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Four hundred and fiftieth chapters adventure joint

Ma Yuchao called Liang Xiaochun aside and whispered: "Xiaochun, take action immediately when you hear gunshots after 11:30. Remember, it is better to escape. If you cannot escape, you must not let Wang Zhenghua fall."

In the hands of the enemy. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Liang Xiaochun nodded.

After the explanation, Ma Yuchao's thoughts were gone.

He took out his gun and checked the bullets.

Six bullets in total.

He has already decided to die.

Whenever he saw a cobra, he would shoot a warning shot and then shoot himself.

After coming out of the guest house, Lin Chuang sat in the car, constantly thinking about Zhang Jinlu being played by He Tianmu.

The more I thought about it, the more strange it became.

"He Tianmu is so shameless? Even if he is lustful, it is impossible to force her on her, right? Zhang Jinlu is not an ordinary woman, she is his colleague, and she is a colleague of the same rank as him.

As colleagues, there is a possibility of office romance. Who would be stupid enough to force someone? Will we see each other again in the future? Will we work together again?

This kind of thing did not happen in the later generations when the world was declining, let alone today, where men and women are still very particular about the defense?

If He Tianmu hadn't used Qiang, there is only one possibility: Zhang Jinlu was deliberately trying to trick He Tianmu."

Lin Chuang thought along this line of thinking.

"Why did Zhang Jinlu want to trick He Tianmu? I never heard that the two of them had any quarrel? One of them is in charge of the 'Loyal and Righteous National Salvation Army', and the other is in charge of military command. Each is in charge of his own business, and there is no overlap in business."

Lin Chuang thought.

When he thought of the word "intersection", Lin Chuang's heart moved: "Intersection? The intersection between Shrub and me, isn't it the intersection between the Loyalty and Salvation Army and the Military Tong? Not good!"


Lin Chuang's heart tightened and he shouted quickly.

Ji Laoliu quickly parked the car on the side of the road.

"What's wrong?" Yi Lianhua asked quickly when she saw Lin Chuang's eyes narrowed and motionless.

Lin Chuang quickly raised his right palm to signal not to disturb him.

Yi Lianhua and Li Honglin looked at each other, knowing what Lin Chuang was thinking, and neither of them dared to move.

Yi Lianhua saw that Lin Chuang was motionless except for raising his hand to look at his watch.

After sitting like this for about ten minutes, Lin Chuang finally spoke: "Go back to the guest house."

Without saying a word, Ji Laoliu immediately turned around and returned to the guest house.

Back in the room, Ning Xiaobo opened the door, and Lin Chuang asked Yi Lianhua and Li Honglin to go out.

"Miss Ning, let me ask you, did Alu go to the hotel to fool around with He Tianmu?" Lin Chuangqing asked Ning Xiaobo with a face.

"No, no, no, Mr. Lin, Captain Zhang has nothing to do with any other man, let alone He Tianmu."

When Ning Xiaobo heard Lin Chuang call the captain "Alu", he immediately understood that he already knew who the "fairy" was that night. Seeing that his face was not so good, he thought he was jealous, so he quickly explained: "The captain went to the hotel.

That's because he wanted to catch the military commander's spy. He Tianmu came here in the morning to take credit and refused to leave, so the captain used that trick to force He Tianmu to leave. Mr. Lin, don't get me wrong."

Hearing this, Lin Chuang nodded and looked better: "That's good."

After Ning Xiaobo exited, Lin Chuang secretly wiped his sweat and said, "What a risk!"

When I met Zhang Jinlu yesterday, she explained that she was dressed like this for work. This morning, she and He Tianmu had a "hooligan" incident.

The combination of the two things made Lin Chuang suspicious.

There are three ways to confirm your judgment.

One is to go to the HSBC Hotel for reconnaissance. This method is a bit risky because no matter who of the four people in the car goes, there is a possibility of being recognized.

A kind of information waiting for Lu Chao to emerge.

Lu Chaosheng was promoted by Wu Sibao to the deputy leader of the third group of the first team. He worked under He Tianmu. He should have information in this regard.

But because Lu Chaosheng's superior is Zhao Yuanxiang, he has no direct contact with him. If he had waited for Zhao Yuanxiang's notification, the cucumber dishes would have gone cold long ago.

If you go to find Lu Chaosheng, there will be no reason to get on the stage.

Don't do this unless absolutely necessary.

There is also the third way, which is to pretend to be jealous and ask Ning Xiaobo to find out the situation.

He took a third approach.

The effect was good, Ning Xiaobo really thought he was jealous.

My judgment was confirmed, and then there was another headache.

Now that I am safe, what should I do with the "shrub"? If I miss the connection time, I will be in trouble if I try to contact him again in the future.

The most important thing is that he has all the information on the thirty additional action team members. If they are arrested, the consequences can be imagined.

"We must go to the joints, we must save the bushes!"

Lin Chuang had already made this determination when he was thinking about it in the car, and had already considered the next steps.

Lin Chuang looked at his watch, it was already half past ten.

Without any hesitation, he immediately went out, called a few of his men, and drove straight to the French Concession.

After entering the factory, Lin Chuang immediately changed to a car and Liu Ermeng drove back home.

He wants Qu Rubing to do his makeup.

His car, along with Yi Lianhua, Ji Laoliu and Li Honglin, remained in the factory.

At 11:20, when Lin Chuang and Liu Ermeng appeared at the door of the HSBC Hotel, they had changed.

Lin Chuang made up into an old man wearing a suit, a top hat, a cane in hand, and wrinkles on his face. Liu Ermeng also dressed up as an old man, but he wore a robe, with few wrinkles on his face, and had the look of a child with white hair.


There were people coming and going at the HSBC Hotel, but their appearance was not noticeable.

After entering the hotel, Lin Chuang glanced around and found that the waiter who greeted him was none other than Zhang Jinlu's subordinate.

"Gentlemen, would you like to stay or dine?" the pretended waiter asked.

"Neither accommodation nor meals, only tea." Lin Chuang replied in a hoarse voice.

"You two gentlemen are strangers to each other. Is this your first time here?" the waiter asked.

"Hunter, you are the new one here, right?" Lin Chuang said.

The waiter smiled awkwardly: "Yes, I came a month ago. It seems that you two are regular customers, please!"

After saying that, the waiter led Lin Chuang and Liu Ermeng to the teahouse.

Entering the teahouse, Lin Chuang found that there were many people drinking tea here. He immediately discovered He Tianmu and Li Ji, as well as the spies among the waiters.

Strangely, Zhang Jinlu was not found.

On a table directly opposite He Tianmu's table, there was only a young man sipping tea.

This middle-aged man holds a "Declaration" in his hand and wears a sapphire ring on his left ring finger.

The "Declaration" and the sapphire ring are the tokens of connection.

It is certain that this person is a "shrub".

Lin Chuang took another look and realized that this person he knew was one of the main members of the Political Training Section during the Secret Service period, named Ma Yuchao.

Although the two knew each other, they didn't have much interaction.

At the same time, Lin Chuang found that Ma Yuchao looked nervous and looked at the people coming in and out of the door from time to time.

"It seems that Ma Yuchao has realized the danger. What is he doing waiting here?" Lin Chuang thought secretly.

This chapter has been completed!
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