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Chapter 641 Angry the spy

"Don't make any noise. I have an idea. Just change your appearance a little."

Lin Chuang stopped the quarrel between the three of them and said to Yi Lianhua: "Lianhua, let's take off our military uniforms. You pretend to be a Japanese lady from Shanghai, and I pretend to be an entourage. One of them is driving, and the other is a guard, dressed appropriately."

The soldiers' clothes are quite reasonable."

"Okay." Yi Lianhua responded.

"This is a good idea, even the dogs at the door dare not stop it." Li Honglin nodded in agreement.

Lin Chuang and Yi Lianhua didn't have to put a lot of effort into remodeling. The only difficulty was their clothes. Because Yi Lianhua had pretended to be a child from a poor family, her clothes were certainly not good and she was not worthy of her status as a noble lady.

Matsuoka Yosuke, played by Lin Chuang, is also a member of the Japanese lower class, and his appearance is not much better.

However, Lin Chuang had already asked Liu Ermeng to bring the clothes they usually wore - the consideration at that time was of course not to go into the city, but to wear them when returning to Shanghai.

Unexpectedly, it will come in handy now.

Liu Ermeng drove the car to a small forest one mile away from the city gate, took out a box from the trunk and handed it to Yi Lianhua. He and Li Honglin got out of the car and went to the side to look out, leaving the car to Lin Chuang and Yi Lianhua.

, to facilitate their change of clothes.

Twenty minutes later, the car drove towards the city gate carrying the luxuriously dressed Yi Lianhua.

The city gate has been opened and people are entering the city one after another.

Lin Chuang saw that all the people who entered the city were required to show their IDs. In addition, everyone was searched. The male police searched for men, the female police searched for women. There was also a plainclothes plainclothesman with a tortoise box slung across his body.

Agents were watching.

"Oh, it turns out that the puppet government set up female police officers to facilitate body searches." Lin Chuang suddenly realized.

"Ah, bah! You're so fake!" After thinking about this, Lin Chuang continued to curse.

Before the fall of Nanjing, Suzhou, a prosperous city, had been ravaged by the Japanese army like beasts.

Two thousand national soldiers who were unable to escape were captured and then all killed;

Two hundred women were locked up naked in a large courtyard for Japanese soldiers to have sex with. More than a hundred women could not bear the humiliation and chose to commit suicide. Another hundred women were later killed by Japanese machine guns;

According to statistics, between October and December of the 28th year of the Republic of China alone, the Japanese army raped more than 10,000 women in Suzhou, including Changshu, Wuxian and other places under its jurisdiction!

This crime is truly too numerous to describe.

Today, when policewomen are asked to search a woman's body, what is this but pretending to be polite? Do you want to pretend to be a good person?

Lin Chuang looked at the city gate coldly. The Japanese on the city tower were certainly hateful, but the policemen and plainclothes agents at the city gate who were responsible for checking the people passing by were even more hateful, pathetic, and pathetic.

You cannot ask everyone to take the path of resistance under the atrocities of the Japanese. You can even serve as a lackey of the Japanese, a policeman or something. This is understandable.

But as a Chinese, it is very hateful to oppress compatriots and take pleasure in it.

No, the scene that happened in front of him almost made Lin Chuang furious.

A young woman, holding a six or seven-year-old girl in her left hand and holding a floral leather bundle in her right hand, was being examined by the female police officer.

The male policeman took her baggage over, spread it out on the ground, and looked at the items one by one.

Perhaps seeing how pretty she was, the plainclothes agent stepped forward, looked at her bulging chest and asked, "What are you hiding in your arms?"

"What's there? There's nothing," the woman replied.

"No? What is this?" The agent stepped forward and touched it through his clothes.

"Ah..." the young woman screamed and turned around.

"Hahaha... He said there was nothing, she's still young. Come on, I'll search again." The plainclothes agent walked forward, hugged the young woman with his left hand, and put his right hand into his arms.

The young woman was shaking all over, but she didn't dare to resist.

The little girl was so frightened that she burst into tears.

The male and female police officers did not stop them and just laughed from the sidelines.

The man smiled in return, and the woman laughed too.

The Japanese on guard on the tower were also holding big guns and laughing.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chuang was really angry and hateful!

"Er Meng, honk the horn and drive over!" Lin Chuang said angrily.

He hoped that the special agent would come over to investigate, so that he could save the young woman from her embarrassment, and he could take the opportunity to show off his power and vent his anger.

The cars were originally lined up at the back, but upon hearing Lin Chuang's order, Liu Er honked the horn and rushed forward regardless.

If that spy was smart and saw that the driver was a Japanese soldier, he would not have come to inquire.

However, the guy didn't know if he didn't see the Japanese soldier sitting in the front row because he was too low in rank. Anyway, when he heard the sound of the horn and saw someone breaking into the city, he actually let go of the young woman and stopped in front of the car.

"Taijun, can you show me your ID?"

When Liu Er slammed down the glass, the agent was stunned for a moment and asked with a flattering smile.

Just waiting for you to ask, ignorant thing.

Lin Chuang pushed the door open and got out of the car. He walked up to the agent with a livid face. Without saying a word, he grabbed his neck collar with his left hand, stretched out his right hand, and slapped him with all his strength.


After being slapped four times in succession, the agent's mouth and nose began to bleed.

As soon as they saw someone coming up, they started to beat him. The police and the Japanese on the top of the city all picked up their guns, pulled the bolts of their guns and pointed them at Lin Chuang.

Lin Chuang didn't panic at all, he kicked the agent in the crotch and cursed in Japanese.

"Haga! Eyes are met. Certificate is necessary. Certificate of certificate is necessary."

After saying this Japanese sentence, the tense atmosphere was instantly resolved.

The male and female policemen put down their guns and stepped back with apologetic smiles on their faces, while the two Japanese soldiers on top of the city also put away their guns.

The agent clutched his balls and squatted on the ground in pain.

The Japanese sentence Lin Chuang said was "You are blind! You want ID? My face is the ID!"

This sentence was learned from some bullies in later generations who didn’t know the heights of the world, and it’s very appropriate to use it here.

It's just that people use these words to bully ordinary people, and Lin Chuang uses these words to bully spies who pretend to be powerful.

Lin Chuang returned to the car, took out two packs of cigarettes, threw them on the city wall, and said in Japanese: "Thank you for your hard work! We came from Shanghai and accompanied my wife to Hanshan Temple to read the inscriptions."

The two Japanese soldiers caught the cigarette and didn't ask who the lady was. Anyway, there were many Japanese people going to Hanshan Temple to read the inscriptions during this period. What's more, the people who came spoke authentic Japanese and had a Hokkaido accent. They should do it.

No fakes allowed.

The two Japanese soldiers actually stood at attention: "Thank you, sir!"

Lin Chuang waved his hand as a return gift and returned to the car.

Liu Er stepped on the accelerator and the car rushed into the city gate.

How could the police and spies guarding the city dare to stop him? They all fled away.

"Hey, sir, it's really fun! For this kind of person, you should beat him to the ground!" Li Honglin said excitedly after entering the city smoothly.

"Alas! What's there to be happy about? I'm borrowing the power of the Japanese. It's basically the same as that spy bullying the people. If the country is not strong, the people will not be able to straighten their spines, and they will have to be bullied." Lin

There was no expression of excitement on Chuang's face, instead he was a little worried and his spirits were waning.

This chapter has been completed!
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