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Six hundred and thirteenth chapter live king eight smelly table table

"Your Majesty Colonel, based on the current investigation, we can determine the following three points."

Baba Koji and Hayakawa Senkichi sat across from each other at a dining table, and another of Hayakawa Senkichi's followers was taking notes at another table.

"Please speak." Hayakawa Senkichi said.

"First, the carjackers are underground parties. There are three reasons. First, as far as I know, the third detachment of the New Fourth Army is active near the mountain in the west of Wugang Village, while the Loyalty and National Salvation Army is active in the area north of Nanjing. It is obvious that

Wugang Village is closer to the third detachment of the New Fourth Army; secondly, the Kuomintang army is rich and the underground party army is poor. The Kuomintang army may not dare to take risks for three trucks of arms, while the underground party army lacks equipment and special resources.

The desire of the three carts of arms is obviously greater than that of the Kuomintang army; thirdly, judging from the tools used to transport the arms, they are all civilian carts, carts, and handcarts, and only the underground party's army can mobilize the people." said Baba Koji.

"Well, that makes sense. Baba-kun, I've thought of this too, but it's just not as clear as yours. Please continue." Senkichi Hayakawa said.

"Second, it is extremely likely that the Shanghai E-food truck delivery man Matsuoka Yoyo and his wife committed a crime." Baba Koji continued to introduce the situation.

"Japanese?" Senkichi Hayakawa asked with a frown.

"Yes, although I don't want to believe it, judging from various circumstances, it cannot be separated from them.

There are two possibilities here.

First, the couple was instigated by the underground party to rebel and took advantage of their special relationship with Omura Takuichi. Matsuoka Yoyo boarded the train under the cover of Omura Takuichi, while his wife was hidden in a sack and carried onto the train as a watermelon.

, after getting in the car, the couple hid in Omura Zhuoyi's lounge. Since the door was closed and covered with curtains, outsiders could not see it.

While they were eating, Omura Takuichi helped one more person eat, and the three of them drank some wine.

At about two o'clock in the night, the couple killed Omura Takuichi and threw the body out of the window. Then they took advantage of the patrol of the escort soldiers and sneaked into the last carriage. They killed all the officers and soldiers with poison, and then took off the clothes of the fourth carriage from the bottom.

Hook. The four carriages are separated from the main car. For the train driver, he can't feel anything at all. At that time, other people were in the most mentally fatigued period and were drowsy. In addition, it was impossible to see anything in the dark night.

It was discovered that four carriages were missing.

This is the most likely, but the biggest doubt is that Matsuoka Yoyo and his wife must have certain poisoning skills. Because from the poisoning situation of the soldiers, in addition to food poisoning, it is gas poisoning. Now it seems that food poisoning can be ruled out, because all

Everyone in the car ate the same kind of food, but only the soldiers in the last car were poisoned. This shows that the poisoner did not put the poison in the food. Therefore, the only possibility is gas poisoning.

There is a kind of poisonous smoke in China's Jianghu. They often use this method to break into houses and rape women or steal property.

Back to this case, the poisoner blew poisonous smoke into the carriage, and because the carriage was tightly sealed, all the soldiers in the carriage were easily poisoned."

Having said this, Hayakawa Senkichi nodded and asked in cooperation: "What about the second possibility?"

"The second possibility is that someone impersonated Matsuoka Yosuke and his wife," said Baba Koji.

"Impersonating? It's impossible, right?" Hayakawa Chikichi said in surprise.

"Yes, this possibility is extremely small, because the impostor must be proficient in Japanese and be good at makeup. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to deceive Omura Takuichi. This possibility is even more unbelievable than a compatriot surrendering to the enemy. But

, after all, it is possible. You must know that not all Chinese people are pigs, there are also many talented people." Baba Koji said.

"No, if someone pretends to be Mr. and Mrs. Yosuke Matsuoka, there is one condition that must be met." Senyoshi Hayakawa said.

"Dead?" said Baba Koji.

"Yes, he's dead." Senkichi Hayakawa admired Baba Koji very much and said in his heart: "As expected of a high-tech guy, he's quite sharp."

"Shanghai is currently working hard to search for Matsuoka Yoyo and his wife, but so far, no one is alive or dead, and no bodies are found," said Baba Koji.

Hayakawa Chikichi fell silent upon hearing this.

After a while he asked: "Mr. Baba, is there anything else that can be confirmed?"

"Ouchi's vigilance was too poor, and he especially neglected to be wary of his compatriots. The loopholes in his vigilance gave the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it," said Baba Koji.

He hated Omura Takuichi, Matsuoka Yoyo and his wife, and he also hated Ouchi. If he had done things more carefully, it would have been impossible for him to give away a large amount of arms to the enemy.

It was precisely because of this hatred that he unceremoniously stabbed Da Nezi.

"Yes, I will report it truthfully." Hayakawa Senkichi nodded and said.

"Your Excellency Colonel, the current situation is still too vague. In order to solve the case as soon as possible, I must return to Shanghai immediately to track down the whereabouts of Matsuoka Yoyo and his wife. Therefore, please pay more attention to the aftermath work here. All the chefs and staff on the dining car,

Please take him into custody temporarily and be prepared for inquiries at any time." Baba Koji said politely.

"You're welcome, it's your duty." Senyoshi Hayakawa said.

In Shanghai, Shi Gongxianzi's investigation of Matsuoka Yosuke was also in trouble.

By asking the staff at the station, Fairy Shigong already knew something about the relationship between Matsuoka Yosuke and Omura Takuichi.

Moreover, she also knew that the person whom Matsuoka Yosuke often drank with was Omura Takuichi.

The drinking buddy cheated on his wife, which sounds very ironic.

The most ironic thing is that this scandal was most likely caused by Yosuke Matsuoka himself.

He was willing to be a cuckold, willing to be a living bastard, asking his wife to give him anything, what Matsuoka Yosuke did was nothing more than this fat job.

"What a disgrace to the Japanese Empire!" Fairy Shi Gong thought angrily.

If she wanted to know that a few years later, Japan would become a kingdom of pornographic discs, with world-famous figures like Mr. Qiao and Mr. Qiao appearing, would she still be able to curse?

Despite the scolding, Fairy Shigong also knows that the living bastard and his wife who can be called a bitch are now the key figures in solving the case. Seeing the person alive and the body after death have become the current top priority.

To this end, she ordered a city-wide search and even used military dogs.

The military dogs were more powerful than humans, and they quickly chased Fairy Shigong from Matsuoka Yoyou's home to the Suzhou River. After arriving here, the military dogs did not move forward again, but stood on the roadside on the east bank of the river, facing the Suzhou River.


"Did Matsuoka Yoyo and his wife escape to the French Concession? Or have they been buried at the bottom of the Suzhou River?" Fairy Shigong thought as she looked at the river.

They ordered people to dive to the bottom of the Suzhou River to search, but no body was found.

Another patrol boat was called in and they used equipment to salvage for a long time, but found nothing.

"It seems that the shameless couple has escaped or been kidnapped to the French Concession. This is very difficult. How to find them?"

This chapter has been completed!
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