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Chapter 469 Different performances

Although there is no such thing as "harming the family" in intelligence work, Lin Chuang would not attack his opponent's family unless absolutely necessary.

Even if you take action, you can't make a fatal move.

Therefore, the order he gave to Li Honglin was to injure He Tianmu's wife, as long as He Tianmu could be transferred back from prison before dinner so that the next step could be carried out.

He Tianmu's family lives at No. 137 Yuyuan Road, more than 100 meters away from Wu Sibao's family.

His wife would go to the vegetable market in the second half of every day to buy groceries, do some activities, and come home on time to cook before 5 p.m.

Lin Chuang had already asked Li Honglin to figure out these situations.

After Li Honglin accepted the order, he called Liu Ermeng from the factory. The two disguised themselves in simple disguises and lurked near He's house, waiting for the opportunity.

At around 1 o'clock in the afternoon, He Tianmu's wife came out of her home, carrying a bamboo basket in her hand, and walked slowly to the vegetable market.

Li Honglin and Liu Ermeng saw this and followed from a distance.

Seeing that the number of people in front of them was dwindling, Li Honglin and Liu Ermeng saw that the time had come, and winked, and Liu Ermeng ran towards the woman.

"Catch the thief!" Li Honglin shouted and chased after him from behind.

As soon as the woman turned around when she heard the shouting, Liu Ermeng came to her and pushed hard with his momentum. The woman was caught off guard and fell heavily to the ground. The back of her head hit the ground, and her head was broken suddenly, and blood gushed out.

Liu Ermeng did not stop and continued running forward.

Li Honglin came to the place, paused for a moment, and saw that the woman had not fainted, but her teeth and mouth were in pain, and the back of her head and hands were covered in blood.

Li Honglin thought: "It's done! This injury is just right. I don't believe He Tianmu won't come back."

Three or five pedestrians on the road happened to witness this scene and gathered around them.

When Li Honglin saw this, he didn't dare to stop anymore and started chasing Liu Ermeng.

The two chased each other and soon disappeared into an alley.

Among the crowd of onlookers happened to be He Tianmu's neighbor, so he naturally knew his wife. Of course, he quickly fawned over her and stepped forward to help her up.

"There's so much blood! Send him to the hospital quickly, and call Captain He quickly!"

After He Tianmu made a mistake at the Huifeng Hotel, he was scolded by Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun, and he felt angry in his heart.

In order to save face, he rushed to prison like a madman and interrogated the eight captured military agents day and night, hoping to open up gaps and find useful clues from them.

These eight people are Jian Huaiyu, Zhang Shuntao, Wang Pulin, Chen Yihua, Zheng Lu, Tian Fuhai, Li Dongyin, and Hu Yuezhong.

Among them, Jian Huaiyu, Zhang Shuntao, Wang Pulin, Chen Yihua, and Zheng Lu were arrested because of Chen Huaijun's betrayal, while Tian Fuhai, Li Dongyin, and Hu Yuezhong were arrested for shooting and injuring Chen Huaijun at the train station.

These people behaved differently in the face of cruel instruments of torture and endless torture.

Zhang Shuntao and Wang Pulin could not survive their punishment, so they confessed the day after they were arrested.

Unfortunately, the two of them had limited knowledge due to their low status. Chen Huaijun also knew what they knew, so the information they provided was not of much value.

Except for Jian Huaiyu, the other six people are members of the underground party. Like Zhang Shuntao and Wang Pulin, the others have low status and limited knowledge. They also know that as long as they lower their heads, they will not be tortured again, but each of them would rather die than surrender.

, resolutely not bowing down.

Zheng Lu was a fierce man. Whether he was being executed or on trial, he always cursed and wanted to die;

Chen Yihua, Tian Fuhai, Li Dongyin, and Hu Yuezhong neither cursed nor confessed, but gritted their teeth and endured the torture;

And Jian Huaiyu is different from them.

As long as the Chinese were interrogating him, he would use the interrogation room as a propaganda stage and the interrogators as propaganda targets, and talk about national justice, "The glory of resisting Japan will definitely leave a name in history; being a shameful traitor will definitely be infamy throughout the ages" and so on.

Strangely enough, among these six people, the ones who suffered the most severe punishment were Chen Yihua, Tian Fuhai, Li Dongyin, and Hu Yuezhong, followed by Zheng Lu, and the one who received the lightest punishment was Jian Huaiyu.

I don’t know what the agents were thinking.

He Tianmu interrogated for two days but did not get any valuable information, so he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

He kept pacing back and forth in the interrogation room with his hands behind his back. After thinking for a long time, he always felt that Jian Huaiyu was not a simple person. In terms of knowledge and conversation, he looked like a cultural person. He should be more valuable than others and must know more than others.


He was cruel.

He turned back to Song Ruiping and said: "Interrogate Jian Huaiyu again, this time I will electrocute him. As long as he doesn't speak, we will kill him!"

"Yes." Song Ruiping agreed and was about to pick up the person when suddenly the phone rang.

Song Ruiping passed by the phone and quickly picked up the receiver: "Hello?"

After listening to a few words, Song Ruiping's expression changed drastically, and he said repeatedly into the microphone: "Okay, okay, I understand, go back immediately!"

Putting down the phone, he quickly said to He Tianmu: "Captain, my wife was injured and was sent to the central hospital!"

"What? Are you injured? How did you get injured? Where is it?" He Tianmu was shocked and asked quickly.

"I heard that he was knocked down and his head was bleeding. I didn't ask about the specific circumstances." Song Ruiping replied.

"Let's go to the hospital quickly." He Tianmu no longer wanted to interrogate Jian Huaiyu, so he called Song Ruiping and hurried to the hospital.

When they arrived at the Central Hospital, He Tianmu, Song Ruiping and the driver all got out of the car and rushed to the ward.

Li Honglin and Liu Ermeng, who had been waiting in ambush early, were overjoyed to see this, and they quickly approached the trunk of the car.

Liu Ermeng took cover, and Li Honglin gently poked the keyhole with a piece of iron wire, and the trunk opened. Li Honglin quickly threw a bag in, closed the trunk, and evacuated quickly.

After Lin Chuang left, Shao Jijun had been uneasy and anxiously waiting for "underground" news.

At around six o'clock, an action team member finally arrived with a stench all over his body.

"Reporting to the manager, it went well, very well. The rice was ruined by rats. The chef was afraid of being scolded by the Japanese. Not only did he stop making rice soup, he didn't even steam the rice. They all ate steamed buns and cornmeal porridge." The team member said.

Said excitedly.

"Great! Brother, you have suffered. Manager Qi, please let him wash up and eat quickly, and send someone to replace the brother." Shao Jijun was overjoyed and said to Wang Zhenghua quickly.

"Yes." Wang Zhenghua was very excited when he heard the news and quickly led the captain down.

Soon, Wang Zhenghua arranged his men and returned to the cabin.

"Jun Jiang, Manager Qi, according to Li Honglin, the weight of Mongolian sweat medicine is not large. It will take about two to three hours to gradually take effect without drinking strong alcohol. It is now six o'clock, let's start at nine o'clock

Action. Let's divide the work. You take a group of people underground, and I will take people to respond near the prison. After you succeed, send someone to notify me immediately. Remember, if there is an accident, stop the operation immediately, and don't be greedy for credit.

." Shao Jijun said.

"Don't worry, we know the importance." Zhao Junjiang said, and Wang Zhenghua also nodded solemnly.

This chapter has been completed!
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