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Chapter 807 Arms theft

"Oh, my sister-in-law is having a very difficult time. I went to see her a few days ago. She has lost a lot of weight and her eyes are a lot bigger. The doctor said that her stomach and intestines are damaged and she can't eat. I think she still hasn't opened up her heart. She has a heart problem!

"She Aizhen sighed.

"She is a poor person. Sister, please invite her over for a meal. After the meal, I will play a few rounds of mahjong with you. Maybe only by playing can you forget your worries," Lin Chuang said.

She Aizhen glanced at Lin Chuang and felt slightly strange: "Xiao Ming asked the sister-in-law to come over twice. What does it mean? Does he have a crush on the sister-in-law?"

Thinking of Ye Jiqing's skinny appearance and her age, she felt that she had thought too much.

"Neither Xiaobing nor Zhang Jinlu are thin, which shows that Xiao Ming doesn't like thin people. He probably just has too much sympathy and doesn't want to see women suffer."

Thinking of this, She Aizhen felt relieved and said, "Okay, I'll give her a call."

Unexpectedly, Ye Jiqing immediately agreed to come over for dinner as soon as she heard that Lin Ming invited her and that Lin Ming was going to Hong Kong tomorrow.

When She Aizhen heard Ye Jiqing's attitude, she was even more puzzled: "When did Xiao Ming and sister-in-law get so close? Why did she immediately agree to his invitation?"

Because of her bad intentions, She Aizhen couldn't eat the meal without chewing it.

While chatting after the meal, Ye Jiqing asked Lin Chuang: "I heard that the foreign doctors in Hong Kong are very good at treating infertility. Can I ask Mr. Lin to help me find out?"

Upon hearing this, She Aizhen suddenly realized!

I really think too much.

What Ye Jiqing couldn't forget was that she wanted to have a child.

"No problem, please don't worry, Mrs. Li. I'll go inquire after I finish the work and I'll definitely give you an accurate letter." Lin Chuang agreed happily.

The next day, She Aizhen called Lin Chuang and told her to go to the airport to see her off, but Lin Chuang refused to let her go, telling her that it was just a simple trip and there was no need to make such a big fuss.

She Aizhen had no choice but to give up.

At nine o'clock sharp, Lin Chuang and Qu Rubing boarded the plane to Hong Kong.

In the early morning of August 10th, Hitoshi Kagezuo was awakened from his sleep by a harsh ringing of the phone.

I glanced at my watch, it read four minutes past four.

If you call me at this time, something big must have happened.

Ying Zuoren's heart tightened and he reached out to pick up the phone.

Unexpectedly, the caller came from Koji Baba, deputy chief of the Special High-tech Section.

"Reporting to Your Excellency Colonel, I have just received a telegram from His Excellency Shunroku Hata, Commander-in-Chief of the Central China Expeditionary Force. An hour ago, our No. 14 Army was robbed in Wugang Village between Changzhou and Nanjing. A small group of soldiers were broken into pieces, which is enough.

The whereabouts of the arms equipping a regiment are unknown. Your Majesty the Commander ordered us to take people to the scene of the accident immediately to find out the cause of the accident!"

"Ah?" Hitoshi Kagezuo was dumbfounded when he heard this: "The military column was robbed? Was it the Chinese army? Was there any exchange of fire?"

After asking this question, Kagezuo Hitoshi regretted it.

Isn’t this nonsense? If it was done by the army, could the commander send a telegram to ask the intelligence agency to dispatch? Besides, the combat effectiveness of the Chinese army is so poor, who would dare to attack the Imperial Japanese Army?

, he also has to win.

Needless to say, it was Chinese spies who did it.

Commander Shunroku Hata must have discovered something before he sent a telegram to Tekko to dispatch.

"Your Excellency Colonel, the phone did not say that there were Chinese troops."

Sure enough, Baba Koji's words verified Hio Kagesa's judgment.

