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Chapter 465: Poisoning Difficulty

The problem in the aftermath that Lin Chuang mentioned was how to cover up the fact that he entered the prison from the sewer.

If the enemy finds out about this, he will be completely exposed.

To cover up this matter, it is necessary to give the enemy the illusion that the rescuer is entering through the gate.

Shao Jijun's strategy was completely "kill but not bury".

So Lin Chuang said he had no brain.

To create this illusion for the enemy has become much more difficult, which is equivalent to adding a more difficult task to the task of rescuing people.

Lin Chuang’s plan is:

1. Rescue people. Before dinner today, enter the canteen through the sewer and poison the food. In order to avoid harming the rescued people, the poison should not be strong. It is best to let everyone who eats sleep until dawn the next day.

Just wake up.

Second, create an illusion. This illusion is to dig a hole for He Tianmu and point all the clues to poisoning to save people to He Tianmu.

Therefore, when he heard that He Tianmu was interrogating prisoners in prison, Lin Chuang was not angry but happy - didn't this just create an opportunity for "digging holes"?

"Hong Lin, do you have the poison I mentioned?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Hehehehe... Sir, I only have Mongolian sweat medicine and some unroasted morning glory, so I can prepare it now." Li Honglin said with a big smile.

"How many are there? Is it enough for the Japanese to drink a pot?" Lin Chuang asked.

"There are more than fifty Japanese, including prison guards, which is about seventy or eighty people. If we can achieve the drowsy effect that Mr. said, the existing ones will be enough." Li Honglin said.

"Okay, you divide the medicine into two parts. Give one part to Ji Jun and he will be responsible for poisoning it. Take the other part and the morning glory with you and try to put it into He Tianmu's car," Lin Chuang ordered.

"Yes." Li Honglin responded.

"Let's break up and go our separate ways," Lin Chuangming said.

"Yes." Shao Jijun, Zhao Junjiang and Li Honglin took the order and left.

Compared with digging a hole for He Tianmu, Shao Jijun's "poisoning" work does not seem to be difficult.

Actually it is not.

When Li Honglin handed the Mongolian sweat medicine to Shao Jijun, he gave special instructions, saying that the medicine is yellow and can be easily recognized by others, so it is best to put it in strong alcohol, but of course it can also be put in water or flour.

, so that it is not easy to be discovered.

Upon hearing this, Shao Jijun was in trouble.

The time he chose to poison was in the afternoon. At this time, the enemies had all eaten, and the masters in the cafeteria would also go to the dormitories to rest. There was no one in the cafeteria just in time to poison.

But where to put the poison?

The option of drinking wine was eliminated first.

This is not a calamity birthday plan. You can carry a burden and sell wine.

The only way is to get it into water or flour.

This involves the issue of what the enemy has for dinner.

If the enemy eats steamed buns at night, it's easy to do. Just go down into the noodle vat.

What if not? Where does this poison go?

It's okay to go into the water. Water is always needed for cooking, and at least you need to drink some soup, right?

But this is too difficult.

Because the canteen uses tap water instead of water tanks, it is impossible to poison the tap water pipes in advance.

Shao Jijun couldn't think of a countermeasure for a while, so he frowned and said nothing.

Zhao Junjiang said: "Don't worry about it yet, just act according to the situation. Take action early at noon and listen to what the people in the cafeteria say. It's best to find out what they eat at night and then prescribe the right medicine."

"That's all we have to do." Shao Jijun replied.

As it was approaching noon, Shao Jijun did not dare to neglect the matter because it was so important. He, Zhao Junjiang, and Wang Zhenghua, together with the two action team members who had entered the sewer last night, put on their leather boots, covered their mouths and noses with a piece of white cloth, and entered the sewer. , went to poison him personally.

The main sewer is quite tall, and several people can walk upright.

There wasn't much smelly water under my feet, just enough to cover the tops of my feet. Although it was a bit smelly, it was still bearable. The most disgusting thing was that rats scurried through the sewers from time to time, and some even ran across the tops of my feet.

But when entering the prison's sewer, you have to bend forward.

He endured the stench and walked forward with difficulty. It felt like he had been there for a long time. Only then did he see the team member leading the way make a gesture, and Shao Jijun knew that he had arrived under the canteen.

Shao Jijun made a gesture and walked to the front to observe the situation.

Above the head is a long exit about fifty centimeters wide and three meters long. The top of the exit is covered by an iron grate, and dirty water flows down from the top from time to time.

In order to avoid the flow of dirty water, Shao Jijun did not dare to get too close and hid aside to listen carefully to what was going on above.

After listening for a while, Shao Jijun heard the enemy steaming buns and cooking vegetables.

"How nice would it be to steam the steamed buns at night? Just put the sweat medicine into the noodle vat later." Shao Jijun thought to himself.

He also knew that his idea was unlikely to be realized, because steaming steamed buns or steamed buns was usually done at noon in a collective canteen, and it was rare to cook such a meal at night.

After listening for a long time, I heard some useful information.

"...Tou, what are you going to make for dinner tonight?" someone asked.

"Steam the rice and let the princes eat it. We Chinese will eat the leftover steamed buns. What about vegetables? Potato stew and meat, and then cook a pot of porridge." Another person's voice came.

"Lao Qi, come here early and peel the potatoes. Xiao Liu, come early and wash out the rice." The man then ordered.

"Okay, head." The other two people responded.

Hearing this, Shao Jijun's head got big: "How can you poison this? Put it in the rice? Is it still not clean after just washing it? It is impossible to poison vegetables or porridge in advance. You can only wait for the vegetables. Stir fry and cook the porridge before eating it. Isn’t this going to kill me?"

There was no need to listen any more. Shao Jijun waved his hand and the group slowly retreated to the main sewer.

"Everyone, have you heard this? Tell me, how do we administer this poison?" Shao Jijun asked angrily.

"This is an impossible task." Wang Zhenghua said with a sad face: "First, the operation at night determines that the poison must be administered at noon. If the operation is at noon, it would be better to poison in the morning. Because at noon, there are usually buns and steamed buns. This kind of thing; secondly, it seems now that it is impossible to poison in advance. It can’t be put into rice, it can’t be put into tap water, where else can it be put down? It can’t be put into oil, right? Thirdly, it must be put down tonight Take action, otherwise it will arouse others' suspicion. The time is too tight and there is no room for maneuver.

With these three things in mind, I feel like this task is simply impossible to accomplish.”

Zhao Junjiang and the other two team members nodded when they heard this, but no one spoke.

Shao Jijun became angry when he heard this.

He had just been given a lecture by Lin Chuang in the morning. If he reported again that there was no way to poison him, he was sure that Lin Chuang would give him a nasty lecture.

"Manager Qi, how can you have this attitude? Don't be afraid when there are difficulties. If you want to find a solution, how can you back down? If everyone thinks like you, why are you resisting the war? If we can't defeat the Japanese devils, let's just surrender and become obedient citizens.

Why go to the dirty and smelly sewers and suffer?" Shao Jijun scolded.

This chapter has been completed!
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