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Chapter 654?

What alarmed Zhang Jinlu was that she remembered Zong Zhi's report that Duan Qiushui's house did not have a phone.

How could an ambulance be called if there was no phone at home? This is unreasonable.

If the ambulance was sent by the underground party to rescue Luo Pei and her son, then did Qin Shiyue from Dahua Textile Factory also disappear?

"Report to the captain, Qin Shiyue just entered the restaurant with a large group of workers, and we were watching outside the restaurant." After the call was connected, the leader of the third group, Zou Wei, reported.

"Idiot, stop staring outside and go in and take a look!" Zhang Jinlu scolded.

"Yes." Zou Wei hurriedly put down the phone.

Soon, his call came back: "Report to the captain, Qin Shiyue is missing!"

Now, Zhang Jinlu understands everything.

Damn it, Duan Qiushui was fooled!

Zhang Jinlu became angry, slapped the table and stood up.

"What a great Duan Qiushui. Since you used me as bait, I will help you!" Zhang Jinlu gritted his teeth and ordered: "Go, arrest Duan Qiushui immediately!"

Zhang Jinlu led a group of spies into Jing'an Middle School. The campus was very quiet. Students were in class. Except for the sound of reading from some classrooms, no one was moving around or making any noise.

Arriving at Qin Fang's office, Qin Fang and Fan Jun greeted him.

"Fan Jun, where is Duan Qiushui?" Zhang Jinlu asked with a gloomy face.

"It's class." Fan Jun replied.

"Block all exits and arrest!" Zhang Jinlu ordered.

"Yes!" Fan Jun responded.

"Hold on, Captain Zhang, can you please stop arresting him during class? The students are all young people, and they do things regardless of the consequences. Don't produce bad results." Qin Fang quickly stopped him.

Zhang Jinlu also understands that the consequences of angering students will be uncontrollable. If the students rise up to resist, can you arrest them all?

"Okay, we'll catch him after class is over. Principal Qin, how long until get out of class is over?" Zhang Jinlu asked.

"There are still ten minutes." Qin Fang looked at his watch and replied.

"Okay, let's go and listen to Mr. Duan's class." Zhang Jinlu said.

"Okay, okay, I'll just tell you that you are school directors and you are here to attend the class." Qin Fang quickly offered a plan.

"Okay." Zhang Jinlu agreed.

Qin Fang led the way, followed by Zhang Jinlu, Ning Xiaobo and Fan Jun, heading to the classroom.

When he came to the classroom, he saw Duan Qiushui giving a lecture. Qin Fang pushed the door open and said to Duan Qiushui: "Mr. Duan, these three school directors want to listen to your class."

When Duan Qiushui saw Zhang Jinlu and the other three, they all had frosty faces, and Fan Jun even had a rough look on his face. How could he look like a good person? Moreover, his waist was bulging, and he obviously had a gun.

He understood that the time had come for Tu Qiong to meet him.

"It seems that Pei'er and Lao Qin have escaped from danger, otherwise the spies wouldn't have come to arrest me."

Duan Qiu Shui felt at ease after thinking this. With a calm smile on his face, he politely extended his hand to Zhang Jinlu and others, and said: "Listen to the principal, you three, please take your seats in the back row."

Zhang Jinlu, Ning Xiaobo and Fan Jun, accompanied by Qin Fang, sat down in the back row.

Zhang Jinlu looked at the blackboard and saw the names of the four young masters of the late Qing Dynasty, including Tan Sitong, Chen Sanli, Wu Baochu, and Ding Huikang.

I saw Duan Qiushui closing the textbook, pointing to the names of the four people on the blackboard, and making a summary: "Classmates, in short, the four young masters are well-known in the world, and their knowledge is all outstanding. Each of the four, especially Tan Zhuangfei (

Tan Si Tong (also known as Zhuang Fei) is the most famous. Why is he so famous? It is not because of his reform behavior or his theory of benevolence, but because of his integrity and his bravery and generosity in the face of death.

The reason why Tan Zhuangfei's reputation has been passed down through the ages is because he has the country and the people in his heart.

Correspondingly, all traitors in Chinese history did not end well. They were either raped while alive or became notorious after death. Students should take warning from such people.

Now, our country is being invaded by the Japanese, and all life on the Chinese land is in ruins. All Chinese people should rise up and resist, instead of living in an ignoble existence, let alone turning themselves into thieves!"

At this point, Qin Fang stood up in a hurry and said sternly: "Mr. Duan, don't talk about state affairs!"

Duan Qiushui smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I won't embarrass the principal."

After finishing speaking, he faced the students and said: "Students, this may be the last class I teach you. Teachers and students have a deep love, and we will never meet again. So let me use Tan Zhuangfei's poem "Inscription on the Wall in Prison",

As a summary of this class, it can also be used as a parting message for teachers and students. 'I miss Zhang Jian when I look at the door, and I bear death for a moment to wait for Du Gen. I will smile to the sky with my sword across my sword, leaving my liver and gallbladder intact!'"

After the poem was recited, there was a lot of discussion among the audience.

One student stood up and asked, "Sir, why? Is it because of them?"

The student pointed at Qin Fang, Zhang Jinlu and others in the back row.

The whole class turned back to look at Zhang Jinlu and his group.

For some reason, Zhang Jinlu was a little panicked at this moment.

I don't know if it's because of shame, or because I'm afraid that the students will know the truth and lose control.

"Students, you are right. If my guess is correct, those three should be agents of the Secret Service. They are here to arrest me because I am an underground party!" Duan Qiushui shouted.


The students all let out a sound of surprise and looked at Zhang Jinlu and the others. Several students immediately stood up, walked to the podium, and surrounded Duan Qiushui.

The student who just asked the question angrily asked Qin Fang: "Principal, why do you want spies to enter our school?"

Other students also accused Qin Fang: "If the principal colludes with spies, is the school still a clean place?"

"Don't arrest Mr. Duan!"

"Get the agents out!"


Qin Fang's face turned red and he said loudly: "Students, you are students. You should study hard and don't get involved with red parties like Duan Qiushui. I am doing it for your own good!"

"What nonsense are you talking to them about?!" Zhang Jinlu said coldly.

Hearing this, Fan Jun took out a pistol from his waist, pointed it at Duan Qiushui and the students protecting him on the stage, and shouted: "Get out of the way, if you want to live, get out of the way!"

As he shouted, a large number of spies rushed in at the door, all their guns pointed at the angry students.

Duan Qiushui's propaganda goal was achieved, how could he let these students take bullets for him?

I saw him forcefully separate the crowd, come out from the circle, turn around and say to his classmates: "Classmates, it is easy to die generously, but it is difficult to die calmly. Your husband does not dare to compare himself to the sages, but he will never succumb to the power of the enemy.

Please wait and see whether Mr. Sir is a hypocrite whose words and deeds are inconsistent or a gentleman whose words and deeds are consistent.

I hope you will remember the teacher’s words, stay useful, and serve the country.”

After saying this, Duan Qiushui stretched out his hand and said to Fan Jun: "Come on."

Fan Jun took out the handcuffs from his waist and cuffed his hands with a click.

Duan Qiushui immediately came out with his head held high.

Very chic.

This chapter has been completed!
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