"Mr. Baba, it is no small matter that the military column was robbed. The enemy must have used a large number of intelligence personnel, so it is impossible not to leave traces. The military column left from Shanghai. If it was an enemy spy, it must have been obtained from Shanghai Station in advance.

After receiving the relevant information, I immediately ordered the Shanghai Station to be blocked and all suspicious persons who came into contact with the military intelligence were arrested. You and your people will rush to Wugang Village immediately to investigate the scene. If you find any valuable clues, please send a telegram to inform me immediately."

After all, Zuo Renxiong was a veteran spy. After a moment's thought, he roughly figured out the context of the case and quickly formulated a "two-pronged" plan.

"Hey!" Baba Koji responded.

After Baba Koji set off, Hitoshi Kageza could no longer sleep. He got dressed and called the Military Police Headquarters, ordering them to send troops to quickly blockade Shanghai Station and wait for further orders from Tekko.

Then, he called another deputy section chief, Shi Gongxianzi, for a face-to-face discussion.

Seiko Seiko is in charge of intelligence, and Koji Baba is in charge of operations. These two people are Hito Kage's right-hand men.

"Major Shigong, His Excellency Commander Shunroku Hata just sent a telegram that the No. 14 Army Column was robbed near Beiwugang Village in Changzhou. I have ordered Koji Baba to go to the scene. Now you will take people to Shanghai Station immediately and tell everyone who knows

All the intelligence personnel of No. 14 Military Column were detained and interrogated. Do you understand?"

Hideo Hitoshi.


Fairy Shigong put her feet together, lowered her head, and performed a military salute.

"In addition, the Shanghai Station is now in charge of Koriyama Naotō. This person was summoned from the Manchuria Railway by Inuyang Ken's consultant to prepare for the reconstruction of the Shanghai Railway Bureau. Don't neglect this person." Kagezuo Hitoshi told him.


Fairy Shi Gong saluted, and seeing that Ying Zuo Renxiong was speechless, she quickly withdrew and went straight to Shanghai Post.

When Fairy Shigong arrived at Shanghai Post, the military police had already surrounded Shanghai Post.

The squadron leader who led the troops was Yasuya Yasuya. After Fairy Shigong revealed her identity, he took her to Xiaorishan Naotō's office.

There are a row of bungalows facing north and south in the station. The office directly up from Xiaorishan is in the middle, a very ordinary two-room house with brick and wood structure.

Xiao Rishan Zhideng looked to be in his forties, a very shrewd man. Perhaps because he was woken up in the middle of the night, his hair was a little messy and his face looked tired.

Kang Senzai also introduced Fairy Shigong to Xiaorishan Zhideng, and then wisely withdrew, leaving Fairy Shigong and two followers in the room.

"Xiao Rijun, I'm sorry. The No. 14 Army Column had an accident north of Changzhou. I was ordered to investigate its situation in Shanghai Station. Please cooperate." Fairy Shi Gong is a very arrogant person, but due to the shadow of Ren Xiong

I specifically asked you to do so, so I’m still polite to the direct climb to Xiaori Mountain.

"Major Shi Gong, you're welcome. If you have anything to ask, please ask." Xiao Rishan bowed straight up and replied in the same polite manner.

"When did Military Column No. 14 set off from Shanghai?" Fairy Shi Gong asked.

"Today, no, we set off from this station at nine o'clock last night." Xiao Rishan replied directly.

"At normal speed, how long does it take to arrive at Changzhou Station?" Fairy Shigong asked.

"According to normal speed, it takes about four hours to reach Changzhou Station, and another three hours from Changzhou Station to Nanjing Xiaguan Station. This is the traveling speed of the military train. Since it is not in Suzhou, it is faster to pick up and drop off passengers at Wuxi Station.

Passenger cars move much faster." Xiao Rishan replied directly.

"Oh." Fairy Shigong thought silently and nodded, then asked: "Xiao Rijun, as you said, it seems that the enemy deliberately chose to attack between Changzhou and Nanjing, right?"

This chapter has been completed!
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