapters fire

Li Honglin did not follow Lin Chuang to Chongguang Hall.

He has another mission.

Lin Chuang's order to him was to find out where Takeshita Yufumi lived.

Therefore, he has been staying in the darkness near Anjin Tavern, paying close attention to Takeshita Yufumi's movements.

Takeshita Yufumi was sent home by Kameda, and Li Honglin quietly followed him. After finding out where he lived, he returned to the guest house, showed himself in front of the waiter, and entered his room.

After nightfall, he and Yi Lianhua put on black clothes and climbed to the roof from the window.

Because the guest house is an internal agency of the Secret Service, it is very tightly guarded. There are not only fixed posts, but also mobile posts and hidden posts.

In the past few days, the two of them had already figured out the situation clearly, easily evading the sentry's eyes and ears, and fled to the street.

Li Honglin led the way, and the two of them soon arrived at Takeshita Yufumi's residence.

Takeshita Yufumi's residence is a small building.

His family is in Japan and did not come to China with him.

Therefore, he was the only one in the entire small building, and there was no one else.

The first floor is the living room, and the second floor is his bedroom and studio.

Li Honglin and Yi Lianhua, two long-time thieves, had no difficulty walking through an undefended small building like their own yard.

They quickly figured out the structure of the small building.

Li Honglin walked to the bedroom door and listened. There was thunderous snoring inside, and it was obvious that Takeshita Yufumi had fallen asleep.

Li Honglin stood guard at the door and waved to Yi Lianhua.

Yi Lianhua understood, took out a small flashlight, and tiptoed to the door of the reference room. With a gentle push of her hand, the door lock opened.

When you turn on the flashlight, you will see a large desk with all kinds of paper, pens and drawing tools.

There was a large wooden cabinet on the east side, with a piece of paper taped to it, with a line of Japanese written on it: "図面コピー". Naturally, she couldn't understand it. It must have been where copies of the drawings were kept.

Seeing that it was locked, I quickly poked the lock opener with my hand to open the lock.

When I shined a light with a flashlight, I saw that there were grids inside, each grid had a piece of paper attached to it, and inside the grid were rolls of drawings.

There were words on the note, but I couldn't understand anything else, but I quickly found the words "Japanese Elementary School."

She took out all the drawings in this grid. Worried that she had made a mistake in judgment, she opened them and looked at them. Sure enough, every drawing had the words "Japanese Elementary School" on it.

No problem, this is the design drawing of the Japanese primary school.

She put the drawings aside, took out a few drawings from other grids, placed them in the "Japanese Elementary School" grid, and locked it.

She walked to the south window and looked at it, and found that the curtains were drooped and parted on both sides.

He took out the white phosphorus from his pocket and placed it on the window sill. He placed a piece of cotton wool next to it and covered it with a curtain so that it could not be seen from the inside unless the curtains were drawn.

And there is no need to worry outside, no one will climb to the second floor to see what is on the window.

He picked up the drawings, exited gently, locked the door, waved to Li Honglin, and they left quietly.

The two returned to the guest house, evaded the sentry, and returned to their room without anyone noticing.

Early the next morning, Li Honglin took the blueprints, night clothes and crime tools and asked Ji Laoliu to drive Lin Chuang's special car back to the French Concession and hand the blueprints to Shao Jijun.

Yi Lianhua called Shao Jijun, Zhao Junjiang, Gao Yang, Ji Laoliu and other "employees" to come and start discussing the construction of the branch factory, exchange center and villa.

"Boss, I've seen the drawings. The prison has three rows of bungalows. The south row has two classrooms and a total of eight rooms. The middle row is the staff office and canteen, and the last row is the staff dormitory.

The designed underground sewer on campus is one and a half meters high and is connected to the main sewer.

There are five main sewer exits in the prison, one in the cafeteria and four located in the four corners of the prison.

I think we can take advantage of the construction of the villa to enter the main sewer, and then enter the school sewer, and enter the prison through the cafeteria for reconnaissance."

Shao Jijun reported the situation to Lin Chuang.

"Okay. Follow this idea first. Remember, do more reconnaissance and find out the situation clearly. Don't rush to contact the people inside." Lin Chuang said.

"Yes." Shao Jijun said.

"Ji Jun, you are in charge of the branch factory site, Gao Yang, you are in charge of the central construction site, Junjiang, you are in charge of the villa construction site, I am here as a headquarters, dispatching from the center." Lin Chuang began to divide the work among his subordinates.

"Boss, it's difficult to handle things here in the villa. We don't have enough manpower." Zhao Junjiang said.

Of course Lin Chuang understood what he meant.

When it comes to rescue work, you must use your own people.

And all of my own people are here, the Shanghai Station is disabled, and the new people promised by the superiors have not yet arrived, so it is indeed a bit stretched.

"Let's find the construction team to do it first. I'll think of a way to deal with the manpower issue," Lin Chuang said.


Zhao Junjiang responded.

After the arrangements were made, Shao Jijun left.

As soon as he left, Shibuya River came to visit.

"Lin Sang, I just heard that you stayed at the guest house, so I came here to visit you." Shibuya said.

"There is no way. Three construction sites are starting work at the same time. It's hard to live without a place to stay." Lin Chuang asked him to sit down on the sofa, and Yi Lianhua came over and made a cup of tea for Shibuya River.

"Shibuya-kun, thank you for your help with the Jinlu matter." Lin Chuang said.

"It's a trivial matter. Normally, I can't interfere with the personnel affairs of the Secret Service, but Lin Sang has his life, so I naturally have to make an exception. Coincidentally, Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun were at loggerheads over this candidate. They both wanted to use their own people. Zhang

The captain can be said to have benefited from this." Shibuya River said.

"Shibuya-kun, I have a request. I wonder if you can agree to it," Lin Chuang said.

"We are friends, why should we be polite? Please tell me," Shibuya said.

"I want to learn Japanese, can you be my teacher?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Be a teacher?" Shibuya River pondered slightly.

"Monthly salary is 200 yen." Lin Chuang knew his urine quality and immediately threw out a bait.

"Yes, of course, I don't have much to do in the Secret Service anyway, so I'll just come over and teach you Japanese every day." Shibuya River was overjoyed.

"Okay, then let's make an agreement?" Lin Chuang said.

"It's settled! Let me teach you a few words first..." Shibuya River said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone rang.

Yi Lianhua picked up the phone: "Hello..."

After hearing a few sentences, Yi Lianhua's expression changed drastically. She covered the phone and said to Lin Chuang: "Sir, Kameda called and said that Mr. Takeshita Yufumi's residence is on fire."

"Ah?" Lin Chuang was "shocked" and stood up quickly.

White phosphorus is flammable and will spontaneously ignite above 40 degrees Celsius.

It's summer now, the sun is scorching hot, and it's no problem at all if the temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius by the window.

The main purpose of Lin Chuang's design of this arson case was to eliminate traces of stolen Japanese elementary school drawings and avoid alarming Ying Zuo Renxiong, Li Shiqun and others.

Of course, it would be best if he burned Takeshita Yufumi to death or seriously injured, as it would also vent his hatred of being humiliated.

What Yi Lianhua said about "watching the excitement" was referring to this matter.

This chapter has been completed!
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