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Chapter 47 A very difficult task

"Comrade Lin Chuang, the organization has a basic understanding of your situation. We know that you are the intelligence team leader of the Police Inspectorate and you also have a background in the Secret Service. This identity is very important, and the organization requires you to make good use of this identity."

"Your code name is 'Ziwei'. 'Ziwei' is the Taoist name for the North Star. You should understand its meaning. In addition, this code name is easily associated with women, and it is also a protection for you." Yu Gaoyuan said.

"I understand." Lin Chuang thought he was "Little Swallow" at first, but after listening to Gao Yuan's explanation, he understood the meaning of this code name.

"I am your direct boss. Since my cover identity has been known for a long time, it is not appropriate for us to meet frequently. The organization will assign you a special traffic officer, and the contact point will be located very close to the police station.

The contact code is..." Yu Gaoyuan explained in detail the contact code and contact information, as well as how to get in touch with the organization under special circumstances.

Lin Chuang kept it firmly in his mind and repeated it again. Only after getting confirmation from Yu Gaoyuan that it was correct, did he give up.

"As for your tasks, there are three. First, protect yourself, don't expose yourself, dig in like a nail. This task is the most important. No matter when, no matter what crisis you encounter, don't expose yourself.

"Yu Gaoyuan said solemnly.

"Don't expose it under any circumstances?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Yes, under any circumstances." Yu Gaoyuan nodded heavily.

Lin Chuang was very moved when he heard this.

The first task is to survive. This shows that the organization cares about itself.

You must know that the meaning of any situation is too broad. He did not want to be too specific, but he also understood that the most difficult thing about the hidden front was not fighting against the enemy, but being misunderstood by his own people and unable to explain it.

He comes from a later generation, so he knows that many people are regarded as traitors by their own people because they insist on keeping secrets, and they can only live with their tail between their legs.

Others, because they have lost contact with the organization, have no one to prove their contributions, and spend their entire lives in grievance.

Compared with the former, the latter has the most difficult experience. Because the former is not sick in his heart, he knows that the temporary grievance is to keep a secret, and he will one day clear his name, so he has hope in his heart; while the latter is full of grievances and nowhere to go.

To complain is to be desperate.

Going back to this "any situation", it means that if conditions do not allow it, even if you see your comrades arrested, tried, or even sacrificed, your identity cannot be exposed. Another possibility is that you can do some bad things and appear superficial.

You can be a bad person.

This is of course to protect him, but it also faces the risk of being misunderstood.

I can't make any demands on this matter now, I can only think about it when I encounter this kind of problem.

"Comrade Gao Yuan, thank you for your trust and concern in the organization. I know what to do." Lin Chuang said.

"The second task. This is the second period of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and foreign policy is a major policy. Therefore, you must closely collect intelligence on Japan and attack the Japanese and special forces in Nanjing." Yu Gaoyuan said.

"Yes." When Lin Chuang heard this, he realized that this task still had no real meaning. It was closely related to his own work and it was not difficult. He quickly asked: "Where is the third task?"

"The third task is a specific task." After Yu Gaoyuan finished speaking, he drank a sip of wine and took a bite of food.

"Comrade Lin Chuang, our underground organization under the leadership of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee has an old underground man with outstanding achievements, codenamed 'Guan Shan'. He has been fighting in the heart of the enemy for a long time and has made many contributions to our party. Unfortunately, in October last year, he was

The traitor was betrayed, arrested, and later brutally killed." Yu Gaoyuan said with a heavy heart.

"Who betrayed him?" Lin Chuang asked.

"His traffic officer was named Li Fuxing. Li Fuxing was arrested before Guanshan. He failed to resist the enemy's torture and betrayed Guanshan. After Comrade Guanshan died, the organization has been looking for Li Fuxing's whereabouts.

But it has never been found. Judging from the organization, this guy knows that our party will never tolerate traitors, so he is most likely hiding in the Secret Service, or becoming a member of the Secret Service. Alas, the hatred of Comrade Guan Shan

If I don't retaliate for a day, I will feel uneasy every day." Yu Gaoyuan shook his head and sighed.

Lin Chuang saw Yu Gaoyuan's sad look and thought: "'Guan Shan' must be Yu Gaoyuan's close comrade-in-arms, and the two must have a deep relationship."

Lin Chuang knew the rules of underground work and never asked questions that he shouldn't ask. Therefore, he suppressed his curiosity and did not ask about Yu Gaoyuan's relationship with "Guan Shan".

"My mission is to find Li Fuxing and kill him?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Find him. You don't have to worry about the execution. I will arrange it." Yu Gaoyuan gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay. Comrade Gao Yuan, is there a time limit?" Lin Chuang asked.

"There is no time limit. I know that although you have the identity of an intelligence agent of the Secret Service, you are not at the core. The Secret Service has thousands of agents. Finding him is like finding a needle in a haystack, so there is no time limit." Yu Gaoyuan said.

"Okay, I've written it down. Could you please tell me about Li Fuxing? Do you have any photos of him?" Lin Chuang asked.

"There are no photos. Li Fuxing is from Yichang. He is twenty-six years old and about 1.7 meters tall. He was a soldier and has good marksmanship. He is usually taciturn." Yu Gaoyuan introduced.

"It would be very difficult without photos." Lin Chuang pondered: "Do you have any special hobbies?"

"I love smoking. My favorite brand is 'Lao Dao', and I don't have any other special hobbies." Yu Gaoyuan said.

"Where's the woman? Have you ever heard that he has a girlfriend?" Lin Chuang asked again.

"Never heard of it." Yu Gaoyuan shook his head and said.

Lin Chuang thought to himself: "The characteristic of Li Fuxing is that he actually has no characteristics and is very unrecognizable. There are people like this all over the street, where can you find them? Fortunately, there is no time requirement, so just take your time to find them."

"Okay, Comrade Gao Yuan, I've written it down. In addition, I have some information to report to the organization," Lin Chuang said.

"you say."

"I captured a few Japanese spies a few days ago. From their confessions, I learned that the Japanese will launch a full-scale war of aggression against China. They will attack Peiping in early July and Shanghai in mid-August. Please organize and prepare early.

"Lin Chuang reported the historical knowledge he knew in his previous life to the organization as intelligence, hoping to be helpful to the organization.

"This situation is very important!" Yu Gaoyuan's face showed joy when he heard this, and he nodded heavily, confirming the value of this "intelligence".

Seeing Lin Chuang's puzzled expression, Yu Gaoyuan quickly explained: "Comrade Lin Chuang, Japan's launch of a full-scale war of aggression against my country is certainly not a good thing for our people. However, our party's senior leaders have already made plans for this. It was predicted, so I am not surprised or angry. The reason why I feel a little happy is because our party currently has huge differences with the Chairman on the issue of establishment, and the negotiations have reached a deadlock. This information will definitely promote the negotiation process. , which is extremely beneficial to the development of our party and our army."

"I can understand." Lin Chuang said.

Of course he can understand it because he knows this period of history. The reason why he proposed this "information" is precisely for this reason.

This chapter has been completed!
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