Turn off the lights
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Chapter 647?? Summer Farming Plan

Xia Geng's real name is Duan Qiushui. He is a publicity committee member of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Underground Party. His public identity is that he is a teacher at Jing'an Middle School.

Duan Qiushui knocked on the door of Room 2 rhythmically.


Three long and two short, this is the secret code for the two people's agreement.

Yin Li quickly opened the door, and Duan Qiushui stepped in.

"Hello, Comrade Xia Geng." Yin Li closed the door, stretched out his hand and held Duan Qiushui tightly, and said hello in a low voice.

"Comrade Mo Dou, hello." Duan Qiushui asked.

"I have fully inspected the room and there is nothing wrong with it. Please don't worry." Yin Li took the initiative and said.

In fact, Yin Li did not do any examination.

He knew that a bug was installed in this room. It was under the close surveillance of the spies, so naturally no one else would enter the room.

The only reason why I said it was checked was to calm Xia Geng's heart.

He knew that his leader was careful, and if he hadn't said this, he would have checked it himself before talking.

What surprised him was that even if he said this first, Duan Qiushui still had to check before he felt relieved.

Duan Qiushui saw that the window was wide open, and a curtain separated the room from the night outside. Apart from a bed, a table, and two chairs, there were no other furnishings in the room.

The bed is a wooden bed, and white sheets cover the space under the bed.

Duan Qiushui walked over, lifted up the sheets and took a look under the bed. There was nothing under the bed. He walked to the window again, lifted up the curtains a crack, and took a look outside. He saw that the night outside the window was like ink. Maybe it was getting late, but the lights downstairs were bright.

, now the bright neon lights at the entrance of the ballroom have gone out, and there are only a few street lights lighting the way for pedestrians in twos and threes.

He straightened up and said: "Comrade Mo Dou, it's not that I don't believe you. The enemy is very cunning. Any detail may lead to the exposure of the identity. It's better to be careful."

As he spoke, he looked at the only electric light in the room.

Yin Li felt nervous and said quickly: "I have checked the lampshade and found nothing."

Duan Qiushui did not check again this time. He sat on the chair and asked: "Comrade Mo Dou, what important information do you have for your appointment with me?"

Yin Li felt relieved and quickly sat on another chair and whispered: "Comrade Xia Geng, we do have important information. I heard that Li Shiqun and Li Chunfeng have reached a tacit understanding, and the two sides will join forces to deal with our underground party.


When Xia Geng heard this, he was shocked and said to himself: "The superiors did convey this situation a few days ago and ordered us to be careful and prepare in advance. The municipal committee has already held a meeting to study the matter and formulated corresponding measures. Originally, I saw Mo Dou

, I have the task of conveying the spirit of the meeting to him, why did he know it first before I said it?"

"Comrade Mo Dou, from what channel did you obtain this information?" Duan Qiushui asked calmly.

"I heard from an economic columnist. He also said that there are important cadres of our party in the Dahua Textile Factory Union. The day after tomorrow, the Dahua Textile Factory will hold a strike and demonstration, and the Secret Service will take advantage of the suppression to arrest all the union cadres.

Yin Li said in a low voice.

"What?" When Duan Qiushui heard this, he was so shocked that he almost stood up.

The former news may be false, but the latter news is definitely true.

There will indeed be a strike demonstration at Dahua Textile Factory the day after tomorrow, and there is indeed an important cadre of our party in the trade union, Qin Shiyue, a member of the municipal committee who specializes in the labor movement - Duan Qiushui knows all this.

"If Li Shiqun and Li Chunfeng really reached a tacit agreement to jointly deal with our party, it is impossible for a reporter to know about it. If people at this level know about it, it means that the news may be false. This is deliberately done by the Secret Service.

A conspiracy aimed at destroying the trust foundation between the two parties at home and abroad, thereby undermining cooperation between the two parties.

But how did the enemy know about Qin Shiyue? Dahua Textile Factory held a strike and demonstration without any political ideas. The main demand was to ask the factory to increase wages.

Of course, this movement must have been organized by Qin Shiyue. His purpose was to use this movement to make workers realize the power of unity, to gradually awaken the workers, and to lay an organizational foundation for future work.

Qin Shiyue raised this matter at the municipal committee meeting, so only a group of people on the municipal committee knew about it, and it was not conveyed to the lower levels. Could it be that there is a traitor in the municipal committee? Or is there a problem within the Dahua Trade Union?" Duan Qiushui's thoughts swirled.

, said nothing for a moment.

"Comrade Xia Geng, are the two pieces of information I provided true?"

Yin Li asked quickly when he saw that Duan Qiushui was silent, his face darkened and silent in thought.

Duan Qiushui did not answer directly and asked: "Comrade Mo Dou, the two pieces of information you provided are very important. However, from what channel did this columnist get the information? Isn't it a conspiracy to test you?"

"No, I don't think so. He and I are friends and we always talk about everything. As for the source of the information, he said that due to work reasons, he interviewed Mr. Lin Ming, the chairman of 'Haoshou Health Products Company'. He is

I heard it from Lin Ming during the interview," Yin Li said.

"Oh, that's no wonder. Lin Ming has a close relationship with the Japanese and the Secret Service. The information he got from him should be true. No, the situation is very serious. I must report it to the superiors immediately." After that, Duan Qiushui stood up.

Got up.

Yin Li thought he had a plan and was secretly happy, so he quickly stood up to see him off.

"Comrade Mo Dou, you and the team you lead have temporarily stopped working and entered a dormant state. Please wait for my notification when you will resume work. In addition, you should also pay close attention to your reporter friend. If you find that the enemy is targeting you

The conspiracy, retreat immediately without any hesitation." Duan Qiushui was worried about Yin Li's safety and gave another instruction before leaving.

"Does it include intelligence collection?" Yin Li asked.

"Intelligence collection is not your main task. You cannot do it deliberately to avoid exposing flaws." Duan Qiushui said.

"Yes, please rest assured the organization, there won't be any problems on my side." Yin Li said.

"Okay, I'm leaving, Comrade Mo Dou, take care." Duan Qiushui glanced at Yin Li, shook hands with him vigorously, opened the door, saw no one outside, and quickly went downstairs.

In room No. 1, there are two women and three men.

The two women are Zhang Jinlu and Ning Xiaobo, and the three men are Zhang Jinlu's subordinates, Fan Jun, the leader of the operational team, and two agents from the telecommunications team.

A monitoring and recording equipment was placed on the table, and Zhang Jinlu and another agent wore headphones to listen to the conversation in the next room.

Hearing Duan Qiushui leave, Zhang Jinlu took off his earphones and ordered Fan Jun: "The plan was successful. Judging from Xia Geng's tone, he has believed Yin Li. The next step is up to you. Keep a close eye on Xia Geng and make sure to get him."

Wherever you go and who you meet, write them all down without omitting anything."

"Yes!" Fan Jun responded, turned and left.


This chapter has been completed!
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